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104 Posted Topics
Re: AJones Why can't you see what people are telling you? | |
Re: It's a pretty simple algorithm. Didn't you find anything about it in your algorithm's book? You can start from here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kruskal's_algorithm | |
Re: Anyone will be glad to give you hand if you show your efforts here. If you don't really know how to work with files then I would suggest you to read you book first or go through basic tutorial like [url=http://www.cprogramming.com/tutorial/cfileio.html]File I/O in C[/url] [url=http://www.cprogramming.com/tutorial/lesson10.html]File I/O in C++[/url] | |
Re: Try to append this to your code [code] } int main() { cout<<fibonacci(/*some number*/); } [/code] | |
Re: [URL="http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0201715945/qid=1152945713/sr=2-2/ref=pd_bbs_b_2_2/002-7583998-3879210?s=books&v=glance&n=283155"]Design Patterns Explained: A New Perspective On Object-Oriented Design[/URL] by Alan Shalloway, James Trott | |
Re: [url=http://cimg.sourceforge.net/][B]C++ Template Image Processing Library.[/url][/B] | |
Re: Another useful link [url]http://sos.enix.org/en/MainPage[/url] | |
Re: [quote=~s.o.s~;258377]when you declare a char it is automatically taken as signed char [/quote] That's machine dependent. It could be signed or unsigned. | |
Re: You need to use for loops or strcpy function inside constructors. | |
Re: VC2005 is free to download and yes it's much better than VC2003. | |
Re: [COLOR=black]I totally agree to what [/COLOR][COLOR=black]Jerry Jongerius says: [/COLOR][COLOR=black][quote]Use a debugger only as last resort. Having to resort to a debugger means your programming methodologies have failed.[/COLOR][COLOR=black][/quote][/COLOR] [COLOR=black] [/COLOR] | |
Re: Get a good book like Accelerated C++ By Andrew koenig and Barbara Moo. | |
Re: I Want that beatle555 should first show some efforts before asking help in forums. Pls Help Yourself!! | |
Re: Inanna, you sound very familiar to someone. | |
Re: See this [code] #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main () { int counter=0; int largest=0; int number=0; largest=number; while ( counter < 10 ) { cin>>number; if(largest<number) largest = number; ++counter; } cout<<"Largest Number:"<<largest; return 0; }[/code] | |
Re: [url]http://www.daniweb.com/techtalkforums/announcement8-2.html[/url] | |
Re: [quote=sameer.mastek;255316] What is the ICE? Is it related to C++ and TCL communication somehow?[/quote] ICE is a Tcl compiler. The compiler translates Tcl code into C code, which can then be compiled together with a special Tcl library to produce a single executable. | |
Re: Search through this forum. You'll get number of such threads. | |
Re: [quote=n3st3d_l00p;255779]how to create from input? string folder; getline(cin, folder); mkdir(folder); ??? cannot compile![/quote] Through Command Line [code] #include <iostream> #include <direct.h> int main(int argc, char** argv) { if (argc < 2) { std::cerr << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " [new dir name]\n"; return(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (mkdir(argv[1]) == -1) { … | |
Re: [quote=isaacmacdonald;254410]If sum is declared as [B]double[/B][/quote] Why would you declare sum as double in first place? You can use long and it's variations. [quote=isaacmacdonald;254410]sum is declared as an [B]int, [/B]for the same range it reports -1270505460.[/quote] If int( or any other type) cannot accomodate the data then results are unpredictable. | |
Re: Look into [url=http://www.cplusplus.com/ref/cstdio/sscanf.html]sscanf()[/url] | |
Re: You can implement deadlock related algorithms. I think that'll be interesting. | |
Re: [quote=Ajay Raj;252911]Predict the output of the following code: #include < IOSTREAM > [/quote] After removing spaces the header will work as long as you are working on windows which has case-insensitive file system. But, with a cross-platform compiler, usually, case matters. | |
Re: Compile your code in strict mode. I guess it should be error. Anyways return value in C on x86 is generally [inlinecode]eax[/inlinecode], where the result of the last calculation often happens to be placed. Maybe that's why you are seeing this result. | |
Re: [quote=Anonymusius;253177]Try using an global variable instead of passing one[/quote] Ssshhhhh... | |
Re: Add this before switch [code]char letter; cin>>letter;[/code] |
The End.