49,762 Topics

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Member Avatar for animesh

i'm having a bit of trouble as to finding out what languages sholuld i go for in making my career as a software developer , how do you compare between .net ,c++, vc++, java ,v.b , sql,oracle etc. presently i'm an under graduate and have a little knowledge of c …

Member Avatar for freesoft_2000
Member Avatar for meabed

[B]Creating a C++/Assembly Project [/B] The project we'll develop in this tutorial will consist of a main() function written in C++. It will call an assembly function named clear(). Since Visual C++ does not recognize assembly code, VC++ will have to be told what program to call to compile the …

Member Avatar for Chainsaw
Member Avatar for silicon

Hi everyone, I've recently been having a problem with my current program. I've gotten it to work so that I can enter a word in and it will check the word to see whether or not it is a palindrome by methods of stack/queue. eg. dad "Dad is a palindrome" …

Member Avatar for silicon
Member Avatar for boi86

I've been trying for hours and still haven't been able to figure out whats the problem. I've tried many variations in the functions, but still unsure. I'm trying to make a program that changes the inputted array of names first name middle name, and last name to different format (Last …

Member Avatar for Fili
Member Avatar for 3maddy3

hi all, below is a part of a car game am developing.can any one tell me how to accelerate my car while pressing a key(in this case,its'a') n also how to decelarate it? also tell me how to mov up or down while still pressing the 'a' key.i have to …

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Member Avatar for mrlucky0

My assignment is to write a program that produces a diamond when the user inputs an integer, if the integer is even it should be increased to the next odd number. if the number is 7, it should print: ___* __*** _***** ******* _***** __*** ___* (Without the underscores.) So …

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Member Avatar for liliafan

Hi all, I am not sure how to explain exactly what I am hoping to do here, but I will do my best in the hopes that someone will understand. I am writing a program that uses a cache, this cache is used with a thread that is seperate from …

Member Avatar for liliafan
Member Avatar for Asif_NSU

Guys, I need some help on programming in windows. U see I learned to program in DOS using C and C++. So I mostly used console to show output and to get input. Now as a part of my this semester's project i have to do the programming in windows. …

Member Avatar for Asif_NSU
Member Avatar for Lina0

Hi, I'm an intern at a law firm in China, and I'm writing a program to help it calculate the bills that it issues to its clients. (The lawyers there usually do it manually!) I'm a beginner in C++, so I only know how to use very basic file I/O …

Member Avatar for Chainsaw
Member Avatar for labamba

Hi there! Using the code below I am able to discover the bluetooth address of a remote host and print it on the screen. However, I would like to 'get' this bluetooth address, before printing on the screen, and store it in a text file on my PC. How am …

Member Avatar for labamba
Member Avatar for newbeginney

:?: can anyone explain to me a simple way to get the lowest input and the highest input From multiple inputs while also counting how many are below a certain value and avove a certain value I am at my witts end tryng to learn. I am a newbie at …

Member Avatar for newbeginney
Member Avatar for silicon

Hi everyone, I've been taking a class on cprogramming and have been successful up thus far. I am now learning about stacks and am having tremendous problems. I've written a program that will calculate the prime factors of numbers. The only problem is that I needed to reverse the output …

Member Avatar for Chainsaw
Member Avatar for d_paul_raj

Hai, TCHAR szFileName [] = _T("D:\\NEW Images VC++\\IDB_BITMAP.bmp"); HBITMAP hBitmap = (HBITMAP)LoadImage( NULL,szFileName, 0, 0,SS_BITMAP,0|0);//LR_DEFAULTSIZE | LR_LOADFROMFILE ); if(!hBitmap) { AfxMessageBox(_T("failed")); } m_CtrlPicture.SetBitmap(hBitmap); But LRDEFAULTSIZE and LR_LOADFROMFILE is not supporting in WinCE. Is there any option is there. with regards. Darwin

Member Avatar for linu_soft

HI ALL, I am in big trouble, i wrote a code to conver a X25 packet to TCP/IP packet, but i dont know what is going on! i tried to debug the code and got the following statements, can any one help me in this problem ? the errors i …

Member Avatar for Chainsaw
Member Avatar for meabed

I found this functions are maybe important for some people there for i wrote this code . -------------------------------------------------------------------------- This Max() function is used to find the maximum value in a list [code] #include <iostream> using namespace std; int Max(const int *Numbers, const int Count) { int Maximum = Numbers[0]; for(int …

Member Avatar for Dave Sinkula
Member Avatar for alexbadboys

Hi, I'm at the beginning of using c++ and I have a problem. I'm doing a program in c++ where the user will be able to change system time and date. There is a form in my program with 6 text boxes (one for hour, one for minutes, one for …

Member Avatar for MADHAVI

I am trying to write an application for accessing IDE CD writer programatically for reading / writing files into the CD placed in CD writer. Can you please help me out in this. I would be really helpful for me if you can please send me some sample programs for …

Member Avatar for MADHAVI
Member Avatar for g4gopal

hello The code in c/c++ is only for RAM and CPU i wanted the code for number of packet and ports. That is purely on networking. Not on CPU Load O.K. THANKS IN ADVANCE. Regards GGKRAJU

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for phish1429

Yes i know everyone hates homework help but this was a last place i could go I am writing a program that stimulates a vending machine and i have written almost all of the code its just not working correctly I am stressing out because it is due by tomorrow …

Member Avatar for Fili
Member Avatar for matika

i'm working on a project and i really want to know if c++ provides to print out colored text or not. thx

Member Avatar for Fili
Member Avatar for Blood Night

Crazy notions Time Limit: 1.0 second Memory Limit: 1 000 КБ For five days robot-loader JK546L54p has been buried under the thick layer of the Sibelian plutonium slag. The terrible strike of the atmospheric electricity has led to the depressurization of the robot’s fuel elements. Who will examine this heap …

Member Avatar for Fili
Member Avatar for Neofite

I have an interest in learning a programming language in order to write programs to manipulate a fairly large set of numbers. For instance, I would like to write a programs to sort and maniuplate in various ways different baseball statistics on all of the active players in the last …

Member Avatar for FireNet
Member Avatar for MaxC

[FONT=Verdana]Hello fellow members, it's me again with the silly questions. I was give a scenario to write a program for and I finished it (I think). Although is pretty simple (first program) I had a hard time trying to assemble it. It’s exactly as the scenario I was given ( …

Member Avatar for BinaryMayhem
Member Avatar for g4gopal

I am knew to this website so please give the guidance how to post it to the forum and also do this favour Hey there can anybody help me look for a copy or program a simulation of a Round Robin Algorithm... The program should accept the following from the …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for dooda man

I asked before for a time delay function which is like system ("pause") but depend on time instead of keys , to elaborate i want the program instead if writing " press any key to contiue " i want it to freeze for example for 2 or 3 sec then …

Member Avatar for Bleek
Member Avatar for wolfstrike

hello. thanks to all of you for taking time to answer questions. i just started learning c++ and i'm confused as to how graphics are added to a program. does c++ have graphical capabilities on it's own or does it need another program like Direct-x? the graphics i make are …

Member Avatar for FireNet
Member Avatar for SeijuroHiko

First off I'd like to say hailz to you all! I'm your newest newbie trying to get a good grasp of programming C/C++/C#. Unfortunetly, I've got a loooong ways to go. With your help, I know I can make it. My first question is rather tricky.... well... for me... :sad: …

Member Avatar for SeijuroHiko
Member Avatar for TJW

Can someone help in explaining the advantage/use of the C++ SAFEARRAY as I am not finding much useful material out there. This may be my answer to returning a large multidimensional array from a class memberfunction. That is some how converting such an array to a SAFEARRAY is probably what …

Member Avatar for FireNet
Member Avatar for kalachylde

Hi all, Someone is going to laugh at me for this one. Can you have two arguments in a switch case statement? [code]switch [COLOR=Red](choiceA, choiceB)[/COLOR] { [COLOR=Red]case 1,2:[/COLOR] cout <<"Information"; break; default: break; }[/code]

Member Avatar for FireNet
Member Avatar for MaxC

Hello guys, This code returns 2 errors and I dont understand why. [CODE] #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; char choice; void M(); void C(); void Process(); void M(){ cout <<"Multiplication\n"; } void C(){ cout << "Calculation\n"; } void Process(){ cout << "Make a choice\n" << "C or M …

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The End.