Hi all,

Say i have 2 nodes of a tree.

struct tree{
    int data;
    tree* left;
    tree* right;

data = 3;
left = NULL;
right = NULL


data = 6;
left = NULL;
right = NULL

How do i say Node 2 if the left link of node 1 so it creates the start of a tree.

So it looks like

    /   \

I thought I could say node1->left = &node2; // left = the address of node 2.

Is that right?


its customary to name the top of the tree (node 1) "head"

struct tree* head = NULL;

After allocating a new tree node check of head == NULL, if it does then just set head = newnode.

I thought I could say node1->left = &node2; // left = the address of node 2.

Is that right?

What happened when you tried it? Didn't it work?

And what The Dragon said is true. Make a pointer named head that will point to the first node. That way if the first node has to change it's easy to add a node and relink to the new first node

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