49,762 Topics

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Member Avatar for broken_recode

I simply have to overload square brackets in order for a program to work. I know the syntax for 1-dimensional array. It goes something like this: class MyArray { private: int *arr; int size; public: MyArray(int s) { size = s; arr = new int[size]; } int & MyArray operator[](int); …

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for Acidburn

hello, ok here it goes... I've got a char array but it doesnt want to let me add data to it!! I cant figure out why [php] //skip the program heres the line... int chararry[12][10] = {Jan, Feb....} [/php] but I keep getting an error saying its not been initialized... …

Member Avatar for 1o0oBhP
Member Avatar for dja

Basically this is the problem: I was using Microsoft Visual C++ on my old computer that had Windows 98 installed on it and I had no problems. Now I have a new computer with Windows XP and I am still using Microsoft Visual C++ Introductory edition. The problem is, once …

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for Geek-Master

Sorry to be such a gimmy gimmy... but I couldn't find any threads on some code that clears the screen, just like DOS's 'CLS' and Bash's 'Clear'...I need a function that does the same thing as both CLS and Clear. Thanks for reading and or helping out.

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for JoBe

Hello ladies and gents, I was making this small exercise in wich I have to enter a certain date meaning, day, month and year. If entered it should count the amount of days from the beginning of that year and print it. I found a solution for this, but was …

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for JimmyB

ok heres the deal...i keep getting errors with the system 32 file for the install saying "C:\Windows\System32\autoexec.nt the system file is not suitable for running ms-dos and microsoft windows applications" i have been to the forums at microsoft and tried their resolve and its still the same. can someone please …

Member Avatar for mikeandike22
Member Avatar for halbichmi

Hi, Can someone show me how I would use the multi-threading instead of a case statement for parsing out a file? I have a file that is currently being parsed in C#. Creating Primary keys and foreign keys and putting the data in several dat files. Then I use dts …

Member Avatar for halbichmi
Member Avatar for Diod

The Eternal Sun is an open-source MMORPG that is currently in need of developers and other people that are willing to work on the project. If you want to get into the dev team, register at sourceforge.com and mail me at [EMAIL=diod631@users.sourceforge.net]diod631@users.sourceforge.net[/EMAIL] [b][u]More details:[/u][/b] [b]URL:[/b] [url=http://eternalsun.info/]http://eternalsun.info/[/url] [b]License:[/b] GPL/GNU [b]Graphics:[/b] 3D …

Member Avatar for alc6379
Member Avatar for JoBe

Hello ladies and gents, I'm trying to reverse a string when one is entered with cin.getline, so when typing for example: testing My output should become: gnitset Ive written this piece of code and it works but, because the string has a certain length and not the whole length of …

Member Avatar for JoBe
Member Avatar for Caesar Were

Well hallo comrades, just been having problems with character strings. Wrote a program that requires typing in of information yet it wasn't possible to represent the character strings in a comfortable manner for whoever is to use the program. Also is there a possible way to make the inputing of …

Member Avatar for 1o0oBhP
Member Avatar for sa-rulz

Hi I have been given a assignment of making a "inventory control program of a book store in c++" i have done all the parts except for two 1. I have to delete a record from the file (i am using fstream and saving the file i need the piece …

Member Avatar for 1o0oBhP
Member Avatar for Nabs

Hi Anybody knows a site where i can get sample C++ problems to solve, particularly regarding structures, arrays and bisection searches? Thx

Member Avatar for harshchandra
Member Avatar for Vova

Hi All! How can I link modem to the Sound card in my PC? (in C++) that meens I want to listen a telephone line user via my sound card output! I want to forward audio signal from modem (internal PCI- COM4) to PCI sound card! with Win98SE in my …

Member Avatar for chound
Member Avatar for nico

hi all i am a beginner and i use the devc++ to compile my programs ,here is my question ,after i compile my program the window disappears without giving me a chance to view my excutable file. i did my homework and found this piece of code online ,(supposed to …

Member Avatar for Acidburn
Member Avatar for Sphyenx
Member Avatar for ahmed_design
Member Avatar for Acidburn

Hello, i'm wondering if you can delcre a varible in int main and use it in a function? eg [PHP] int main() { x = 7 cout << x<<endl; return 0; } function -- { ....blah blah } [/PHP] does something to x delcared in local scope (int main) Or …

Member Avatar for Acidburn
Member Avatar for Geek-Master

I'd like to ask if anyone knows how to randomize character variables, and if it is possible to define the possible characters it can use in the randomizing process. Any info would be excellent ^^ T#4NK$.

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Member Avatar for skeet123

I have been working on this program awhile and I am almost done with it except for trying to get the output to look like what instructor wants. Here how the output should look: [PHP]BREAKING DOWN: list = DUMP: (size = 4, first = 4, last = 3) DUMP: head …

Member Avatar for 1o0oBhP
Member Avatar for dan34633

ok, i need to write a function called merge_lists that take two call-by- reference arguments that are pointer variables that point to the heads of linked lists of values of type int. the two linked lists are assumed to be sorted so that the # at the head is the …

Member Avatar for 1o0oBhP
Member Avatar for chound
Member Avatar for 1o0oBhP
Member Avatar for Acidburn

if (a==b && a > 1 || a < 31 && b > 1 || b < 31) cout << "true"; from what i can understand I've told the compiler that if a is equal to b and a is greater than 1 or less than 31 and B is …

Member Avatar for frrossk
Member Avatar for cujo401

I have a script to read a file that has text on lines. The script is supposed to take the text and make them into space delimited and save the new text to a new file. I am able to only accomplish this with 1 line from the text file. …

Member Avatar for cujo401
Member Avatar for Acidburn

after using the search and everything, I tried to write my own little code that compares 2 strings. #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { char stringa[12]; char stringb[13]; cout << "enter the data for string a " ; cin >> stringa; cout << "enter the data for string …

Member Avatar for 1o0oBhP
Member Avatar for Mr.PinkBunny

[COLOR=Magenta] I'm using a code segment out of a book that I'm learning from. For some reason it isn't working and I haven't been able to figure out how it works. When I use the [I]srand[/I] function it says I can't convert my (short) [I]Number [/I] variable to a (void) …

Member Avatar for frrossk
Member Avatar for JoBe

Hello ladies and gents, Ive written a program wich I'm almost certain it'll work, Ive only got one problem, I need to write an if like this: int a = 0; if ( u!=x) a++; Now, u is a floating variable wich is divided before this selection by 2, 3, …

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Member Avatar for Lothia

Well as probably half the population of noob programmers out there, I have done those 2 things, quit, and stopped because of school. Well i am trying to get back in, i want to make a game like 90% of the noob programmers out there and i have tuts on …

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Member Avatar for Geek-Master

I am currently reading the SAMS Teach Yourself C++ in 24 Hours 3rd Edition. It was a nice starter for me, but I need to travel deeper into the world of C. I am not sure what book is best to buy. I'm looking for anything that teaches stuff about …

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Member Avatar for yb1pls

years ago programmers used to hand there jobs as a IBM 360 which was sent to a operators to run them. is there a program where there is only 32k in the main memory. can you give me a exaple with only 32 k of memory something lie this At …

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Member Avatar for Tom Pilk

Hi - new to all this. Trying to learn C++. How can I create an exe file in C++ that will open another file eg an excel file, when my created exe file is run?? Thanks for any help TP

Member Avatar for boldspin
Member Avatar for xelitex

I am doing a program for school that lets the user guess the number. I am to be tested for all situations which include the user pressing a "letter" on the keyboard. I believe that I have all of the other errors handled, except for if the user enters a …

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The End.