49,762 Topics

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Member Avatar for rahman_5

Like: if i Can saw what is Happening inside of my code i will understand what type of method i'm actually using ..Like: binary search or stack or Dynamic programming or using special type of algorithm which already developed by someone? Did you guys know ..how i can solve this …

Member Avatar for zevgriner
Member Avatar for mnyirenda

I have trouble answering the following question. please help with codes for my practice sake. QUESTION: The table below shows the average rainfall and temperature during a rain season stored in a text file called Weather.txt Month Temperature Rainfall Chingola 23 27 Kitwe 24 27 Ndola 23 26 Kabwe 24 …

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Member Avatar for misstj555

Hello. I am trying to write a program that solves the "quadratic equation" when given variables "A", "B" and "C" and find the number of zero's. One code is the definition, the next is the implementation and the last code it just the test file. I need help running the …

Member Avatar for misstj555
Member Avatar for misstj555

Hello. I have to write a code that models a bank account using "C++". It must complete the following functions: (1) Make a withdrawal and deposit (2) change account owner (3) find balance on account (4) create new account However, I can not write all my code in one file …

Member Avatar for Sappie

Hi, I'm learning C and I was trying to print this program using if-else statement: void main() { char* opinions; printf("What do you think of me?"); scanf("%s",&opinions); if (opinions="Ugly") { printf("Huh, I'm way more beautiful than your heart"); } else if (opinions="Blacksheep") { printf("Sometimes Blacksheeps end up shining the most!"); …

Member Avatar for iJimJones
Member Avatar for divine_mulengas
Member Avatar for Janependang

Can you help me? *********************** A baggage counter charges $o.50 mimimum fee to deppsit a bag for up to 3 hours and an additional $0.25 for each hour or part thereof over 3 hours. Assume that no bags are deposited for longer than 6 hours time. Write a program that …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for misstj555

Hello. I am taking a "Data Structures" class. I have to create a code that will print the following "Output": 8 6 4 2 0 6 4 2 0 4 2 0 2 0 0 I tried doing this code three different ways. Here is the first way. I did …

Member Avatar for misstj555
Member Avatar for k_12

Hi im new to programming and i need a bot that autofills a website because i constantly advertise a website on different websites and i basically copy and paste repeatedly for like 5 to 8 hours a day but my friend said i might be able to make a bot …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Sappie

HI, I'm just new to c (programming in general), and I am wondering why getche() echoes every character that I type but not 'Enter' key. Isn't 'Enter' key a character? And also, why does getchar() **-which requires to press enter after typing a character-** echo the 'Enter' along with the …

Member Avatar for DGPickett
Member Avatar for MosaicFuneral

Haven't programmed in a long time. Last project was a GCODE pathway generator I wrote several years back. My compiler is obviously several years out of date. Uses time(), itoa(), rand(). Current standard compliant compilers should have <chrono>, <thread>, <random>, and to_string() in suppliment to those more deprecated functions. This …

Member Avatar for DGPickett
Member Avatar for MoneshP5

hey i have been given a project need help in coding it **Project Problem:** A company wants you to create a program to manage records and do analysis regarding projects. The company stores all information in a file as follows: ï‚· The PROJECT file contains project characteristics such as the …

Member Avatar for MosaicFuneral
Member Avatar for Prakhar_2

Hey I'm trying to make a sudoku solver. Im stuck at printing the sudoku elements using outtextxy. My command line is : for(i=0;i<w;i++) { for(j=0;j<w;j++) { if(A[i][j]==0) outtextxy(25+40*j,55+10*i," "); else outtextxy(25+40*j,65+10*i,A[i][j]); // outtextxy(25+40*j,55+40*i,"1"); } } where A[][]is the array in which sudoku is stored and the blanks are inputed as …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Mahi_6

I need an answer for this question ( write 2 program that takes grade as input and display the range of marks use the select case and if() A. 90 to 100 B+ 80 to 89 B. 70 to 79 C 60 to 69 D 50 to 50 F. F

Member Avatar for John_165
Member Avatar for Mian_7

#include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> class Saltax { float x,t; public: Saltax() { t=x=0; } void get(); void perform(); }; void Saltax::get() { cout<<"Enter the salary:"; cin>>x; return x; } void Saltax::perform() { if(x<=1000) t=0; else if(x>1000&&x<=2000) { t=x*5/100; } else if(x>2000&&x<=3000) { t=(x*4/100); } else t=(x*3/100); return t; } void main() { …

Member Avatar for John_165
Member Avatar for rigz

Can anyone help me with this: I made a program where the user will choose a product from a menu and i want after the products that the user chosen will be output also below where there is like a "receipt-like" or a summary of what the user bought. I …

Member Avatar for Sunny_17
Member Avatar for shroudead

I have an assignment to create a card game that compares to dealt cards between players to see who has the highest valued card. It must first be determined by the cards value, then only if it is tied, the suits value. The code below is what I have so …

Member Avatar for nimeshghelani

hello, i recently joined the USACO's training gateway [url]http://ace.delos.com/usacogate[/url] I made the first problem([URL="http://ace.delos.com/usacoprob2?a=n4y3olVXOJ9&S=ride"]http://ace.delos.com/usacoprob2?a=n4y3olVXOJ9&S=ride[/URL]) and it ran successfully in my dev-cpp compiler. but the online grader threw some runtime error. it was like [COLOR="Red"]Compiling... Compile: OK Executing... > Run 1: Execution error: Your program (`ride') exited with signal #6 (abort()). …

Member Avatar for STEAMForward
Member Avatar for Dawit_4

The reverse program shown in the slides of chapter 13-1 (also present in the book) reads from a file/command line using system calls and outputs the lines in reverse order on the terminal. The last line is swapped with the first line , the second last is swaped with the …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Joseph_44

How can I write a C++ program that lists all students whose CUMMULATIVE SCORE is K or higher?

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Member Avatar for Marco_10

I have a 2D array of characters (m x n) and i am trying to find all possible pattern that have a fixed length (example 5 characters) I have no clue how to start this if anyone could point me in the right direction that would be great!

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for Mostafa_19

#include "StdAfx.h" #include "CanonCamera.h" int CanonCamera::numOfCameras = 0; CanonCamera::CanonCamera(void) { liveView = false; camID = numOfCameras; numOfCameras++; windowName = "Camera "; windowName += '1' + camID; windowName += " Window"; EdsCameraListRef cameraList = NULL; EdsGetCameraList(&cameraList); EdsUInt32 camCount = 0; EdsGetChildCount(cameraList, &camCount); if(camCount==0) { std::cout<<"No Camera Found"<<". Press Any Key to …

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Member Avatar for abdallah mohamad

hello everybody who can help with this task Now I will talk little about monoalpahapit cipher This is cipher is based on substitution the characters with another characters So in the encrypt.java file it counts how many the characters appeared in the cipher text , so in the picture that …

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Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for anis_1

Hi i'm Anis. I want to ask how i can attach image from database in FPDF?

Member Avatar for Retrojay17

Using loops, write a C# program that asks the user to enter repeatedly an integer number, it stops when the user enters -1, then the program should display how many numbers were entered, their the sum and their average.

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for A'mirul

Hi guys, I need help in doing what this code do but in Linux. Basically its a code to create keystroke about 5 seconds after the code is running. Below are the code in c++. Thanks on advance. int main() { // This structure will be used to create the …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Rushabh Verma

Hi I have XML something like this : <component AttributeA="1"> <Node1 AttributeB="AAAA" Name="John" /> </component> in powershell I can load and read through xml like this : [xml] $xmlDocument = Get-Content (#path to xml file) Write-Host $xmlDocument.componet.AttributeA Write-HOst $xmlDocument.componet.Node1.AttributeB Write-HOst $xmlDocument.componet.Node1.Name that gives me the fallow output : 1 AAAA …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for Rushabh Verma

Hi I have XML something like this : <component AttributeA="1"> <Node1 AttributeB="AAAA" Name="John" /> </component> in powershell I can load and read through xml like this : [xml] $xmlDocument = Get-Content (#path to xml file) Write-Host $xmlDocument.componet.AttributeA Write-HOst $xmlDocument.componet.Node1.AttributeB Write-HOst $xmlDocument.componet.Node1.Name that gives me the fallow output : 1 AAAA …

Member Avatar for amvx86

Hey everyone, I'm looking to add a block / function within a C++ application that will search for open windows. For instance, wordpad and notepad. If either are open perform an action. I'm doing this within win32 API but my question is this. If I create something as such, this …

Member Avatar for rproffitt

The End.