49,761 Topics

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Member Avatar for ze_viru$

i wrote it in c++,so it just giving me the matrix. #include<iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int account; do { float startBalance, endBalance, allowed, credits, charges; cout << "Enter account number: "; cin >> account; cout << "Enter beginning balance: "; cin >> credits; cout << "Enter total …

Member Avatar for meabed
Member Avatar for gerizzel

i Need 2 design a program that will be able to read the two files of an EWAY Checkpoint (toll for moterway) and customer database, that will be able to produce a statement for each customer who has non-zero balance. and includes: Headings of the statement Customer information: customer’s name, …

Member Avatar for gerizzel
Member Avatar for Lost Chyld

I'm working on a program with menus, but I don't know how to clear the screen before displaying the next menu.

Member Avatar for wildrider30
Member Avatar for mustardman

Hi there I am atempting to build a grammer checker which uses chomskys theories in sentence structure. I was wondering whether anybody had tried something similar and could offer any advice. Thanks:p

Member Avatar for meabed
Member Avatar for ssodangi

Hi everyone, I think this is a newbie question but that's exactly what I'm in C++ and programming generally. I undrsatand that tools such as pseudocode, flowcharts and hierarchy charts are planning tools that are useful in the process of identifying exactly what steps to take to solve a programming …

Member Avatar for meabed
Member Avatar for prabhu_kar
Member Avatar for prabhu_kar
Member Avatar for Caps

I'm working on an aim profiler program in C++ using VC6, and I'm trying to take the last login name for AIM from the registry and store it in a variable. I'm not that experienced with the Win32 Api, but I'm trying. Here's my code: (I took it off a …

Member Avatar for ElectroBoy

I am struggling with creating a function that is void. I can write the code inline without a function as follows : #include <iostream> #include <cmath> #include <string> #include <iomanip> using namespace std; int main() { string answer; answer = "Yes"; while ( answer[0] == 'Y' || answer[0] == 'y' …

Member Avatar for ElectroBoy
Member Avatar for FireNet

I am currently developing a Snake game with multiplayer support(Not Network based) with unlimited no of players(ok limited by the keys and RAM and processor speed but not restricted). I developed a nice concept of key maps to load all controller information into memory and handle it there.This works just …

Member Avatar for FireNet
Member Avatar for liliafan

Hi I am needing to store some data for a project I am working on, I am trying to figure out the fastest method to access the stored data, the data takes the form: keyword (std::string) - list of ints ie: yellow - 2342 2312 8478 3827 9773 4837 2893 …

Member Avatar for liliafan
Member Avatar for camelNotation

Hi.I'm posting a little part of my code here and the errors... #include <iostream.h> intintboolfalsetrue enum CHOICE { DrawRect = 1 ,GetArea,GetPerim,ChangeDimensions,Quit}; // rectangle class declaration class Rectangle --------------------Configuration: Week1inReview - Win32 Debug-------------------- Compiling... review.cpp D:\Adobe\Vc++6projects\Week1inReview\review.cpp(5) : error C2143: syntax error : missing ';' before 'enum [tag]' D:\Adobe\Vc++6projects\Week1inReview\review.cpp(5) : error …

Member Avatar for meabed
Member Avatar for BountyX

What is the windows API? -API (application programming interface) are (in this case) messages passed between a program and the Operating System. What can API do for your C/C++ coding on windows? -API can be used to make graphical programs and extend communication between your program and the operating system. …

Member Avatar for BountyX
Member Avatar for AmericanD

I have a function that does intermediate calculations to a greatest common divisor deal. and here is how its implemented iteratively (see exteuc() function) . i tried to implement it recursively too, (see exteuc2() function) . feel free to look at it and give me suggestions if i can improve …

Member Avatar for zhangshi

Hi, I have a question about the RTTI library typeinfo. I used typeinfo to qurry the type of an int as in the following, ... #include <typeinfo> .... int i; cout << typeid.name(); ... This is suppose to produce int as output but instead I got i, the name of …

Member Avatar for BlackDice
Member Avatar for bil

I have got your site of interest and useful. Iam a student and besides learning programing in class, i take time to teach myself C++ from the internet. i have this exercise in which i got stuck and wish to solicit for help, do you offer help on such? if …

Member Avatar for infamous
Member Avatar for Asif_NSU

Guys, I am a newcomer in programming. Just beginning to learn C. Now my university text book is A Book On C- by Al kelley and Ira Pohl But i heard that C primer plus-by stephen prata is also a good one. I also heard that Expert C programming and …

Member Avatar for scisoft
Member Avatar for liliafan

Hi I am trying to figure out how to do something for a program I am writing I am fairly new to C++ I have only been using it for about 3 months. Basically I want to launch a pthread which is easy enough but from within that thread I …

Member Avatar for liliafan
Member Avatar for Dark_Omen

I want to know how to get started to make a program in C++. I have read up on the material and I just don't know where to go from there. i would like the program to work on a windows platform.

Member Avatar for liliafan
Member Avatar for keir.whitlock

hi i have a win32 c program. in it there are a few buttons and i am trying to get the program to display a differnet bitmap, for each button. Now i have managed to change the bitmap with this case ID_STUFF_SMALLKEY: image = LoadBitmap(GetModuleHandle(NULL), MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDB_SMALL)); if(image == NULL) MessageBox(hwnd, …

Member Avatar for keir.whitlock
Member Avatar for abort

I need to connect C++ to a IRC Server, There are various sources around but there all big irc clients so i dont really understand it all.. Does anyone know of a tutorial for this? or could somebody give a working example, Any help would be greatly appreaciated, thanks.

Member Avatar for infamous
Member Avatar for anuhnm

Define a class to represent Circle with 3 private data member which are Radius, XP & YP. To include a complete set of the foll. funnctions ie. accessor, constructor & member to input a circle, to get the location & radius of circle, to move a circle and resize a …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for frosticex

I'm a novice programmer, I'm writing a program called GPA that reads characters and numbers from a file. The numbers from the file are the amount of credits for a course, the characters on the program represent the grade for the course. I'm supposed to find the amount of credit …

Member Avatar for frosticex
Member Avatar for keir.whitlock

Can anyone help? Does anyone know of a simple peice of code in c/c++ that will allow me to convert ASCII characters into their relevent binary code and back again? Cheers.

Member Avatar for infamous
Member Avatar for BountyX
Member Avatar for Gnome_101

I have the code(below) but I can't get the program to close data2.txt and opne it again. Is there a way to reset the starting read position? I want it read through the file for as many times as I want, without ever editing the file. [size=2]#include <fstream> #include <string> …

Member Avatar for Gnome_101
Member Avatar for jordanle

Hallo everyone . I am looking badly for an algorithm or for a c/c++ code for modem anitializing and streaming . my goal is to make a call through my modem , but talk on the phone throught the sound blasters microphone and to here through my soundblaster speakers . …

Member Avatar for Marcela

[font=Times New Roman][size=3] [code] #include <iostream.h> #include <string.h> void menu_choice(); void char_count(char[], char); char* concatenating_function(char*, char*); int main() { char continue_input; char char_to_count=0; do { menu_choice(); cout<<"Do you want to continue?\n"; cin>>continue_input; }while (continue_input == 'y' || continue_input == 'Y'); return 0; } void menu_choice (void) { char word_to_use[30]; char …

Member Avatar for BountyX
Member Avatar for BountyX

This is probally in the wrong section, but I'll ask anyways. I want to implement a program in C/C++ that validates an email by first checking for proper syntax, then validating the domain name, and finally the mailbox name. The propblem iv'e run into is, I dotn know how to …

Member Avatar for keir.whitlock

[font=Arial][size=2]Hi I am trying to write a program that will demonstrate encryption to the user. I would like to have some kind of button menu at first, then the program will show an example of each depending on what button was pressed. Any idea's? Should I go for a win32, …

Member Avatar for keir.whitlock
Member Avatar for christopher

Hi all, My knowledge of C++ is nill, and I need help. I am having a program written in C++(with MFC classes). I will get the source code when completed. My goal is to be able to brand the program to my different websites. The programmer says he is setting …

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The End.