49,762 Topics

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Member Avatar for peymankop

HI! i'v got a file like this: Lesson Name:Math Lesson File Name:1892.txt Student ID | Number ---------------------- 1892-----------20 i want to delete "20",only "20"! what i have to do? would you explain seekp,seekg,tellp,tellg... i looked everywhere for the but find nothing! please help... thanks so much

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Member Avatar for Prysm[VA]

So in my classes I've taken I was told by the teacher "case statements and if-else statements are the same things essentionally" so why learn both? and so I was not taught about cases. Besides the fact I should learn it anyway incase I need it for someone elses code, …

Member Avatar for mike_2000_17
Member Avatar for muneeb ahmed

2. Write a program in C to input values into a table sort these values in ascending order and print them on the screen in tabular form...

Member Avatar for PrimePackster
Member Avatar for triumphost

I'm diving into various Image reading and writing methods and writing my own. I decided to tackle TGA/Targa. I got reading working flawlessly. It reads both compressed and decompressed .TGA files. I got writing decompressed .TGA files working. However, I cannot figure out how to write Compressed .TGA files. I …

Member Avatar for triumphost
Member Avatar for anuran

i'm trying to create a splitmenu but haven't found any tutorial, i would like to know after creating a splitmenu button with createwindow function, how to populate the menu and what will be the change in switch case of callback function?

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for vikuseth

double & val = 66.6; //illegal const double & val = 66.6; //legal I was just doing some demo programs and came through the above concept but not able to identify what exactly the need of the above concept . what magic exactly const is doing in the second case …

Member Avatar for Gonbe
Member Avatar for myk45

Hello All, I was doing some multi-threaded programming using the new C++11. This thought came across my mind: Is there any problem if some shared data is accessed by multiple cores on a CPU? Even if it is just a read. Does this lead to some problem? Could anyone please …

Member Avatar for mike_2000_17
Member Avatar for amt_muk

Hello, Can you please suggest me some 3rd party C++ libraries like RogueWave SourcePro C++. Thanks in advance, Amit M.

Member Avatar for mike_2000_17
Member Avatar for Zaina jee

I have to write a program that will input a text paragraph from the user. The maximum size of the string will be 500.I have to write a program in which if user select 'R' or 'r' then user is asked to enter a word he wants to replace and …

Member Avatar for Zaina jee
Member Avatar for tapananand

I Just wanna know what happens if we try to do the following in C++: `"abc"+'d'` i.e what happens if we concatenate a character to a C-string.

Member Avatar for deceptikon
Member Avatar for Karlwakim

Hi, I've been learning c++ for a few months on a windows os. (Not using the API) And im building a new computer soon. I will install Backtrack at first, then win if I need it. My goal is to become a professional developer (I will most likely write code …

Member Avatar for Karlwakim
Member Avatar for putri MSR

## **sorting (array) c++ who user can enter numbers from output.** ## #include <iostream> using namespace std; void enternumber (int *array, int N); void bubblesort (int *array, int N, int Order); void selectionsort (int *array, int N, int Order); void insertionsort (int *array, int N, int Order); void quicksort (int …

Member Avatar for vmanes
Member Avatar for mjbor1

i have problem in convert infix to postfix some expression evaluate it correctly and other no ex: c\*(a+b) evaluate it correctly but A\*(B\*C+D)+E doesn't evaluate correctly and there is another problem in finding result my code // convert.h const char SIZE=100; class stack { public: stack(); bool isempty()const; bool isfull()const; …

Member Avatar for mjbor1
Member Avatar for vinay.negi

hey.... i want a project on computer shop........ could u can plzzz,,,,,,,,,,,......

Member Avatar for PrimePackster
Member Avatar for fize.tesfay

i need c++ code for simple linked list to implement algorith and data structure 1.create_node_and add to list 2.frst node delete 3.last node delete 4.delete node between first and last node 5. displaye the value of node in revese order 6. searching 7.exist

Member Avatar for fize.tesfay
Member Avatar for new_developer

Does any buddy tell me use of asterik in C++ ?? And also explain use of static in methods and in constructors. Actually I am search a code that dynamically creates an object of class. Anyone please help ! class BoxFactory { public: static Box *newBox(const std::string &description) //expalin this …

Member Avatar for ravenous
Member Avatar for triumphost

This may be a long post but I really need to know how to Convert between the two image formats and amonst themselves as well. Here goes: I have a struct like the one below that holds all pixel information: typedef union RGB { uint32_t Color; struct { unsigned char …

Member Avatar for Kareem Klas

Dear members I'm wondering about what would be a good book to study C++ game programming. I have a pdf of Beginning C++ game programming by Michael Dawson. Now I want to buy one, but I don't know if there is an better one than this one. Kareem Klas

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Member Avatar for tomz6

Why do some people put main(int argc, char ** argv) not main() ? What's the difference? When is it needed? Thanks in advance, Tom.

Member Avatar for ahmedhamdy
Member Avatar for owenransen

I'd like to create a video from a series of images in my MFC application. Is there an API or example source code which would get me started? I imagine I'd create an MP4 or AVI file. (A sub question: I've heard that Windows 7 includes the MP4 H.264 encode …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for kpele1

i am a computer science students and one of our project this christmas vacation is to create c++ programs and we will submit it on the 3rd of january but i dont have idea where can i find it anyone please could help me thanks...

Member Avatar for PrimePackster
Member Avatar for vishalonne

Hello I can't understand why 1st cin for Enter Name is skipped out of 3 cin statements in getData function in Teachers class other 2 cin statements are accepting input- Here is code - #include <iostream.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <conio.h> #include <string.h> class Teachers { private: char staff[20]; char post[20]; …

Member Avatar for vishalonne
Member Avatar for alessandro.panzeri.102

I need to know if there is a way with linux debugger gdb to detect if a function (any function) of a specific C++ class (represented by file Chord.cc) access a specific memory location (let's say 0xffffbc). That will help me a lot. Thanks.

Member Avatar for mike_2000_17
Member Avatar for vishalonne

Hello I am trying to pass a array of object to a member function of that class but not successfull. I gone throgh lots of article and document also follow this thread in Daniweb [Click Here](http://www.daniweb.com/software-development/cpp/threads/2771/passing-arrays-of-objects-to-functions) This thread is good to understand how to pass an array of object to …

Member Avatar for vishalonne
Member Avatar for KhubaibQaiser

Hi all! I am making a program to input a paragraph from the user and then finds/swap/delete/insert a word in that paragraph. I am stuck on the first stage. I have made a program that just returns the starting index of the searched word. But its case sensitive and i …

Member Avatar for deceptikon
Member Avatar for jason.louis.798

Does it matter what type of monitor you have if you want to get a sound input out of C++? I recently downloaded 2010 to be able to work on homework over break. We are doing a project with Beeps, and i transeferred my work to my computer. But when …

Member Avatar for deceptikon
Member Avatar for ihatehippies

I came across this project that could be really helpful.. if I was c++ literate. I know enough c++ to be dangerous and thats about it. Thanks in advance for anyone who wants to take a crack at it. ps credit to: http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/13839/How-to-Prepare-a-USB-Drive-for-Safe-Removal

Member Avatar for Gribouillis
Member Avatar for thePAkid

Write a C++ program that will display the following menu and word accordingly. A menu which contains functionality that will allow the following choices. 1. Enter the student data file name. 2. Display the average and the letter grade for each student. 3. Sort data from highest to lowest 4. …

Member Avatar for vmanes
Member Avatar for aslam.junaid786

#include "stdafx.h" #include<iostream> #include<conio.h> #include<string> using namespace std; //--------------------------------Structures--------------------------------// struct datee { int month; int days; int years; }; struct book { string bookname; string bookpublisher; string authorName; int copies; int price; int edition; datee date; }; //---------------------------Function Prototypes----------------------------// void titleheader(); void menu(); void addbook(book b[],int i); void display(book b[],int …

Member Avatar for john.w.austin.39
Member Avatar for vikuseth

Programe #1 inside file.h class File { public: static const int var = 9; }; inside main.cpp #include <iostream> #include "file.h" using namespace std; int main() { File f; cout << f.var; return 0; } Programe #2 inside file.h int Globalvar ; class File { public: static const int var …

Member Avatar for mike_2000_17

The End.