49,757 Topics

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Member Avatar for wavsyntax
Member Avatar for pac-man

I'm trying to filter the contents of a vector of type string, based upon a regular expression. NB: I'm using the boost::Regex library So far, I've got the following [CODE] boost::regex r("[A-Z][A-Z]{3}<\\/t|[A-Z]{3}<\\/t|[A-Z\\.]{3}<\\/t"); for(int i = 0; i < vStream.size(); i++){ if(boost::regex_match(vStream[i],r)) cb->Append(vStream[i]); // cb is a combobox for my GUI …

Member Avatar for pac-man
Member Avatar for apo

Hi, I'm trying to create a quick and small programs that works when you press F9, it should create files on my desktop using "ofstream" from A to Z. I can't get it to run when i put ofstream in a [B]for[/B] cycle. Here is the code to see it …

Member Avatar for niXman
Member Avatar for asas4004

develop a program that can help a person with some calculation that will allow him to decide on how much money he should spend on an expensive item. The program should request four different input data from the user (All are integers): 1- His capital 2- The annual percentage that …

Member Avatar for tkud
Member Avatar for abhaymv

I am a student in C++.We undertook a school project to develop a library information system.We are only allowed to use Turbo C++ version 3 compiler.We cannot use ANSI/ISO C++(Not in our syllabus.)The following is my problem: In my project, I have a class books.When the program is first run, …

Member Avatar for abhaymv
Member Avatar for pac-man

Hi there, I am relatively new to C++ and was hoping someone could provide me with some guidance, I have a .txt file that contains a heap of HTML and I wish to extract a small portion of [B]dynamic[/B] text from differing places. For example: [U] .txt file before filter[/U] …

Member Avatar for pac-man
Member Avatar for RobBrown

Hello i am quite stumped with a function to print the following results: Start End Number of Primes 1 1000 168 1001 2000 135 2001 3000 127 3001 4000 120 4001 5000 119 5001 6000 114 6001 7000 117 7001 8000 107 8001 9000 110 9001 10000 112 … … …

Member Avatar for Sky Diploma
Member Avatar for samsons17

Sory for asking too much about this..But I really need to solve this problem immendiately.. This is just simple,but i dont know why i cant finf whats wrong with my code.. I'm trying to display the price,sale and the to total sale in point form.. like this : TOTAL SALE …

Member Avatar for necrolin
Member Avatar for vegaseat

This shows how to create, load and access a ListBox. BCX was used to create the original code which was then modified to work with the Dev C++ (really GCC/G++) compiler, compile as a Windows Application.

Member Avatar for lashatt2
Member Avatar for samsons17

Hi.. I'm wondering how could we make a program that could determine one's age by just entering his or her identification card number.. Is there any function in c++ that we can use?? this is the sample of question... Movies in cinema has ratings to suit ones appropriate age level …

Member Avatar for ithelp
Member Avatar for drake2212

I am in desperate need of help! I am having an issue inserting the word into the correct list. Each array index is a letter of the alphabet, and the words need to be put into the correct index according to the first letter of the word. Can I get …

Member Avatar for ithelp
Member Avatar for samsons17

Hi.. This is my program for my assignment.. So far,I've succeeded in coding the program but not for the last part.. I still need to find the total sale for this program... and the result at the end suppose to be more or less like this : Total sale : …

Member Avatar for samsons17
Member Avatar for freakgamerz

Hello, I am beginner with c++ programming and I need help with this source. I tried to find a way for getPrintDetails to not print a infomation. //Course: 4002-208 //Author: Joseph Dalpra //Topic: Functions //Name: project4.cpp //Purpose: Using functions to shorten repeated code // Play the game of craps for …

Member Avatar for Clinton Portis
Member Avatar for Shinedevil

I need to have a function like this: if (x == 1){ ... } do some amazing things. I need it to check to see if x == 1 through 380 or more. But I really don't want to waste 4 hours doing this: if (x == 1 || x …

Member Avatar for Clinton Portis
Member Avatar for Instinctlol

So I need to find the highest and lowest for some numbers I am storing into struct [code=c] #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; struct WeatherStation { string StationDesignation; double Temperature; } CA, FL, NY; // EXAMPLE, I WILL ADD A LOOP FOR FL AND NY int main() { …

Member Avatar for Clinton Portis
Member Avatar for Aild

From what I've googled, it seems like symbol reference errors are linking errors.. If I am wrong, please let me know. I'm trying to make a very simple program(DataReader.cpp) that takes inputs from a text file and saves them in a form specified in Data.cpp/Data.h. But I keep getting symbol …

Member Avatar for Aild
Member Avatar for drake2212

I am having an issue inserting the word into the correct list. Whenever I place a loop that loops while the file isn't at the end I get an infinite loop. Can I get some pointers on how to fix this? Here is the text file I am using: I …

Member Avatar for SriHanuman
Member Avatar for Phillipsmc

Hello everyone, I'm new to the forum and new to C++, or any programming for that matter. I've been trying to create suite of 4 functions one of which takes a string and converts it into an integer. I'm aware of the atoi function but we are not supposed to …

Member Avatar for Phillipsmc
Member Avatar for alizee67

Hi guys! I have an assignment for my C++ programming course. The deadline is 2009/11/1 ! (I know it's too late, but plzzzz!!) I would really appreciate it if you could help me. The problem is: Write a program which calculates and prints the area and circumference of a circle …

Member Avatar for jonsca
Member Avatar for tkud

Since i am learning c++ myself and only have access to ebooks(no credit card to buy books), i ask a lot of questions so please bear with me. Take a look at the following code:[CODE] //: C04:Cppcheck.cpp // Configures .h & .cpp files to conform to style // standard. Tests …

Member Avatar for tkud
Member Avatar for razo

hello, i need ur help.. define a CLASS PERSON TYPE that does: a. set the first name only. b. set the last name only. c. store and set the middle name. d. check whether a given first name is the same as the first name of this person. e.check whether …

Member Avatar for VernonDozier
Member Avatar for efecto

Hello all, i'm new to C++. I'm struggling to run this simple program.. I created a file called source.cpp that the code below. I have no other files in the same project.. Spec: Windows vista, Visual c++ 2008 compiler, 32bits [CODE]#include <iostream.h> #include <time.h> void main() { char sdate[9]; char …

Member Avatar for jonsca
Member Avatar for razo

hello..i have homework and wish that i can find help here.. i needed on sunday to be solved.. plz help as much as u can. consider the definition of the following class: class CC { public : CC (); //line 1 CC (int); //line 2 CC(int, int); //line 3 CC(double, …

Member Avatar for razo
Member Avatar for infinisource

Hello, I am new to C++ programming but not to programming in general. I have coded in VB, Java for a number of years. But C++ is a bit trickier than I expected. I have searched and looked over several threads on here pertaining to tokenizing and char to int, …

Member Avatar for niXman
Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo

Hi all, can anyone point me to an offline MINGW installer? I want to fiddle with Eclipse CDT to see how it is doing compared to CodeBlocks. Also offline question: Does Aptana support C++ programming? It is based on eclipse and is found here [url]www.aptana.com[/url] Ahsante sana [Thanks a lot]

Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo
Member Avatar for Burnout

Hey, I'm studying c++ programming at university at the moment. We've recently moved onto arrays - which I understand mostly. I have no problem displaying information from an already set array, e.g. [CODE]int storage[5] = {1,2,3,4,5};[/CODE] However, I'm having problems when adding my own data to an array within the …

Member Avatar for restrictment
Member Avatar for godsgift2dagame

Hello Daniweb, This is my first official "help" thread. I'm currently attempting to read a file that has the following code: [CODE]8 split 1 9 1 spare 7 2 10 strike 8 2 spare 6 split 2 7 3 spare 10 strike 10 strike 10 turkey 8 1[/CODE] and have …

Member Avatar for godsgift2dagame
Member Avatar for turbeauxpete

Hello all; I'm new to this list & C++. I am looking for a windows XP compatible editor (free is best). I tried to download Borlands C++ 5.5 but unable to get the email that is supposed to come (I see others have had the same problems). I'm just trying …

Member Avatar for Dave Sinkula
Member Avatar for andrew2ec

I'm working on a project in dev-C++ #include<iostream> #include "Critter.h" #include <time.h> #include<string> using namespace std; size_t strftime(char* ptr, size_t maxsize, const char* format, const struct tm* timeptr); int main() { Critter GetOne; Critter c1; c1 = Critter(0, 1, 2, 3); time_t rawtime; struct tm * timeinfo; char buffer [80]; …

Member Avatar for edwar

any idea how to cunt a pointer, i did some thing like that but doesn't worked ( for (i = 1; i<currentNode; i++)) i've got an error ( comparison between pointer and integer). so any idae how to solve this problem.

Member Avatar for niXman

The End.