49,757 Topics

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Hi, I had previously posted many question on SSID and have been solved successfully with your help. Once again the question is related with SSID. When i have my wireless router attached to PC, i can see the router name . Is there anyway to stop broadcasting the SSID name …

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Member Avatar for haroonrulz

Dear Experts, I am developing an automation tool(C++) for which I need to write program to Click,Doubleclick on the Listview item. As you know selecting/clicking an item in Listbox is very easy, I want to know about listview. (Win32/C++).Kindly help.

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Member Avatar for happyHacker

Windows 7 64 bit. Toolhelp32ReadProcessMemory http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms686826(v=vs.85).aspx Am I wrong to assume this can be used to read ALL memory used by a process, including the memory used to store the image, PID, stack, heap, and everything? Also, what is meant by the "base address" ? This seems to work for …

Member Avatar for 111100/11000

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transposition_cipher#Columnar_transposition This is wiki site of what am trying to do #include <iostream> #include <cstring> #include <cmath> using namespace std; char GRID[3][80]; int MENU(int menu_choice); int REVIEW_OF_GRIDS_FIRST_79_CHARACTERS(int four); int main() { cout << " This is RAIL FENCE CIPHER\n" << endl; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //filing GRID with asterisks(*) char asterisk='*'; int k=-1; …

Member Avatar for Gonbe
Member Avatar for tom.scott.73113

Hello I am trying to write a multiplication table into a function but am not getting the result i want ive been looking at it for about 3 hours now and cant figure what is going on im not getting errors it runs fine but isnt givig me a neat …

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Member Avatar for azizyahia
Member Avatar for brock.holman.7

// hi-low guesser #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; const int NUMBER_OF_GUESSES = 5; int main() { string firstName; int computerGuess; int numGuesses = 5; char answer; int min; int max; cout << "please think of a number between 1 and 100, and I will try to." << endl; …

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Member Avatar for geraldmumpuku

can someone help me with a code for a cinema program in C++ using linke lists? i tried this but there just too much errors.urgent,pliz... #include<iostream> /*#include<stdio.h>*/ #include <stdlib.h> #include<string.h> using namespace std; typedef struct{ char name[30]; char booking_ID[3]; int seats; }seat; //xxxx typedef struct{ int t[20][50]; struct bloc *&suiv; …

Member Avatar for Gonbe
Member Avatar for Hayati_mahamad

#include<iostream.h> #include<fstream.h>//header file #include<string> #include<stdlib.h> void main() { fstream pasca; pasca.open("C:evaluate.dat",ios::out); fstream display; paparan.open("C:evaluate.dat",ios::in); int lecturer_code; int course_code; char gred1, gred2, gred3, gred4, gred5; float point1, point2, point3, point4, point5; float total_point1, total_point2, total_point3, total_point4, total_point5; char user; if(!pasca || !display) { cout<<"File cannot open"; exit(1); } cout<<"Enter Lecturer code …

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Member Avatar for sana.f.qureshi

AFter asking for name, it doesn't ask for other things, just gets to the end where it says "game has been developed by.." Kindly guide me what i am doing wrong. i am a beginner, trying to learn. Thank you! Here is my code: #include<iostream> #include<conio.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<stdio.h> #include<time.h> using …

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Member Avatar for vikuseth

Inside FileTwo.h #ifndef FILETWO #define FILETWO #include"FileOne.h" class FileOne ; class FileTwo { public: int Test(FileOne One){ return (One.var1+One.var2);} FileTwo(void); ~FileTwo(void); }; #endif Inside FileOne.h #ifndef FILEONE #define FILEONE #include"FileTwo.h" class FileTwo ; class FileOne { private: int var1 , var2 , var3 ; public : friend int FileTwo::Test(FileOne One); …

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Member Avatar for abed.arb

//for my final project i have to reserve a 1kb memory to write data on,then defregmant that memory to be ready to take new data and repeat this process until i say so or the memory is full.Finally clear this memory.the data types are :real<as in float>, integer<as in int> …

Member Avatar for Lucaci Andrew
Member Avatar for myk45

Hello All, I am reading the Effective C++ book by Scott Meyers. Regarding new, he mentions the following: > this additional bookkeeping data can more than double the amount > of memory needed for each dynamically allocated object (especially if the class contains no virtual functions). This is in reference …

Member Avatar for jjl.
Member Avatar for triumphost

Can C++11's Mutexes be used for Inter-Process Communication? In other words, can it be used for shared memory and signalling an event? Currently, I'm using CreateEvent and SetEvent from WINAPI and I wanted a cross-platform way of doing so without doing #ifdef windows and ifdef linux, etc.. I use CreateEvent …

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Member Avatar for t2nator

I have been programming in c++ exclusively at my university. This upcoming semester I am learning Visual Basic. Right now I am looking for a way to use my c++ code in Visual Basic, I have read that it is possible by making a shared library. But my question is …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for Doogledude123

Im incrementing a value in a while loop, but its only incrementing when my mouse is moving. Any ideas? while (isAlwaysTrue) { value += 1; } Thats basically what Im doing.

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Member Avatar for Strange&Evil

Which Are The Best Compilers For C++ and C . I Was Using Dev-C++ Till This date , I Just Upgraded From Windows 7 to 8 , Any Good Compilers ? Thank You !

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Member Avatar for Toni Rahman
Member Avatar for selcabs

2. Write a program that asks the user the size and the elements of the array. The program should display the reverse of the array. Example: INPUT output Enter the List The list 10 10 20 30 40 50 20 30 The inverse of the list 40 50 40 30 …

Member Avatar for Lucaci Andrew
Member Avatar for Chase.Dangerfield

Hey I was trying to create an Managed Dll so i could call it from C# Im using i tried using pragma comment (lib, "user32.lib") I'm Continually getting linker error with the project, even though I have linked the header file and the lib to the project. Another Clue I …

Member Avatar for happyHacker
Member Avatar for myk45

Hi all, I am reading about non-copyable objects from this source: [Link](http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/More_C%2B%2B_Idioms/Non-copyable_Mixin) I am not able to understand how making the "=" operator for the base class as private is preventing the derived class to make copies. We could just have a public "operator =" in the derived class that …

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Member Avatar for Prysm[VA]

Perhaps this question has been asked or even has a thread written about it so I apologize if it's been asked before however I can't seem to find a solid answer online. I read the article: [Written by Narue](http://www.daniweb.com/software-development/cpp/threads/90228/flushing-the-input-stream) about using getline instead of cin when obtaining input from the …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for BobFX

Hi, I'm trying to get the printer name selected by the user with the PrintDlg() dialog. I made a sample Win32 project with VS 2008, (with "Use Multi-Byte Character Set") and inserted the following code in the "About" callback part: PRINTDLG pd; BOOL rc; DEVMODE *dev; DEVNAMES *dvn; char *name; …

Member Avatar for BobFX
Member Avatar for vikuseth

Inside General.h #ifndef GENERAL #define GENERAL namespace counternamespace{ int upperbound; int lowerbound; } #endif Inside Analyzer.h #ifndef ANALYZER #define ANALYZER #include"General.h" class Analyzer { public : int var ; int func(); }; #endif Inside Test.h #ifndef TEST #define TEST #include"Analyzer.h" //Error class Test2 { public: Test2(void); public: ~Test2(void); }; #endif …

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Member Avatar for amt_muk

Hello friends, I am evaluating Database connectivity from C++. I have found OTL(Oracle, Odbc and DB2-CLI Template Library ) from googling, which seems good for that purpose. Can you please provide me some inputs / feedback about OTL (or other suitable DB handling libraries). Also please inform, from where I …

Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo
Member Avatar for RIJIN

build link error 1>------ Build started: Project: Circular_Link_List, Configuration: Debug x64 ------ 1>Build started 12/30/2012 11:36:28 AM. 1>PrepareForBuild: 1> Creating directory "C:\Users\RIJIN\documents\visual studio 2010\Projects\Circular_Link_List\x64\Debug\". 1>InitializeBuildStatus: 1> Creating "x64\Debug\Circular_Link_List.unsuccessfulbuild" because "AlwaysCreate" was specified. 1>ClCompile: 1> main.cpp 1> ListNode.cpp 1> Circular_Linklist.cpp 1> Generating Code... 1>main.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "public: …

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Member Avatar for arpitagrawal294

This is my code... i'm getting error that "Primary expression missing" in all places where i have ritn desc[i].code or desc[i].cost. May be i'm using wrong syntax for strcutures; #include<iostream> #include<conio.h> using namespace std; struct desc { int code; int cost; }; void del(int x, int count) { int i; …

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Member Avatar for mystra

Hi guys, I need some help with a particular part of a C++ DirectX game. My course has tasked me with creating a game similar in look and function to the old missile command arcade game (something like [this](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t-cD0XdyQ7s)), however I have hit a bit of a wall in terms …

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The End.