49,762 Topics

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Member Avatar for Micko

Hi, sometimes I get this linker error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _WSACleanup@0 referenced in function _main and sometimes it works OK. Solution is usually to place pragma directive below include directives [code] #pragma comment(lib, "wsock32.lib") [/code] First, can someone explain in simple words what this means? Maybe it's some kind …

Member Avatar for WolfPack
Member Avatar for smallville

Hi guys/gals, Boy what an experience it has been searching and reading through these forums. I have learned so much! I was given the task of pulling information from a database and entering it into a program that would sort the names. I was able to get that step down …

Member Avatar for Dave Sinkula
Member Avatar for Asif_NSU

I wanted to explore and know about the GUI toolkits available to be used with C or C++. I heard a bit about Qt, GTK, Mingw etc, and there's MFC too. For the moment I am not quite sure which one to start with. Does a programmer need to know …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for jack223

can't find where the error occurs using debugger? any help plz~~ [code] //this program computes how much money will //accumulate after so many years of investing #include <iostream> using namespace std; float Balance = 0.0; float Interest; float YearlyCont; int NumYears; //this function computes one year of investment float newBalance(float …

Member Avatar for jack223
Member Avatar for btech

The assignment I am working on is to create a doubly linked list. This is what I have thus far. However when I compile I get 2 errors: LNK2001 unresolved external symbol and LNK1120 unresolved externals. Was hoping someone could look over my code and help me with these errors. …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for winbatch

Quick question: Normally when I have a function, I can make one or more of the 'last' arguments as defaults, for example: [code] string whatever( int a, string b="NONE" ) { //blah, blah, blah string temp= "WHATEVER"; return temp; } [/code] The benefit is that I can have one function …

Member Avatar for Lerner
Member Avatar for Decoder

Hi everyone. I am working on a project which has to change the value of a variable in the executable. Specifically, writing this program: [code]int a = -1; int b = 3; int c = a + b;[/code] I have to go into the executable and change the value of …

Member Avatar for Decoder
Member Avatar for ninja sense

My program compiles fine but I get a segmentation fault when reading in a dat file.... I had it in a loop but I thought thats what was causing the error, it doesnt even cout anything either. heres the code: [code]indata.open("lib/assign4.dat3"); cout << county[7]; indata >> county[8]; cout << county[8]; …

Member Avatar for ninja sense
Member Avatar for dav83

Hi I want to use a File->Print choise in an application with the index written in a memo. how can i print the memo field as a text ?

Member Avatar for dav83
Member Avatar for stupidenator

Hi everyone, I am having trouble with a prgram that simulates Conway's Game of Life. I cannot get the program to run past a few generations. I think I am having trouble with the countNeighbors() or the genNextGrid() functions that is causing the game not to function properly. Anyone have …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for tdizzle342

Can someone help me, I've been trying forever and still can't get it. I need to get my C++ program to print in dos enviroment. I need it to print the words "Hello" when i push something and nothing else. #include <cstdlib> #include <iostream> #include <conio.h> using namespace std; int …

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Member Avatar for mortgage-pro-se

I am really impressed with the advancement of open source software. Projects like mozilla and linux are really amazing. What programming languages do most of the open source projects use? Do you think open source projects will continue to take market share from the big guys?

Member Avatar for Rashakil Fol
Member Avatar for server_crash

I have a class Person and a Class Store. I didn't find any way to really inherit Store in class Person, so I created Class Store in a namespace called StoreClass. In the person class this doesn't work: using namespace StoreClass; it says that namespace StoreClass is undeclared. I also …

Member Avatar for server_crash
Member Avatar for JoBe

Hello ladies and gents, I was reading about how "Passing by References" for efficiency and there was a little program added wich shows what the difference is between passing by value and passing by reference is. The program is this one: [code] #include <iostream> using namespace std; class SimpleCat { …

Member Avatar for JoBe
Member Avatar for server_crash

I have the following code: [code] ostream Person::operator<<(ostream& out, const Person& p) { out << "/n*********************************" << endl; out << "Name: " << Person::getName() << endl; out << "Age: " << Person::getAge() << endl; out << "Health: " << Person::getHealthLevel() << "%" << endl; out << "Happiness: " << Person::getHappinessLevel() …

Member Avatar for prog-bman
Member Avatar for wdowell84

I've had a terrible time with this program. I don't really understand it that much, but have been working on it for about 4 hours so far. One of the problems I'm having is that it keeps saying that local function definitions are illegal. Here's the program so far. Input: …

Member Avatar for Dave Sinkula
Member Avatar for Batman007

I am trying to write a program that will demonstrate the use of functions with a structure. I know a lot of students try to get quick answers, I want to learn, but I am stuck, and could really use some help. I keep getting the following error: C2448: 'salary' …

Member Avatar for Batman007
Member Avatar for Balachandran

hi guys, i am a beginner and i need a few books which are really good and have lots of exercises.it would be better if it was fully devoted to exercises like 'Exploring C' by Yashavant Kanetkar which was excellent.All his C books are fantastic. you can finnd them at …

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Member Avatar for mb1

I need to write a program, in C++, that will read from a .dat file How do I make one? My book mentions a header line, etc. It does not go into any more detail and I can't find a description of how to do it online. Am I making …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for simon126

Please help i am getting an error message when i try to complie my program. It gives me this error rror C2664: 'output_calculations' : cannot convert parameter 1 from 'double (double,double)' to 'double' Context does not allow for disambiguation of overloaded function. I have not the slightest clue what this …

Member Avatar for Dave Sinkula
Member Avatar for kahaj

I have two things that I cannot figure out. I know I'll kick myself when I see what they should be. How do I assign the value pointed to by "sSaverPtr" to the variable "filled"? "sSaverPtr" points to a long int. And how would I then go about printing the …

Member Avatar for kahaj
Member Avatar for atrusmre

In Visual C++ is there a way to update a singal control without updating them all? If so how? (for example, I want to have a clock in my program that doesn't interfer with my trying to type other things).

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for tungngie

Hi... please help me with this qn... i really have no idea how to start off... thanks.. i have attached the pdf here... pls do help me... it will be great if you can tell how to start off... thanks thkanks

Member Avatar for kunal_ktr
Member Avatar for Coach_Nate

PLEASE HELP!!! Ok, I've been racking my brain for the past two or three days now on this question, and before you click the back button, I might add I'm not looking for the answer, I'm looking for clearification of the question... here's the question: "In a paragraph or two, …

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for server_crash

I'm finshed with teach yourself c++ in 21 days. It's been fairly good at teaching the basics, but I have two books I need to select from to read next: c++ programming language --bjarne stroustrup the c++ standard template library I just don't which to read next. Which would you …

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Member Avatar for elthran2

Hello :) I am in Computing Science 160 and need to do a C++ assignment. I need a program that reads in user input of strings (ex. PTLPPDNQL*) and stopping when a * is read. It then needs to read each letter as a value (P = pennie or 1 …

Member Avatar for mooni
Member Avatar for dav83

Hi, Can someone help me in a borland c++ code? i already have a memo field and i want to count the words, i count the blanks but i have problem when appears 2 or more blanks together and when i write to the second line.. Also can anybody tell …

Member Avatar for dav83
Member Avatar for Clinton Portis

Trying my hand at extracting user entered data from a multiline edit box... my strategy is to first, get the number of total lines from the edit box.. and the length of each line from the edit box.. and create a dynamic 2D array that is NULL terminated at the …

Member Avatar for djjkotze

Hi there people! I am trying to implement various sort methods in one program, just to practise implementing sort methods for one of my courses at varsity. However, my method works fine, the moment I use the pointer that it returned, it broke. Here is my program: [code]#include <iostream> #include …

Member Avatar for Dave Sinkula
Member Avatar for ToySoldier

I can compile my programs easily using MS C++ but I just installed Borland C++BuilderX and I cant compile... <sigh> It's ghosted out. [B]// my program #include <iostream> int main() { std::cout << "Hello World!\n"; return 0; }[/B] This is what I'm doing... 1: Execute C++BuilderX 2: Click new 3: …

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The End.