
I am writing code that mimics the game Mastermind. The computer randomly comes up with a code based on the "colors" RGBOY. The user has ten guesses to guess what the code is. Right now my code displays the secret code at the beginning just so I can test it out, but it will not display the secret code in the final until the end if the user has not guessed it.

The game gives feedback based on the user's guesses. For example, if the secret code is GBYO and the user enters GBOY, the feedback will be 1100. The first two colors are in the correct place and order, while the last two are the correct colors, but NOT in the correct order. I have written code that does this.

BUT for some reason, if the first code entered is not automatically the right one, the first time I loop through and encounter my displayFeedback function, it is missing a character in the feedback! But if I enter the SAME guess on the second guess, the feedback is correct!!! I am attaching an image so you can see what I mean. I am also posting my code. Does ANYONE have any idea why it would be doing this? The feedback works correctly from plays 2-10, but for some reason that first time through it does not! Any suggestions would be great.

http://i631.photobucket.com/albums/uu33/lupwned/mastermind.png < Print Screen

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <ctime>

using namespace std;

// Prototypes

void setSecretCode(char[]);
void displaySecretCode(char[]);
void removeColor(char[], string &, int);
void getGuess(char[][4], int, int);
void displayFeedback(char[][4], char [], int, int, char [][4]);
bool isItWin(char [][4], char [], int);

// Main
int main()
    // Define Variables
    char code[4];
    const int SIZE = 10;
    char guess[SIZE][4];
    char feedback[SIZE][4] = {0};
    bool winner;
    int i = 0;
    int j = 1;
    // Call Set Secret Code
    // While less than 10 turns and not a winner
    while (i < 10 && winner == false)
        // Call Guess Function
        getGuess(guess, i, j);
        // Call Display Function
        displayFeedback(guess, code, i, j, feedback);
        // Call Is It Win Function
        winner = isItWin(feedback, code, i);
            // If winning before the 10th turn
            if (winner == true)
                cout << "Yay, you won!";
                cout << endl;
            // If lost
            if (winner == false && i == 9)
                cout << "Sorry, you lose";
                cout << endl;
                cout << "Code was: " ;
    system ("pause");
    return 0;

// Set Secret Code Function
void setSecretCode(char code[])
    // Declare Variables
    string colors = "RGBYO";
    int pos;
    // Randomly Grab
    pos = rand() % 5;
    code[0] = colors[pos]; 
    // Call Remove Color Function
    removeColor(code, colors, pos);

    // Randomly Grab
    pos = rand() % 4; 
    code[1] = colors[pos];
    // Call Remove Color Function
    removeColor(code, colors, pos);

    // Randomly Grab
    pos = rand() % 3; 
    code[2] = colors[pos]; 
    // Call Remove Color Function
    removeColor(code, colors, pos);

    // Randomly Grab
    pos = rand() % 2; 
    code[3] = colors[pos];
    // Call Remove Color Function
    removeColor(code, colors, pos);

// Remove Color Function
void removeColor(char code[], string & colors, int pos)
    // Declare Variables
    string temp;
    int j = 0;

    // Create New Color String
    while (j<colors.length())
        if (j!=pos)
            temp = temp + colors[j];
    colors = temp;

// Get Guess from User Function
void getGuess(char guess[][4], int i, int j)
    cout << endl;
    cout << "Guess: ";
    cin >> guess[i][0] >> guess[i][1] >> guess[i][2] >> guess[i][3];

// Display Feedback Function
void displayFeedback(char guess[][4], char code[], int i, int j, char feedback[][4])
    // Display User's Guess
    cout << j << ". "<< "[" << " " << guess[i][0] << " " << guess[i][1] << " " << guess[i][2] << " " << guess[i][3] << "]";
    cout << endl;

    // Display Feedback if in wrong place
    if (guess[i][0] == code[1] || guess[i][0] == code[2] || guess[i][0] == code[3])
        feedback[i][0] = '0';
        cout << "     " << feedback[i][0];

    if (guess[i][1] == code[0] || guess[i][1] == code[2] || guess[i][1] == code[3])
        feedback[i][1] = '0';
        cout << " " << feedback[i][1];

    if (guess[i][2] == code[0] || guess[i][2] == code[1] || guess[i][2] == code[3])
        feedback[i][2] = '0';
        cout << " " << feedback[i][2];

    if (guess[i][3] == code[0] || guess[i][3] == code[1] || guess[i][3] == code[2])
        feedback[i][3] = '0';
        cout << " " << feedback[1][3];

    // Display Feedback if in Right Place
    if (guess[i][0] == code[0])
        feedback[i][0] = '1';
        cout << "     " << feedback[i][0];

    if (guess[i][1] == code[1])
        feedback[i][1] = '1';
        cout << " " << feedback[i][1];

    if (guess[i][2] == code[2])
        feedback[i][2] = '1';
        cout << " " << feedback[i][2];

    if (guess[i][3] == code[3])
        feedback[i][3] = '1';
        cout << " " << feedback[i][3];

    cout << endl;

// Display the Secret Code
void displaySecretCode(char code[])
    cout << code[0] << code[1] << code[2] << code[3];
    cout << endl;

// Determine if it is a Win
bool isItWin(char feedback[][4], char code[], int i)
    bool win;
    if (feedback[i][0] == '1' && feedback[i][1] == '1' && feedback[i][2] == '1' && feedback[i][3] == '1')
        win = true;
        win = false;
    return win;

Line 152 you are using 1for the first index, it should be i. cout << " " << feedback[i][3];

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