49,762 Topics

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Member Avatar for samohtvii

Hi all, Say i have 2 nodes of a tree. struct tree{ int data; tree* left; tree* right; }; NODE1 data = 3; left = NULL; right = NULL and NODE2 data = 6; left = NULL; right = NULL How do i say Node 2 if the left link …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for DeHF

I need a little bit of help here. I'm new to C++ Classes. There are some errors which I do not know how to troubleshoot. The error of "Declaration terminated incorrectly" for line 6 and 7. Multiple errors of "Type name expected". Why is that? Multiple errors of "Declaration missing …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for triumphost

Hello everyone. I have a problem with my checksum and logic. I wrote a program that downloads and read bitmaps and try to generate a checksum for each one. The checksum is used as the name to save the bitmap as so that I don't save the same bitmap every …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for waqas94

hey guys !! i am new at c++ so i need a bit of help .. i am trying to solve different problems but i am stuck on this problem .. write a c++ function , smallestindex that takes as parameters an int array and its size and returns the …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for ccbuilder

Aim of the program to is read to Atmega board, which has portb which is l.e.d . When the input of +25 , it will move the stepper motor forward 25 , and negative -25 move it back. I got stuck after reading the +/- and argv1. any tutorials online …

Member Avatar for VernonDozier
Member Avatar for HacruLeian

hello, i'm confused here. i have an assignment that required me to create a project registration program that have student, project and supervisor. i haven't start to do it yet. but i've gone through the question. there's a part of the program that need to list out the student's, supervisor's …

Member Avatar for Bob
Member Avatar for andreasen12N

No, this is not an assignement. Recently I decided to pick up writing code again and the project I started writing I came to a rode block with something that I never learned in class (I don't think). How would I be able to write this better (should I stick …

Member Avatar for np complete
Member Avatar for Suzie999

Hi, I'm hoping someone might be able to help me with what I think might be a simple problem. I have came across the need to add to an unsigned char array a literal single quote "'" My question is how can I achieve that? unsigned char uArray[4]; uArray[0] = …

Member Avatar for Bob
Member Avatar for TheRazzle

Ok im new to C++ so please help, so I have this line of code. SetConsoleTextAttribute(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), 3); cout << "Congratulations your power level is now" << PowerLevel << endl; insted of typing this all the time can i just add it to another cpp file and just reference it or …

Member Avatar for deceptikon
Member Avatar for samohtvii

Hi all, I am having trouble getting a tree to and from a text file. The text file will hold questions and animals. Each node should hold one question and one animal. So if you can imagine: Does it have 4 legs? / \ Does it purr? Does it swim? …

Member Avatar for samohtvii
Member Avatar for fishsticks1907

hello, im having troblue getting my linked list to show everything on the list. it only shows the first node, and nothing afterwards. #include <iostream> #include <string> class list { private: struct node { std::string name; std::string phone; node *next; }*head, *tail; public: list() : head(0), tail(0) {} ~list(); void …

Member Avatar for fishsticks1907
Member Avatar for maurinnoe

i am having difficulties in creating an **array** that holds marks for three students each having a set of five marks, this program should allow the user to input the marks per student ,** then calculate the highest and lowest mark for each student**

Member Avatar for deceptikon
Member Avatar for vikuseth

In the below programme i use one boolean variable named check , which is being accessed inside main function by two objects of Tst1 and Test2 . But the value of check variable is not maintained in the programme . we can use static but i want to know some …

Member Avatar for ravenous
Member Avatar for inthiran115

#include<iostream> #include<cstdlib> #include<fstream> using namespace std; int main() { int n=3; float total,wait[3]={0}; float p[3],twaiting=0,waiting=0; int proc; int stack[3]; float burst[3],arrival[3],sburst,temp[3],top=3; for(int i=0;i<n;i++) { p[i]=i; stack[i]=i; cout<<"Enter arival time : "; cin>>arrival[i]; cout<<endl<<"Enter burst time: "; cin>>burst[i]; temp[i]=arrival[i]; sburst=burst[i]+sburst; for(i=0;i<sburst;i++) { proc=stack[0]; if(temp[proc]==i) { //temp[proc]=i+1;; twaiting=0; } else { twaiting=i-(temp[proc]); …

Member Avatar for Despairy
Member Avatar for sanghai45

Hi community, I wanted help in making shortest path Finder for non grid based game. Below is the image attached of which i wanted to do shortest path finding. There are nodes and each node may link to 5 or 6 nodes. I have no idea which algorithm will get …

Member Avatar for Despairy
Member Avatar for inthiran115

#include <iostream> #include <vector> #include <string> #include <fstream> #include <sstream> #include <windows.h> using namespace std; class Subject { protected: string sub_code; string sub_fac; public: Subject(string sub_code="", string sub_fac="") { this->sub_code = sub_code; this->sub_fac = sub_fac; } string getSubCode() {return sub_code;} string getSubFac() {return sub_fac;} }; class Student { protected: string …

Member Avatar for np complete
Member Avatar for sanghai45

I want to make level editor in which I want it to have three buttons CreateNode , Reset Node Create Node - It will add node in screen Reset Node - It will reset all the links from the Node And when the node is created on window if I …

Member Avatar for sanghai45
Member Avatar for breezeonhold

I'm getting the exact output I want but I keep getting an error that says "Run-Time Check Failure #2 - Stack around the variable 'c' was corrupted." Now I have to for this assignment use strncpy, and strncat and I'm trying to append two strings togethor with the max amount …

Member Avatar for m4ster_r0shi
Member Avatar for breezeonhold

I can't find the bug in my code. The error that pops up says "Expression: invalid null pointer". Visual studio isn't giving me any line to go to or really any help except once I run the program the error above pops up. The weird thing is everything compiles correctly …

Member Avatar for breezeonhold
Member Avatar for RonKevin

...Just run the program and you'll know whats wrong with it...it gives a -1 value... #include <iostream.h> #include <conio.h> void main() { int array[10],key; cout<<"Enter 10 elements:\n"; for (int c = 0; c < 10; c++) cin>>array[c]; clrscr(); cout<<"\n List of Elements:"; for ( c = 0 ; c < …

Member Avatar for RonKevin
Member Avatar for rfrapp

Hello, I am trying to fill an array with 20 unique random values between 1 and 60. I know what I need to do to get this to work, but I'm not sure how to do it. Here's what I've got: void fillArray( int arr[], int size) { int arr2[20]; …

Member Avatar for RainbowMatrix
Member Avatar for abi_gurl

I'm creating 7x10 array that filled 0's unless it is copied by ships.Currently I'm having a problem in which I'm not sure how to place the ships inside this grid. this is how i've created the map. Please help as I'm a very beginner in c++. Thank you. void displayBoard() …

Member Avatar for abi_gurl
Member Avatar for menonlinux

I am having TurboC installed in my system. Whenever I try to run a program written in C++ using graphics.h, the screen goes blank and my LED monitor displays a change to VGA mode and suddenly displays "NO SIGNAL" and return to normal mode when I press "alt+ctrl+del" only. I …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for Grandiago

Hi Everyone! I'm a user of Turbo C++ and my professor gave me an activity to make a Fibonacci sequence. No I already have the Code for it and it is working. The only problem is. I don't know how the FOrmula Works. I will show you the Code below: …

Member Avatar for vinnitro
Member Avatar for PinoyDev

Good day! I knew this is easy to all of you guys. But I need the most precise way to parse this string "**45:50"** and store the result in **two dimensional array with int as datatype**. The delimeter is "**:**". Thank you!

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for romanromeo89

I'm trying to write a simple sqlite query in c++ using visual studio 2010. My problem is that i can't use a c++ variable inside that query. I was not able to find the right syntax. `sqlite3_prepare_v2(handler, "SELECT * FROM grammateas WHERE username==X;", -1, &statement, 0);` where X i would …

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Member Avatar for Jsplinter

I wrote the following code to test which is faster: performing a multiplication and division many times, or accessing the results in a vector via iterators(perform the calculations ahead of time), or hard coding the results of those calculations into the program. I actually expected storing the results in the …

Member Avatar for Jsplinter
Member Avatar for Despairy

I was thinking about somehow using a static member that all the matrix cells will be defined by their value + the static value. but than i thought how can i do it? what is the easiest way of doing so without the need to run over the 10^6 cells? …

Member Avatar for Despairy
Member Avatar for sampsont

I like to have the name of the current method for logging purposes. For example: string Commands::test(StringTokenizer& tokens) { static string src("Commands::test"); ... _log.debug("message", src); } I'm worried that creating 'src' might cause a performance hit. I made the string static thinking it would only be constructed once, the first …

Member Avatar for sampsont
Member Avatar for coolikedat99

I am trying to make a program that generates a random number and asks the user to input the random number generated by the computer. Anyone know how to do this? This is my program: #include <iostream> #include <cstdlib> #include <ctime> using namespace std; int main() { int one; time_t …

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The End.