49,757 Topics

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Member Avatar for Dasttann777

I am writing a program in which you can ask a question, and then if the phrase is jknown to the computer, it will ouput an answer, but I was wondering is there a faster way to the way I am doing it, because at the moment i am just …

Member Avatar for m4ster_r0shi
Member Avatar for whileiforelse

Hi all, I've just started learning C++. Basically I wish to try out some basic C++ codes and operations in Codeblocks. I created a project under which I intend to put all the C++ programs in. The default ''Hello world'' program runs fine- but whenever I try to run the …

Member Avatar for whileiforelse
Member Avatar for Onlineshade

I can not find the problem of this code....... I am now using Dev C++ editor for coding. #include<iostraem.h> #include<conio.h> #include<stdio.h> using namespace std; int main(){ int k=1; int m=0; int p=5; //int arry[]; int v=0; int i=0,j=0; cin>>i; cin>>j; for(int n=i;n<=j;n++,v++){ m=n; while(n>1){ if(n%2!=0){ n=3*n+1; } else n=n/2; k++; …

Member Avatar for mustaffa hasan
Member Avatar for arushi.05

any one knows how to write this program:- given two arrays A and B . array 'A' contains all the elements of 'B' but one more element extra. write a c++ function which accepts array 'A' and 'B' and its size as arguments/parameters and find out the extra element in …

Member Avatar for Despairy
Member Avatar for Humayoon Khan

i know how to read a file into array, however i want to perform some search operations which is difficult to do on array. if someway i am able to read a file to string then it becomes easier. i have 2 methods of reading a file into wstring but …

Member Avatar for Humayoon Khan
Member Avatar for Humayoon Khan

here is the code, that reads a file. Currently i am able to print contents of the file but i want to edit its contents. how can i do this? #include<iostream> #include<fstream> using namespace std; void main() { wfstream file; file.open("hello.exe",ios::binary | ios::in); if (!file) { cout<<"ERROR"<<endl; exit(0); } wcout<<file.rdbuf(); …

Member Avatar for Humayoon Khan
Member Avatar for lewashby

#include <Stdafx.h> #include <iostream> #include <stdlib.h> #include <time.h> #include <math.h> using namespace std; int rand_0toN1(int n); int hits[10]; int main() { int n; int i; int r; srand( static_cast<unsigned int>(time(NULL))); // set seed for random numbers cout<< "Enter number of trials to run "; cout<< "and press ENTER: "; cin>> …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for dorinpaunescu

Hi all ! I tried a lot of time to find something useful to get disk and network usage (separately) for a Windows process. Actualy I make use of [Windows Performance Counters](http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/aa373083(v=vs.85).aspx) but it can't provide separated statistics, it provide me all IO activity. A disadvantage in Performance Counters are …

Member Avatar for Sendy Hipo

i read c++ ebook, then i make a code to open a file using fstream and use ios::in flag here's the code : #include <iostream> #include <fstream> using namespace std; bool openFileIn(fstream&, string); int main() { fstream dataFile; if(openFileIn(dataFile, "sendy.txt")) { cout<<"succes"; } else cout<<"fail"; return 0; } bool openFileIn(fstream …

Member Avatar for Sendy Hipo
Member Avatar for Avenger_123

Can anyone please help me that how this program works?? i have got this Program on internet and i want it to run..... #include <cstdlib> double** gauss(double **matrix, int dimension) { double **inverse; inverse = (double**) malloc(dimension * sizeof (double *)); for (int i = 0; i < dimension; i++) …

Member Avatar for mike_2000_17
Member Avatar for SixtyFourBitFox

**Before you start complaining that this has been asked before, please hear me out** Hello, I've been trying to write an simple application for windows that can send and recieve packetts over a network. I'm hoping to find some simple library that can simply open the port, and send a …

Member Avatar for SixtyFourBitFox
Member Avatar for Sendy Hipo

Hi! i have problems with input validation, so here goes the problem : Write a program that uses a structure to store the following data about a customer account: Name Address City, State, and ZIP Telephone Number Account Balance Date of Last Payment VideoNote Solving the Weather Statistics Problem Review …

Member Avatar for Sendy Hipo
Member Avatar for VernonDozier

I have an abstract class. I'm creating a large array in the base class, which appears to never be deleted because no destructor is called. My questions (obviously) are... * Why isn't a destructor called? * How do I fix it? #include <iostream> using namespace std; class A { protected: …

Member Avatar for mitrmkar
Member Avatar for vicsong93

#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <malloc.h> struct account { char AccName[20]; int Age; double AccBalance; struct account *Next; }; typedef struct account BankAcc; void init( struct Account **headOfList ); void insert(struct account **headOfList, char *name, int age, double balance); int Delete(struct account **headOfList, char *name ); void print(struct …

Member Avatar for vicsong93
Member Avatar for Dann0

I'm doing a class project, creating a text based game, separate compilation must be used. The descriptions for each room must be kept in it's own class. Here is an example of what I have: Room.h #ifndef ROOM_H #define ROOM_H #include<iostream> #include<string> using namespace std; class Room{ public: ///set the …

Member Avatar for Dann0
Member Avatar for cresenia1988

Sorry, this might be abit of a rush and sudden. I have to finish this program in 3 hours time. I would appreciate if there's any kind soul willing to help me with the code. Thank you. Output of the program should be like this. Top popular 12 words 1 …

Member Avatar for lewashby

#include <Stdafx.h> #include <iostream> #include <stdlib.h> #include <time.h> #include <math.h> using namespace std; int rand_0toN1(int n); int hits[10]; int main() { int n; int i; int r; srand(time(NULL)); // set seed for random numbers cout<< "Enter number of trials to run "; cout<< "and press ENTER: "; cin>> n; // …

Member Avatar for Sky Diploma
Member Avatar for 9tontruck

Hi guys, I need to parse JSON data from an HTTPS protocol so I downloaded and integrated libcurl into my VS2010. Everything works fine and sample codes work fine when I use "http" protocol. However, a CURL error keeps coming out when I try to read from "https" protocol.... The …

Member Avatar for 9tontruck
Member Avatar for stephanieirene

C++ Programming The file attached contains the instructions. This is what I have done so far. It outputs the contacts from the file. I need help by tonight. Please Help!!!! I have all the tokens on the vector token. I want to create a Contact with those tokens Ex: Contact …

Member Avatar for Lucaci Andrew
Member Avatar for mrexp21

Hi , Help me to convert flowchart to pseudocode . Thanks Flowchart in PDF : http://www.4shared.com/office/FgnhUYgw/Project_Full_Flowchart.html

Member Avatar for deceptikon
Member Avatar for 330xi

Hi! I'm working with word through my c++ application. And I want to read some documentation about available opportunities. I see some piece of code of some paticular situations (to add a picture, to add text, to save file, to fill table) in forums, but I want to observe all …

Member Avatar for 330xi
Member Avatar for NunsBeachSurfer

Hi all, I am attempting to assign values to a multidimensional array but am having difficulty. This isn't the exact code that I'm using, but the idea is this: for(int T=0; T<5; T++) { array[T][3][4] ={{4,2,6,4},{5,2,5,3},{6,3,1,5}} } For all T from T=0 to T=4, assign the same values shown above. …

Member Avatar for mike_2000_17
Member Avatar for ollie60

Hi Recently I had the following error occur when the CImg destructor is called, 0xC0000005: Access violation. It occurs at the end of the function unwrapFilteredImage when the destructor is called and I have traced it to the point where inImage is being destructed. The first thing that is destructed …

Member Avatar for ollie60
Member Avatar for Zvjezdan23

#include <iostream> #include <string> #include <cmath> #include <math.h> #include <algorithm> #include <cstdlib> using namespace std; int main() { string names[10]; int score[10]; for(int scores = 0; scores < 10; scores++) { cout << "What is your score? "; cin >> score[scores]; cout << endl; } int swapHolder = -1; int …

Member Avatar for deceptikon
Member Avatar for koolzed

a simple c++ program for an adress book that adds contact, stores the contacts and searches for the contact... it should have only one class called class addy_book..i called a constructor and am stuck coz i don't know where to go from here #include <iostream> #include <fstream> using namespace std; …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for iraj.jelo

i have a Qt code writed in C++ . i want translate it to python code, but i have a problem in 4 code line: all code is: void TableView::print(QPainter* painter, const QRect& area) { const int rows = model()->rowCount(); const int cols = model()->columnCount(); // calculate the total width/height …

Member Avatar for HiHe
Member Avatar for Lucaci Andrew

Have some problems with the qt destructor. I'm working on QtCreator: here's the class: the .cpp #include "controller.h" Controller::Controller() { } Controller::Controller(MovieRepo *movrep, MovieValidator *movval){ this->movrep=movrep; this->movval=movval; } void Controller::addMov(int id, string title, string desc, string type)throw(ValidatorException){ Movie* mov=new Movie(id, title, desc, type); movval->validate(*mov); movrep->store(*mov); } const Movie* Controller::getById(int id){ …

Member Avatar for Lucaci Andrew
Member Avatar for NunsBeachSurfer

Hi, I'm working on some coding and ran into the problem that my multidimensional arrays are too large for my RAM. After reading a lot of articles, I figure that what I need to do is dynamically allocate the size of the array? The array that I need to do …

Member Avatar for NunsBeachSurfer
Member Avatar for triumphost

I'm trying to have my function return an OPENFILENAME struct. Problem: It returns it fine and everything except that I cannot print the filetitle :S At the moment, it prints the path of the file perfectly fine but when it comes to printing the file title via cout, it prints …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for twsmale

So I'm writing a program to mimic the "find" command in linux. I have everything taken care of, but I cannot figure out how to format the string from ctime, mtime and atime. I know the arguments are struct time_t, but I can't find to convert it to a formatable …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon

The End.