49,762 Topics

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Member Avatar for PerplexedWon

Problem I am experiencing: When I compile my code, I get these two error codes: 1) In file included from C:\Users\PaulWilliams\Desktop\CSci Work\C++ Programming\TestScores.cpp 2) unterminated #ifndef I am not understanding what I did wrong, I have done all of my header files the same way and never had this problem. …

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Member Avatar for TimBob12

Hi there, I am fairly new to C++ and wanted to have a go at coding my own function with parameters. However some of the parameters are arrays and I get strange errors occur. I will comment my code with a couple of other questions as well. I am writing …

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Member Avatar for uhangkincai

Hi all, my nick name is uhangkincai, 5 years symbian developer for mobile application with symbian native (symbian c++). i join this forum to get new knowledge and also to find any project about symbian c++. thanks and regards,

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for honeythigh

hello, i am a newbie who doesn't have any programming experience. i heard that python is great to start with, but i prefer to begin with c++ because it's known as the best for game programming. 1) is it okay to learn c++ for a newbie? 2) is c++ really …

Member Avatar for honeythigh
Member Avatar for francisp94

I'm kind of new to C++ and this forum so forgive me if i look dumb. :icon_cheesygrin: So my program is basically knowing what category is the book inside the "input.txt" using the Dewey Decimal System and displays it in "output.txt It's working fine at the moment. But now it …

Member Avatar for francisp94
Member Avatar for vjackcon
Member Avatar for margeaux54

There is little mistakes in this program. I couldnot understand. may be you can see. For example ı can not solve exit problem in menu function [CODE] #include <iostream> using namespace std; void encyrpt(void); void decyrpt(void); void menu (void) // this function provide to be reached to menu { char …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for bkoper16

this program is supposed to take in sales figures in dollars, convert them into a salary for the salesmen, and then display the number of salaries that fall within certain ranges (200-299 ect.) However i keep getting incorrect results no matter what i enter i keep getting 11 for the …

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Member Avatar for xander91

good evening to all, im nuw to this, i see this is for code but where do i ask you something? may i request advice from you, coz i dont know c++ that well or any ideas where i can get info. and last how active is this site, do …

Member Avatar for pseudorandom21
Member Avatar for arunp_eagle

Hi ppl! There is a api named NetSharedGetInfo to retrieve the information about any shared resource. Have anyone used this api. I tried using this. iam not sure wat parameters needs to be given to this api. Suggestion wld be useful!

Member Avatar for pseudorandom21
Member Avatar for gl7

hey, kind of new to c++ started working with functions and am trying to write program using them trying to make hangman game using functions, with my following code i am getting this error message [linked error] undefined reference to 'askGuess()' id returned 1 exit status [build error] [ number5.exe] …

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Member Avatar for dspjm
Member Avatar for dspjm
Member Avatar for ana_1234

Hello, I am working on an assignment and I am so stuck and I have no clue how to get out. We are giving a maze and we are to find start and finish of the maze. The code is interpreted as giving the "walls" of the cell by looking …

Member Avatar for ana_1234
Member Avatar for Arief_H.Naif
Member Avatar for Fbody
Member Avatar for itsmylife

I have a question here.. i have 2 files with me list of usernames and a list of passwords i need to write a program to check each user name with the list of passwords. Then need to go to a website and see if it logs in. I am …

Member Avatar for Adak
Member Avatar for ntrncx

i write a program that goes as follows a part of it is: [CODE]#include <iostream> using namespace std; const int size=8; const int plus[]={1,2,3,4,5,6,7}; const int minus[]={-1,-2,-3,-4,-5,-6,-7}; int vertical(int[][size],int&,int&); int horizontal(int[][size],int&,int&); int diagonal(); int main() { int board[size][size]={}; int accesibilityboard[size][size]={}; int currentrow=3; int currentcolumn=4; int counter=0; } int diagonal() { …

Member Avatar for ntrncx
Member Avatar for akase2010

I truly don't understand what this assignment is asking, and this is it design a simple linked list class with only two member functions and a default constructor: void add(double x); boolean isMember(double x); LinkedList( ); The add function adds a new node containing x to the front (head) of …

Member Avatar for caut_baia
Member Avatar for Howdydoody

Hey guys i could use some clarification as to how this is done. Most if not all examples i have seen have the class written above the main in the same cpp file. My professor says we should have it in a different file so it can be reused by …

Member Avatar for Howdydoody
Member Avatar for Karkalash

Hiya I'm relatively new to data structures and using push_back. I'm trying to build a small dictionary program that assumes that there is no words (and definitions) in the dictionary when you first launch it. What I then need to do is ask for a word then definition to start …

Member Avatar for VernonDozier
Member Avatar for vavazoom

Hey, I am writing a program that takes the size of an nxn matrix [A], randomly creates that matrix, as well as an nx1 matrix [S], multiplies them together to create [A]*[S]=[B]. Then, using Gaussian Elimination, I use matrix [A] and [B] to find [x] such that [A]*[x]=[B]. I can …

Member Avatar for mike_2000_17
Member Avatar for toolmanx

I was trying to send mouse positions to my status bar in a larger program. I could not get them to write more than one position to the status bar, then it stops changing. To test why, I wrote a small window using one "Do Paint" function first. I still …

Member Avatar for zeeshanciit
Member Avatar for fish234

I was working on something just to practice building a menu so I can remember it for later. The same error keeps coming up and I'm note sure what's wrong, could someone give me a hand. haha, sorry, I'm new to this. This is the code [CODE]{ #include "stdafx.h" #include …

Member Avatar for fish234
Member Avatar for ik1610

Hello! I am having a problem with the following line of code: [CODE]int temporary = theMessage.size(); int numberOfColumns; if (temporary%3 == 0) numberOfColumns = temporary/3; if (temporary%3 == 1) numberOfColumns = (temporary + 2)/3; if (temporary%3 == 2) numberOfColumns = (temporary + 1)/3; cout<<numberOfColumns<<endl; int theNumbersOfTheMatrix[3][numberOfColumns]; [/CODE] theMessage is a …

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Member Avatar for stan2000

I'm trying to write a program which allows a person to enter the number of days they have worked. Their hypothetical salary is 0.01$ per day and doubles everyday (0.02$ on the 2nd and 0.04$ on the 3rd day etc...). For each day, the day number, pay for the day, …

Member Avatar for Arbus
Member Avatar for shekhartanwar

hi everyone:$ , umm it's just that I'm new to programming in C++, can anyone tell me how can I improve my programming skills?

Member Avatar for Moschops
Member Avatar for johans22

my text file name is doubledata.bin. It is quite a large file, but too large. data in it is like: 12.3453<tab>0.4065<tab>88.3454 etc. I like to read these files as fast as possible into memory arrays. any code to do that?.

Member Avatar for VernonDozier
Member Avatar for cross258

i posted my program below. i aim making a decrypting file for rot13. or rotation 13 so im using the memory address to change the capital and small 'A' to 'M' into 'N' to 'Z' and vice versa by using their memory location. but i don't know how to put …

Member Avatar for cross258
Member Avatar for gamer88

Hello! I was wondering if there was a command in C++, specifically visual C++ .net 2003, in which I can take what was partially entered in the console and save it to a variable before the user presses enter. I am creating a mini-irc and I want to store what …

Member Avatar for caut_baia
Member Avatar for zachcoenen4

I am trying to learn C++ by myself using a book and want to work through everything it says. I am on a program that you have to write kinda like a cash register program that tells you how many 5's, 1's, quarters, dimes, nickles, and pennies you should get …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for mangualmanuel13

I don't mean to complain, but I have gone to forums, but not this one, and received e-mails, and e-mail and e-mails of useless codes regarding the tittle to my dilemma. Now, I am working on a C++ form, in 2008, where I click on an image and I can …

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The End.