Please help, I think it should be simple but I am new to this and have been trying to figure out the problem but have not yet.

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <cctype>		//needed to use toupper, accepts a single char as its arguement and rtns the uppercase equivalent
#include "Generic.h"
#include "Savings.h"
#include "CharRange.h"	//CharRange class declaration

using namespace std;

//Function Prototypes
void displayMenu();
void deposit(Generic &);	
void deposit(Savings &);
void withdraw(Generic &);
void withdraw(Savings &);

int main()
	Generic check;					//object of Generic class created
	Savings save;					//object of Savings class created
	CharRange input ('A', 'G');		//object of CharRange class created, will check for chars A-G
	char choice;

		choice = input.getChar();		//This returns only an uppercase A-G
case 'A': 
		cout << endl;
		cout << "The current balance is $";
		cout << save.getBalance() << endl;
case 'B': 
		cout << endl;
		cout << "The current balance is $";
		cout << check.getBalance() << endl;
case 'C':
	cout << endl;
	cout << "There have been ";
	cout << setw(1);
	cout << save.getTransactions();
	cout << " transactions.\n";
case 'D':
	cout << endl;
	cout << "Interest earned for this period: $";
	cout << fixed << showpoint << setprecision(2);
	cout << save.getInterest() << endl;

case 'E': deposit(save);

case 'F': deposit(check);

case 'G': withdraw(save);

case 'H': withdraw(check);

case 'I':	
	cout << "Interest added.\n";
	cout << "Interest added.\n";
	} while(choice != 'G');
	return 0;

//************ displayMenu ***************//
//***displays user's menu on the screen***//

void displayMenu()
cout << "\n				Menu\n\n";
cout << "a) Display the Savings Account balance\n";
cout<<	"b) Display the Checkings Account balance\n";
cout << "c) Display the number of transactions\n";
cout << "d) Display the interest earned for this month\n";
cout << "e) Make a Savings Account deposit\n";
cout << "f)	Make a Checkings Account deposit\n";
cout << "g) Make a Savings Account withdrawal\n";
cout << "h) Make a Checkings Account withdrawal\n";
cout << "i) Add interest for this month\n";
cout << "j) Exit\n";
cout << "\nEnter your choice: ";


void deposit(Generic &generic)
	double dollars;
	cout << "Enter the amount of the deposit: ";
	cin >> dollars;

Prob is here i think: 
void deposit(Savings &savings)
	//double dollars;
	//cout << "Enter the amount of the deposit: ";
	//cin >> dollars;

// This function stores data input by the user	  //
// in the member of the Generic or Savings class  //
// passed to the function by reference			  //

void withdraw(Generic &generic)
	double dollars;
	cout << "Enter the amount of the withdrawl: ";
	cin >> dollars;
		cout << "ERROR: Withdrawl too large.\n\n";

prob is here i think: 
void withdraw(Savings &savings)
	//double dollars;
	//cout << "Enter the amount of the withdrawl: ";
	//cin >> dollars;
		//cout << "ERROR: Withdrawl too large.\n\n";

cpp file for "Savings

#include <iostream>
#include "Savings.h"
using namespace std;

bool Savings::withdraw(double amount)
	if (balance < amount)
		return false;			//not enough in the account
		balance -= amount;
		return true;

file for "Savings.h":

class Savings
	double balance;
	double annualIntRate;
	double monthlyIntRate;
	double interest;
	short int transactions;
	char status;
	Savings(double annirate=0.18, double mirate=0, double bal = 0.0)	//constructor
	{ balance = bal; annualIntRate=annirate; monthlyIntRate = mirate;
	interest = 0; transactions = 0;}

	void deposit(double amount)
	{balance += amount; transactions++;}

	bool withdraw(double amount);		//defined in withdraw.cpp
	void calcInt()
	{interest = balance * monthlyIntRate; monthlyIntRate=annualIntRate/12; balance += interest;
	void monthlyProc(int withdrawls, double servCharge)
		for (int count = 0; count > withdrawls; count++)
		servCharge =+ 1;
	void displayMenu();

	double getBalance()
	{return balance;

	double getInterest()
	{return interest;

	double getTransactions()
	{return transactions;

So what is the exact error message that you are getting? I can't repro because we don't have those other two header files (I assume they only have class declarations and are not part of a greater library). Your commented code seems logical at first glance.

Thank you Jonsca, I got it to work, but now working on another part of the program, I am sure I will post a question soon. Thank you!

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