49,756 Topics

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Member Avatar for jackbauer24

So my son has learnt Java and has come to a decision point. First, the flashback,:- May, 2011--Back when he was 10 years old and didn't know Java, he gave C++ a try. He understood loops and variables. But when he reached the page teaching functions, he didn't understand a …

Member Avatar for Rashakil Fol
Member Avatar for evilguyme

hey just wondering how i can make a countdown timer in a windows forms app or just how to display an updating value onto the form. wanted to make a countdown for number of seconds the user inputs. thnx.

Member Avatar for pointin
Member Avatar for yoni0505

I'm trying to make a program that read the timer value from Minesweeper. (OS is windows 7 64bit) Using cheat engine I found the base address of the variable, but it changes every time I run Minesweeper. What do I need to do to find out the base address automatically? …

Member Avatar for BobS0327
Member Avatar for Pipinit

I have had some difficulty figuring out this one a bit. I think I have the last bit figured out (printing out to the screen). However, everything else has been causing problems for me. I am not sure, so any input from anyone would be greatly appreciated! This is what …

Member Avatar for Pipinit
Member Avatar for ZaaZ

First off i'd like to say that this account was created because my real account "SillyNoob" has completely locked up. Make new thread "Sorry, you can't do that", new PM "Sorry you can't do that", post on my own thread and there's no reply button. There's no PM in my …

Member Avatar for ZaaZ
Member Avatar for shamsu50

hello, i get a error in my design form: at EnvDTE.CodeFunction.GetStartPoint(vsCMPart Part) at Microsoft.VisualC.CppCodeParser.OnMethodPopulateStatements(Object sender, EventArgs e) at System.CodeDom.CodeMemberMethod.get_Statements() at System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization.TypeCodeDomSerializer.Deserialize(IDesignerSerializationManager manager, CodeTypeDeclaration declaration) at System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization.CodeDomDesignerLoader.PerformLoad(IDesignerSerializationManager manager) at Microsoft.VisualStudio.Design.Serialization.CodeDom.VSCodeDomDesignerLoader.PerformLoad(IDesignerSerializationManager serializationManager) at System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization.BasicDesignerLoader.BeginLoad(IDesignerLoaderHost host) error list say this: Warning 1 Catastrophic failure (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8000FFFF (E_UNEXPECTED)) 0 if i ignore …

Member Avatar for johnwhi
Member Avatar for greatman05

Hello. I need to create a program to manipulate polynomials. It contains basic evaluation, addition, subtraction and multiplication of polynomials. Right now, I'm working on overloading the '+' operator to add two polynomials. While the function adds the two polynomials together correctly, when it goes to output through the overloaded …

Member Avatar for greatman05
Member Avatar for Hydrokr0n1k

ok Ihave developed some code that i am having trouble with how I would I call teh text in the last functions to come into it the part labled 10 and then finally how would I incorperate the 3 parts to work on the first part of the function. the …

Member Avatar for thines01
Member Avatar for LateNightCoder

Basically i have made a binary class that inherits from a matrix class. and aparantly when i make the binary image the deconstructor doesn't work properly. the program runs, reads in the files and makes the binary matrix. However when the binary deconstructor and matrix deconstructors are called, the program …

Member Avatar for LateNightCoder
Member Avatar for CodeNinjaMike

So, basically im using the codea bove to generate coordinates for a grid, but I only want to generate coordinates for the "outer ring" of a square. SO imagine a grid of 7x7, I won't generate coordinates for the inner 5x5 square, only for the outer ring. Basically I drew …

Member Avatar for Hydrokr0n1k

OK I have made everything but the last loops needed to complete the project below how would I design the last triangle? // INCLUDE FILES #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int no_lines, // height of triangle. width; // width of rectangle. short choice; // ADDITIONAL VARIABLES // …

Member Avatar for ObjectOriented
Member Avatar for pattilupwned

Hello, I am writing code that mimics the game Mastermind. The computer randomly comes up with a code based on the "colors" RGBOY. The user has ten guesses to guess what the code is. Right now my code displays the secret code at the beginning just so I can test …

Member Avatar for histrungalot
Member Avatar for saneeha.nust

I am defining the below function in order to calculate combinations .... it works fine on borland... but when i run it on vc++ 6.0, it generates the error "error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: void __thiscall bruteFrce::generate_combination(int)" (?generate_combination@bruteFrce@@QAEXH@Z) Debug/AlgoProject.exe : fatal error LNK1120: 1 unresolved externals Error executing link.exe." …

Member Avatar for histrungalot
Member Avatar for boiishuvo

That is a little homework for myself. I was trying to make a simple program that you entry your name (acts as a password) and if it's on the list then you may access, otherwise (aka else) you're not allowed to access. The problem is I can't put more than …

Member Avatar for zeroliken
Member Avatar for sendo63

Hi there guys, I have homework to do a program given as input a document read from a text file will similatae MS words word count tool to create the following statistic: number of word: 45 number of line: 30 number of white space character: 73 number of non white …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for Labdabeta

I am trying to understand how sockets work with winsock, but I just don't get it. I basically want to be able to create these functions: SomeDataType ConnectToComputer(const char *ConnectionName);//connect to the connection named ConnectionName SomeDataType CreateConnection(const char *ConnectionName);//create a connection called ConnectionName bool ReadData(SomeDataType, unsigned char *outdata, int outsize);//read …

Member Avatar for Labdabeta
Member Avatar for SCass2010

Hi everyone, Was wondering if anyone could help... I know the std::map automatically sorts it values - I have a map a Date object pointer, and a bool for whether it is to be used or not. But I need the dates to be in order from earliest to latest …

Member Avatar for ravenous
Member Avatar for pattilupwned

Hello! I am writing a program that mimics the game Mastermind. However, I am having trouble getting past the first step. We are using letters as the "colors", a string containing "RGBYO". Each time it goes through trying to get the initial "secret code", it needs to get rid of …

Member Avatar for pattilupwned
Member Avatar for while(!success)

Hey guys, I've been messing around trying to learn binary trees and have created a simple program to get the month and number of days in a month to be inserted into the tree then displayed. I am getting a successful build, however, when it launches the terminal window the …

Member Avatar for while(!success)
Member Avatar for ITOzann

Hey guys, I'm trying to conver a while loop from C++ to java. And I'm having a problem with my while loop. The original c++ code. // Out of cashiers? // Get next frontBusyCashierQ // Is cashier's finish time now? while(!service->emptyBusyCashierQ() && (service->frontBusyCashierQ(cashier), cashier->getEndBusyTime() <= currentTime)) { ...... .... ... …

Member Avatar for NormR1
Member Avatar for Kirbyzdashiznit

**Description: Friend’s finder. You load a data file first. Then you answer 10 questions. The answers will be saved in an array. The data in file are several arrays answered by other users. You need to compare the answers with other users and calculate the similarity. After that it will …

Member Avatar for Kirbyzdashiznit
Member Avatar for apicante

Hello all, I am trying to make an employee program that takes in up to 100 max employees information then displays it back out nicely formatted, which I am not getting right and have been googling wtf I am doing wrong. Also I was wondering after inputting all the employee …

Member Avatar for gusano79
Member Avatar for chamika.deshan

Hi I am trying to write "at" commands to serail port and send sms. `smsPort->Write("at"); // smsport type is System::IO::Ports::SerialPort ^smsPort;` gives me output OK At the end(after the writing message) I need to write ctrl+z smsPort->Write("Message"); smsPort->Write((char)26); this gives me error *'void System::IO::Ports::SerialPort::Write(System::String ^)' : cannot convert parameter 1 …

Member Avatar for gusano79
Member Avatar for pjh-10

#include <iostream> #include <cmath> // appropriate c++ libraries for functions & constants needed #include <fstream> #include <stdlib.h> using namespace std; const int N = 1000; const double pi = 3.14159265; //constants applied int main() { double num, factor, avg = 1.0; //variables declared and initialised int i; num = N …

Member Avatar for VernonDozier
Member Avatar for phorce

Hello, I have this matrix: 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 and I need to print out the block with the coords: (2,1) so in this case: 1 0 1 0 I have tried this: for(int i=minRow; (i < 2); …

Member Avatar for rajenpandit
Member Avatar for saneeha.nust

I want to write a code to find all combinations of 4 numbers, for example numbers = 1,2,3,4 combinations are: 1 2 3 4 12 13 14 23 24 34 123 134 234 124 1234 Plz help i am unable to understand the logic... thanks in advance...

Member Avatar for thines01
Member Avatar for histrungalot

##I was working on something and saw this oddity, thought I would share it. $ ./a.out in.val = 86.3115158 -> Its a valid floating point number out1.val = nan -> Swapped it and now its a NaN! That's OK swap it back. out2.val = 86.4365158 -> What, its not the …

Member Avatar for histrungalot
Member Avatar for mehdimughal

This code is supposed to respond on (w,s,a,d and q) key press..... On "w" the character ( actually the $ sign ) should move up similarly s =down , a is for left and d to move right.......... and 'q' is to quit!! Sometimes on a very few (beginning key …

Member Avatar for tiredoy

Dear guys, I get stuck in a basic problem that is often overlooked. Like this , I can write code in such way. #include"stdio.h" void main(void){ double x; scanf("%f",&x); printf("%f",x); } When I input a number like 3.0 ,however the result is a minus number. I don't konw why ,anybody …

Member Avatar for movingcompany
Member Avatar for Rage A Lot

Having issues fixing these issues: error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "public: __thiscall grid::grid(void)" (??0grid@@QAE@XZ) referenced in function "void __cdecl `dynamic initializer for 'GridObject''(void)" (??__EGridObject@@YAXXZ) F:\Dev103\thermonuclear war game\thermonuclear war game\Grid.obj error LNK1120: 1 unresolved externals F:\Dev103\thermonuclear war game\Debug\thermonuclear war game.exe 1 //header file #include <iostream> using namespace std; class grid{ int …

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The End.