49,760 Topics

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Member Avatar for Dundir

I'm working on a problem which calls for masking out certain parts of the digits being read in. My Code is below. I got the problem correct, but I couldn't shake the feeling that there was a better way to deal with the last mask (noted in comments as problematic). …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for reemhatim

I'm doing a a program that converts time from 24 hours to 12 hours . I'm doing it using the constructor in class time 12 taking one argument which is of type class time 24 and making the conversion . I've got an error and I don't know where is …

Member Avatar for reemhatim
Member Avatar for Zvjezdan23

I have many things done so far in my project. However, in my switch statement it does not generate random numbers like it did earlier. You'll see what I mean. Other than that I need help with the scoring part of the assignment. Can anyone please help me? I feel …

Member Avatar for Fbody
Member Avatar for plang007

I have seemed to get the first function tagReader to work, but can't get the others to work. The other functions are bolded. [CODE]#include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <iomanip> #include <string> using namespace std; // function prototypes void tagReader ( ifstream& inFile, int&count); void getEmployee ( string& who, double& rate, …

Member Avatar for plang007
Member Avatar for Irina77

It looks as an MDI application (I can open multiple documents within a window). However I cannot get the handles of the opened documents (MDI children?). I tried with FindWindowsEx(..) and EnumChildWindows(..) and could not find any children. Then I tried with Spy++ and I got that the handle of …

Member Avatar for Irina77
Member Avatar for gl7

hello i am trying to write a program that allows user to make a list using vectors and iterators i am able to add a title, list items, remove all, but were my trouble is when i want to remove just one from the list i am not sure how …

Member Avatar for gl7
Member Avatar for gl7

new to c++, working with vectors my question is can a string in a vector hold for example a string like " super mario bros" ( with the spaces) to continue i am trying to to make a list that people can add to , and if user where to …

Member Avatar for gl7
Member Avatar for Howdydoody

Basically the user puts in a linear list like "1234" and a permutation such as "2431". My program works on the example above but my instructor pointed out that the program gives the wrong answer for the entry "1234" and "3241". I put in an extra check which should fix …

Member Avatar for Howdydoody
Member Avatar for rogba

How do I make this program work promptly. For some reasonafter it tells me to input the 10 digits, it just closes out anddoesnt run to give me an output. Why does the program does notcontinue to run, and also my teacher specified that it should printout each element in …

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for BobTheLob

Hey, so i've looked around online for a bit, and after finding similar, but not exact (as in it doesn't help me), i'm gonna post my problem here :P. I'm working on a class to handle Complex numbers. This is going to require a lot of operator overloads and the …

Member Avatar for BobTheLob
Member Avatar for caltech

My assignment is to create a program computing all kinds of employee data. Just beginning, trying to put together the basis for the rest of it, here's my code: [CODE]#include <iostream> #include <cmath> #include <iomanip> #include <fstream> using namespace std; int GrossPay(int,int); double Tax(int); int main () { ifstream empdata; …

Member Avatar for caltech
Member Avatar for thisischris

So I'm trying to overload the extraction operator, but I keep getting an ambiguous overload error. Here's the extraction that I'm using: [CODE] bool cc = false; cout << CC; [/CODE] And here's the overload function. [CODE] ostream& operator<< (ostream &out, bool &C1){ if(C1) out << "A"; if(!C1) out << …

Member Avatar for caut_baia
Member Avatar for SWEngineer

Hello, I have installed the [I]latest [/I]versions of [B]OpenCV [/B]and [B]Eclipse CDT[/B], but not able to make OpenCV to be used within Eclipse CDT. Any ideas on how can I do that? Thanks a lot.

Member Avatar for SWEngineer
Member Avatar for abcdabid

Hi all I am trying to create ClistCtrl with check boxes and different columns in it. BUT [CODE] ListCtrl m_listBox; int i; CString strTemp; m_listBox.Create(WS_CHILD|WS_VISIBLE|LBS_STANDARD|WS_HSCROLL, CRect(10,10,200,200),this, 111); m_listBox.InsertColumn(0, _T("Column 1") , LVCFMT_LEFT, 50, 0); m_listBox.InsertColumn(1, _T("Column 2") , LVCFMT_CENTER, 100, 1); m_listBox.InsertColumn(2, _T("Column 3") , LVCFMT_RIGHT, 100, 2); m_listBox.SetExtendedStyle(m_listBox.GetExtendedStyle()|LVS_EX_CHECKBOXES | …

Member Avatar for abcdabid
Member Avatar for cppgangster

hi, how to declare static data memeber of a class and how to define it? [CODE] class Hop { protected: static struct NStrct{ int nCount; } } [/CODE] how to implement it? for example if the static member is "static const count", you would declare the static member in implementation …

Member Avatar for cppgangster
Member Avatar for nabajyotip

hi i have a .so file written in c and i am trying to use it in a c++ program but when i try to compile the c++ code it gives me undefined reference to function getNearestAP() which is a part of my .so file.To add to this i tried …

Member Avatar for nabajyotip
Member Avatar for asymptotes14

ok i have this code working -but i have few more questions guys, -i wanted to put error trapping in the seatRes() function but have no idea how, -i also wanted to make a function that will be able to cancel a reserve seat, and change it to another seat …

Member Avatar for daviddoria
Member Avatar for eline83

If I have an array of entries 5, 10, and 20. How many heaps are there for each? Since there are two sorting algorithms, bottom-up and top-down, Are there 2 heaps for each entries? Help me guys :D

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for wildplace

[CODE] 0: #include <iostream> 1: #include <string> 2: using namespace std; 3: 4: int main() { 5: int myIntArray[4] = {1, 2, 3, 4}; 6: double myDoubleArray[4] = {100, 101, 102, 103}; 7: 8: int i; 9: int *ip, *ibp; 10: double *dp, *dbp; 11: 12: ip = &myIntArray[0]; 13: …

Member Avatar for Fbody
Member Avatar for dissectcode

Every time I run a makefile at work I get this warning from C++ : [code] cc1plus: warning: command line option "-Wstrict-prototypes" is valid for Ada/C/ObjC but not for C++ [/code] does anyone know how to quiet it? We are compiling for ecos, cygwin and linux, with a combination of …

Member Avatar for mike_2000_17
Member Avatar for plang007

I got the first function tagReader to work, but how do I get the program to read the other functions such as getEmployee, paycheck, repeater, valid, and header. Here is all I get for the output: Results from tags1.txt : Cylinder: bsharkdata 1782 12.00 82.90 Cylinder: ftmyersfeb 7150 11.00 32.89 …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for tsin

Hi, I'd like to add a GUI to one of my C++ codes. As the software should run under Linux and Windows I think about using QT. A special requirement is that I'd like to visualize 3D objects (triangular meshes). It should be possible to turn and zoom the objects, …

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Member Avatar for b56r1
Member Avatar for jasoncastro

Hi! Is it possible to read from specific row on a notepad? For Example: Jay Mark Christian I only want to display the word Christian which is on the third row, what will I do? can you please show me? Thanks! Here's my code: [CODE]#include <iostream.h> #include <iomanip.h> #include <fstream.h> …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for margeaux54

This is my encyription and decyrption program. However there some mistakes that ı could not solve them. And ı set everything but when ı press q, my program should quit, ı tried some things but it is not appropriate for c++ rules. #include <iostream> using namespace std; void encyrpt(void); void …

Member Avatar for margeaux54
Member Avatar for Sibuns

Hey, i just start working with string and i am totally noob =). So i would like to ask you if you can help me... I have some programs to write, but i have a little problems to get the code working... Ok first question is, how do i make …

Member Avatar for HASHMI007
Member Avatar for HASHMI007

i have problem . how make a 100 random number series. i need a code. plz plz plz help me

Member Avatar for HASHMI007
Member Avatar for HASHMI007

i make this progrm . first i generate this of 100 number . then user cheaked the user how many time number is repeated in this series. but i want random series of 100 number . please check it & how to create a random series in this program. [CODE] …

Member Avatar for HASHMI007
Member Avatar for margeaux54

ı could not solve non lvalue assignment problem in this example I thought for long time but ı could not find any answer if you can help me , ı would be very happy include <iostream> using namespace std; void encyrpt(void); void decyrpt(void); void menu(void) { char a; cout<<"(E/e) Encryption"<<endl; …

Member Avatar for margeaux54
Member Avatar for viki_chennai

This is a singlylinked list code.This shows no error but while execution it shows singlylinkedlist.exe has encountered a problem and needs to close thanks in advance [code] #include "singlylinkedlist.h" #include <iostream> using namespace std; class singlylinkedlist //class for linkedlist { private: struct node //struct daclares the abstract data and link …

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The End.