For professional development which is the best compiler? DevC++ or Turbo c++? what is the difference between them?

Turbo C++ is an age old compiler and not used by anyone nowadays let alone be used for professional development. Also it supports many non standard functions which might just start you funny ideas about using commands like getch () and gotoxy (int x, int y) and lots more.

And Dev C++ and CodeBlocks are not compilers but Interactive Development Environments (IDE). The compiler used in both the IDE's is Mingw compiler.

Hope it helped, bye.

For professional development which is the best compiler? DevC++ or Turbo c++?

Neither, really, if you are developing professional on the job code. But if you are learning to code, Bloodshed DevC or Borland 5.5 command line is good for the beginner.

Both can create professionall programs, they just aren't used in the profession all that much. The industry for some reason prefers to spend $$$ instead of getting quality free tools.

what is the difference between them?

* Turbo C++ -- very old 16 bit compiler. Works, but so does mouldy cheese.
* Dev C++ -- up to date 32 bit compiler

And what's with the cute colors? Black on white is good enough and not hard on the eyes.

* Turbo C++ -- very old 16 bit compiler. Works, but so does mouldy cheese.
* Dev C++ -- up to date 32 bit compiler

Borland is actually bringing back their turbo products (link), but for now I guess we can still scold people for using turbo

And I don't think Dev-C++ is still being actively developed (but it's still not a bad IDE) There's always Microsoft Visual C++ Express 2005 (free) or MS Visual Studio 2005($$) which are both pretty good.

Code:Blocks is definetly better than DEV C++. Atleast it's not bloated like DEV C++.

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