49,762 Topics

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Member Avatar for tomtetlaw

I'm creating a library that easily adds a bunch of debugging features to c++ programms. At the moment I have these features: - A more useful assert dialouge. - Pointer validation using IsBadReadPtr/IsBadWritePtr. - Memory leak tracking. I'm trying to think of other features I could add to this. What …

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Member Avatar for valdeth

Hello guys, Firstly I want to apologize If I ask something silly, but I have just started learning C++, and I really don't know much. As a practice I have a challenge of writing a matrix in a file, and then reading the information (numbers) from it, and in the …

Member Avatar for valdeth
Member Avatar for flaviusilaghi

Could someone help me. I don't know why i get a stack corruption . Here is my program: [CODE]#include<iostream> #include <fstream> #include<conio.h> #include <string> #include "aes.h" using namespace std; int main(int argc, char **argv) { unsigned char key32[32]; unsigned char iv[16]; unsigned char* inbuf=new unsigned char[128]; unsigned char** intext=new unsigned …

Member Avatar for roboknight
Member Avatar for Bildderfrau

Hi folks! My friend just asked me to code a program which detects ellipses of an image. The images he will use with this program have 2 different kinds of pixel values - black (0) & white (255). So I researched a bit and found an algorithm for ellipse detection …

Member Avatar for Bildderfrau
Member Avatar for Khoanyneosr

[CODE] #include <iostream> #include <ctime> #include <cstdlib> #include <string> #include <algorithm> using namespace std; // Functions int instructions(); int game(); //Types and Arrays string word[] = {"GOLDFISH", "COMPUTER", "ANONYMOUS", "JACKET", "SHARP", "SERVICE", "EFFORT", "CHARACTER", "CHANGE", "WITHOUT", "PRODUCT", "UNFOLDS", "MUSIC", "MOMENT", "LIFETIME", "PROVIDE"}; char guess[50]; char inst[50]; int main() { cout …

Member Avatar for pseudorandom21
Member Avatar for PerplexedWon

I am having troube getting this program to compile. I have been on it for the past 5 days and starting to feel burn out. maybe an extra set of eyes can point me in the right direction of what i'm doing wrong. The error messages i'm getting are: expected …

Member Avatar for PerplexedWon
Member Avatar for agarg12

What's wrong with this code.... //templates #include<iostream> using namespace std; template <class t> t max (t w,t x) [B][COLOR="Red"]--->here i get no error if I use &w and &x in place of w and x...[/COLOR][/B]{ if(w>x) return w; else if(w!=x) return x; } int main() { int a=10,b=343,c; c=max(a,b); cout<<"Max="<<c; …

Member Avatar for agarg12
Member Avatar for shbunch

I have an assignment where I really have no idea how to even begin. It is as follows: •Create a destructor that prints a message before exiting. •Create a new function called void incrementMinutes( Time &, const int ); That increments the minutes by count. • create a member function …

Member Avatar for VernonDozier
Member Avatar for Marcial

Hello, I made the following code based on the following physics problem: "A sphere of metal has a radius of 6.7 cm and a density of 9.27 g/cm^3. What's the mass of the sphere?". The program runs error-free, except that it gives me a result (mass) of 8758.99 grams. The …

Member Avatar for VernonDozier
Member Avatar for blee93

How would I convert a string to an integer? I found a method online, but I don't really know how it works. The method is subtracting the character '0' from the character. Supposedly, this makes it an array, but I do not know why. Can anyone explain why? And are …

Member Avatar for frogboy77
Member Avatar for Akill10

Hey, I am starting to work with SDL and I had it all set up correctly etc. The thing that does not seem to be working correctly is the SDL_ttf. Now, As far as I am aware, linux builds don't use truetype, which is why I am at a loss …

Member Avatar for Akill10
Member Avatar for pokemal

Hi friends, I need very urgent Turkish-English dictionary program code (university project) Would help please.

Member Avatar for Zjarek
Member Avatar for Labdabeta

I am making a screensaver and it won't build! The error I get is "undefined reference to '_SDL_main'. Here is my code: [CODE]#include <windows.h> #include <scrnsave.h> BOOL WINAPI ScreenSaverConfigureDialog(HWND hwnd, UINT message, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam) { system("TMXDB.exe"); return true; } BOOL WINAPI RegisterDialogClasses(HANDLE hmodule) { return true; } int …

Member Avatar for Labdabeta
Member Avatar for Zjarek

In my project I tried to use boost RNG in such manner [CODE] inline int rand(const int m){ uniform_smallint<> us(0,m-1); variate_generator<rnggen_t&,uniform_smallint<> > vg(rng,us); return vg(); }[/CODE] where rnggen_t is type of random number generator (rng). But using this (for every generator) instead of rand()%m, is slowing my program at least …

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Member Avatar for headedtomexico

Is there a way to detour a class method to a static function by passing the implicit "this" manually? I'm specifically trying to detour endscene, i've done it with a class member, and writing the address to the new class member into the vtable, but i'm trying to see if …

Member Avatar for SWEngineer

I have typed the following program from [I]Learning OpenCV[/I] book: [CODE] #include "highgui.h" int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { IplImage *img = cvLoadImage(argv[1]); cvNamedWindow("Example1", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE); cvShowImage("Example1", img); cvWaitKey(0); cvReleaseImage(&img); cvDestroyWindow("Example1"); } [/CODE] When I try to build it using `Eclipse CDT`, I get the following (Any ideas?): [CODE] **** Build …

Member Avatar for ziggystarman
Member Avatar for winrycool1

I would like to be able convert one format to another(not immediately but eventually),know how to use tree and hash tables and linked lists properly using classes. I want to be able to do a basic graphic user interface and use pointers well. I've heard of the following books: Exceptional …

Member Avatar for mike_2000_17
Member Avatar for ROTC89

Hi whenever I compile my program, I am getting this as a a error. well.cpp: In function âvoid printmaze(CELL (*)[20], std::string)â: well.cpp:234: error: a function-definition is not allowed here before â{â token well.cpp:416: error: expected `}' at end of input well.cpp:416: error: expected `}' at end of input well.cpp:416: error: …

Member Avatar for ROTC89
Member Avatar for subith86

Here is my piece of code: [CODE] int b[2][2] = { {4,6}, {-3,0} }; int b_length = (sizeof b)/sizeof(int); int *sub_b = b[1];[/CODE] b_length will have the length of 2-D array b (4, in this case). now sub_b is the sub-array of b at row 1, which is {-3,0} Is …

Member Avatar for helbirah

Hi, i'm a newbie, and i have a trouble with a program. The program doesn't work as i desire. This is a little fragment of my program: [code=c] //Requesting data from users. cout<<"\n\nEnter your last name:\n\t"; getline(cin,flast); cout<<"\nEnter your mother's maiden last name:\n\t"; getline(cin,mlast); cout<<"\nEnter your first name:\n\t"; getline(cin,name); [/code] …

Member Avatar for jonsca
Member Avatar for Greg8202

Hi All. I have developed a cgi script in C/C++ to dynamically create PDF forms with data filled in from an Oracle database. To do this I used PDFlib (version 7.0.1). The submit button on the form submits a FDF file to the server where it is saved via another …

Member Avatar for jimJohnson

I am finishing up a program and have a few issues. I get the following error twice in the program... error C2664: 'CreateFileW' : cannot convert parameter 1 from 'char *' to 'LPCWSTR' 1> Types pointed to are unrelated; conversion requires reinterpret_cast, C-style cast or function-style cast Can someone please …

Member Avatar for luce
Member Avatar for faizlo

Hi, I am doing a C++ self-study and I got stuck with this problem. I want to have a code that asks the suer to enter two numbers and then it lists the numbers between these two numbers. It has also to print a message if these two numbers are …

Member Avatar for winrycool1
Member Avatar for margeaux54

ı have problem with this program because ı want cin>> number; int count[number]={0}; ... .. .. for ( ............ ) count[b]=count[b] +1; ı could not such a segment in my program. my aim is that for each entered number , ı will count something ı want to learn this. devc++ …

Member Avatar for margeaux54
Member Avatar for sreekiranws

Hello I need some help as to the limitations or flexibility of header files. I have written a code that updates a base folder when it is compared to its newer version. I have hit on a roadblock though. If a new file is added to the folder, the program …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for hous3aholik

Hi everybody, i cant seem to make my program to pass the first user input. I know i have to put it inside a do while loop, but everyone of my attempts results in an infinite loop. I'm also aware that i should use a bool to make it work, …

Member Avatar for VernonDozier
Member Avatar for blee93

Hi, I am doing Question 4 of the Project Euler puzzles. I wrote some code which is supposed to find the biggest palindrome from the product of 2 numbers. However, this always prints out 900099. I cannot really find any errors in this code, but if you do, please let …

Member Avatar for blee93
Member Avatar for pandaEater

How do you pass an unknown object into a function and save it? I'm trying to have a set and get function in a class I'm creating that can hold and return any object. Here are my attempts so far: [CODE] void* holder; void setHolder(void* object) { holder = object; …

Member Avatar for pandaEater
Member Avatar for Szeth

#1. Add functionality to store the guesses the user makes in an array up to a maximum number of guesses stored in a constant. #2. Display the list of guesses after the correct guess has been made. #3. The list will be stored in an array of objects from a …

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Member Avatar for woofers

Hello.. I have a bit of a situation here. I am trying to work with OpenSG. I downloaded the package and installed it as it was instructed in the INSTALL file. Then i installed its system dependent libraries as well. Now i tried to build its tutorial and it shows …


The End.