49,762 Topics

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Member Avatar for sujskiez

I need help with this program where i need to create a book record program where the program can view, update, add and delete books. Now this is the main menu: MAIN MENU 0. Exit 1. Search for a book 2. List books of a category 3. List books in …

Member Avatar for arghasen
Member Avatar for wanu

Please, help me about bisection method in C +? Obtain the local minimize of the function f(x) = X5-5X3-20X+5 on [-3,O] and [0,3] by bisection method >> and run it in a loop help me++++

Member Avatar for arghasen
Member Avatar for slygoth

I am trying to store some values return from a function. Its returning three values that i want to use in the main function. int display() { int iter; int num[4]; if(dl!=-1) { for(iter=0 ; iter<=al ; iter++) { cout<<t[iter]<<", "; num[iter]=t[iter]; } } else cout<<"EMPTY"; return num[0]; return num[1]; …

Member Avatar for Despairy
Member Avatar for main()

Hello, I would like some help with a problem presented in this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sceTbcz_WGc The problem is titled "Extra Credit" and it is near the very end of the video. I managed to complete the first problem, but this one seems a lot harder and I'm not sure where to …

Member Avatar for Despairy
Member Avatar for jamd200

Someone asked me to code a program that translates French-language PDF files to English, and I thought that maybe I could convert the PDF files to Word documents or some other text document with a program I coded in C++, and then translate the text using Python's xgoogle library. Is …

Member Avatar for zarfishan
Member Avatar for daino

I'm tryhing to configure, then build f**ontconfig version -2.10.1** on **Windows XP**. My compiler is **MinGW 4.4.1.** Initially I try to configure this using MSYS and I get an error telling me I'm missing **intl.dll** . I eneded up downloading this then runing the **./configure** command again and I get …

Member Avatar for daino
Member Avatar for daniel.moore.5099940

okay so i have this program that is basically like moving the sides to a 2 dimensional rubiks cube. for example 111 222 333 is a 3X3 two dimensional array and when coordinate (0, 1, 2 being 1, 2, 3) 1, 1 (meaning in our number system as 2, 2) …

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Member Avatar for sean.walker.3785

I am making a maze that consists of 48 nodes and the user needs to start in A1 and make there way to H6. The maze is created by reading a file, each line in the file looks something like A1 A2 B1 - - - where A1 is the …

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Member Avatar for pjh-10

trying to do a 2D array of a square sorta shape, and want to display it in the format 1-12 in the order 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 im an absolute novice if you cant tell, just wondering how i go about this.trying …

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Member Avatar for TexasJr

I'm writing a program for my class that is due tomorrow. I thought I was done, but as I starting using it to get an output file, I ran into a problem, and I can't get past it. I have also gone over my code to see if I made …

Member Avatar for TexasJr
Member Avatar for Growl

Hi, friends! I got a serious problems... Tomorrow I need to send this assignment to my professor. I tried a lot of hours but still no useful results.. :( You guys are my last hope :(! > There is an integer n. > Find numbers that: > *can be expressed …

Member Avatar for NathanOliver
Member Avatar for leecheneler

you can delete my request but not the thread i want deleted which makes less sense than the request thread. Please delete it

Member Avatar for deceptikon
Member Avatar for yamna1

I need help in my home work urgent. Write a program in C++ which asks user to enter two binary numbers. Store these two numbers in two different stack variables (objects) bit by bit and calculate its sum and store it in another stack variable and display its sum. Solution …

Member Avatar for yamna1
Member Avatar for sanghai45

I am trying to implement program in modular way or you can say that OOPS way .. This is begining so wish to get help to implement it My problem is I can think of modules but then I am not able to convert it in to coding Firstly I …

Member Avatar for Tinnin

Hi all. I'm starting to learn a bit about template functions and I have a question regarding declaration in a header file. My code is as follows (from "Accelerated C++, chapter 8"): #include "Split_Template_func.h" #include <iostream> #include <iterator> using std::cout; using std::cin; using std::string; using std::getline; using std::ostream_iterator; int main() …

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Member Avatar for az-mi51

I have to make a multiplication table. The program works correctly but I need to put the numbers multiplied in the array also. EX. x 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 0 1 answers 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 …

Member Avatar for faroukmuhammad
Member Avatar for slappy5star

I am having problems comparing the arrays in the following code. I commented where I "think" the problem is. Any help would be appreciated. #include <iostream> #include <conio.h> #include <cctype> using namespace std; const int NUM_QUESTIONS = 20; class TestGrader { private: char correctAnswers[NUM_QUESTIONS]; char studentAnswers[NUM_QUESTIONS]; public: void setKey (); …

Member Avatar for Daniel BE
Member Avatar for ikra61893

ok so for this program i have to make a main program that calls four different functions. the introduction function doesn't return anything and it only prints what the program will do. the second function aretheyvalid receives three integers that represent three test scores. the third function is the one …

Member Avatar for ikra61893
Member Avatar for Transcendent

I'm trying to install GCC 4.7.2 for windows and linux but I can't seem to do. Anybody know how I can do that. I have eclipse Juno

Member Avatar for mike_2000_17
Member Avatar for TexasJr

I'm writing a program for my C++ class, this is a short clip of it: for(customer = 1; customer <= 5; customer++) { customer_Num[customer][2] = rand() % 999 + 1; // Receipt number cout << "Customer Name:" << endl; getline(cin,customer_Non[customer][1]); cout << "Customer's address:" << endl; getline(cin,customer_Non[customer][2]); cout << "Customer's …

Member Avatar for TexasJr
Member Avatar for willygstyle

Ok so I have my .dll working correctly however I can't get my hook to load properly. When I use GetLastError() to figure out what went wrong I get error code 1428. ERROR_HOOK_NEEDS_HMOD 1428 (0x594) Cannot set nonlocal hook without a module handle. I've seen a ton of examples that …

Member Avatar for tim van asselt

I have a program that does multiple database connections to multiple database servers. Language is C++. I use CDatabase OpenEx ( "DSN=DSNName;UID=SQLUserName;PWD=SQLUserPasswoard;Trusted_Connection=No", CDatabase::noOdbcDialog ); Updating the program to windows 7. Running on a Win 7 x64 box. Use C:\Windows\SysWOW64\odbcad32.exe to configure DSN. There are two DSNs - primary and secondary. …

Member Avatar for az-mi51

I am trying to multiply two single arrays and printing out a 2D array...basically I'm making a multiplication table. I keep getting SEGMENTATION FAULT error. Any suggestions? #include <stdio.h> #define COLUMN_SIZE 12 #define ROW_SIZE 12 #define SIZE 12 int main (void) { int i, j, k; int column[COLUMN_SIZE] = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12}; …

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Member Avatar for Carc369

Basically this function is supposed to accept a user inputted string, and the amount it is supposed to be transposed by 'x' amount (between 0-25). The idea behind transposition is that if the user enters "abc" for the string and then wants to transpose it by 1. The new string …

Member Avatar for Carc369
Member Avatar for Starship12

I need no make a program with stacks. Due tomorrow! But I suck at structs, so I spent 3 days trying to make the program and still have it not done yet :( I need your help!!!! I need to put 10 int numbers into the stack in an increasing …

Member Avatar for NathanOliver
Member Avatar for Ahmad1797

Hi, i'm willing to print a pyramid but it's not working quite good my programme is followings: Anyone please help me..:) NOTE:"REMEMBER, you can't use extra things in this programme except bool variables and if, if else statements as they are prohibited and that's the MAIN task" #include<iostream> using namespace …

Member Avatar for Gonbe
Member Avatar for Gsterminator

So here is my problem. My program's goal is to to find the shortest path for a maze in a text file. User inputs a string and then the string goes through a function that reads the file into a 2d array. My problem is that I'm seperating the sources …

Member Avatar for Lucaci Andrew
Member Avatar for pennywise134

I am working on an assignment for my C++ course, and could really use some help with the following problem: **Instructions: 1. In this assignment we are going to write an object oriented program to calculate provincial tax, federal tax and net income. Your objective is to design a class …

Member Avatar for starpro57
Member Avatar for Asif_NSU

[QUOTE=Dave Sinkula]You may want to investigate makefiles. Then you can use your favorite editor and still write modular code the correct way.[/QUOTE] I just had a glance at how to write makefiles. Looks messy(will look into that later). So opened Dev C++ instead, and tried to work with projects for …

Member Avatar for Musa_Jutt
Member Avatar for Ubunterooster

The code I wrote is supposed to show the billing amount. It compiles fine and gives no runtime errors but fails to provide any output and gives the "Improper selection. Please Choose R or P" error regardless of what letter is typed. //switch statements //The program compiles fine and does …

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The End.