49,760 Topics

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Member Avatar for simply_viks

hoy to get the size of array all initialised to as char pste_msg[64]= {1,2,4,5,6,8,6,5}; memset(pste_msg,0,64); sizeof(pste_msg) is giving 64 any help???????? thanks.

Member Avatar for hillstone_softw
Member Avatar for sha11e

Hey, My codes asks for a number, if the user inputs something else it gives an error message and asked for a number again. If the user inputs a number, it should cout whatever number the user chose. But it doesn't work as intended... I get the error message the …

Member Avatar for subtracktor
Member Avatar for sairakhalid

[CODE] #include<iostream> #include<time.h> #include<conio.h> using namespace std; class adclist { struct list { int data; list* next; }; public: void makelist(); }; void adclist::makelist() { list** table = new list* [10]; for(int j =0; j < 10 ; j++) table[j] = NULL; for ( int m =0; m < 10; …

Member Avatar for sairakhalid
Member Avatar for localp

I wrote a C++ program that could sendKey. the code is as Follows; [CODE]s.SendKeys(_T("{Enter}"));s.SendKeys(_T("{Enter}"));[/CODE] this piece if code is inside a function. Now, i need to access this method from a C code. When i added the includes, i get alot of errors. Some says, that you can't access C++ …

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for muze

hello guys... im writing small application for TAPI. But this error... I dont know, how I am getting this error. Compiler is complaining that [B]----- ICommDlgBrowser2: base class undefined[/B] here is the code [CODE] EXTERN_C const IID IID_ICommDlgBrowser3; #if defined(__cplusplus) && !defined(CINTERFACE) MIDL_INTERFACE("c8ad25a1-3294-41ee-8165-71174bd01c57") ICommDlgBrowser3 : public ICommDlgBrowser2 { public: virtual …

Member Avatar for raf35
Member Avatar for MasterGberry

Ok, I have this function that was provided by you guys, and it works, but I needed to tweak it a bit, and I can't seem to get it tweaked right. Trying to make it so it takes a 3rd parameter which takes an integer which will determine how many …

Member Avatar for ravenous
Member Avatar for Krstevski

Hello friends, I have a small problem with integers... I want to get the seconds of the time in format HHMMSS. My code is: [CODE=cpp] int get_seconds( int time ) { cout << time << endl; int sec = time % 100; time /= 100; cout << time << endl; …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for somshridhar

I have following text file input.txt Ram Shaym Rahul Radha Madhuri Sita I want to read this file and create new file from this file showing following change output.txt Ram Shyam Rahul Radha Sridevi Sita I want to replace Madhuri by Sridevi and send output in output.txt Can anyone please …

Member Avatar for jonsca
Member Avatar for thelostboy

Hi all, I am currently studying for my degree in software development and have just started using java. In an effort to get ahead of the game I have bought some books on c++ and can happily report I have ubderstood everything up until the part about bitwise opertaors I …

Member Avatar for thelostboy
Member Avatar for gerard4143

I have a simple question about objects and exception handling. What happens to an object after its thrown? Does the implementation take of cleaning up that object or should I be aware of any situations that may require extra care...I've read this from - Inside The C++ Object Model by …

Member Avatar for gerard4143
Member Avatar for stevanity

Guyz. Im in a competition. Please help me solve this. I need to code a program to solve this. I dont know where to start. Can anyone setup a recurrence relation? please [QUOTE]On an island chameleons of different color live. Every Monday , the following events occur The number of …

Member Avatar for stevanity
Member Avatar for lulzy

Hello everyone, I've got an interesting situation. There are three classes [named "A", "B" and "C"], all derived from a abstract base class [named "base"]. However, in my program, I need to sort a vector of "base" object in a way such that objects of type A are less than …

Member Avatar for Red Goose
Member Avatar for MasterGberry

Getting this error code, is there something about std::remove() that I am not understanding here? 1>AoE2Wide.cpp(337): error C2664: 'strcpy' : cannot convert parameter 1 from 'std::string' to 'char *' I tried using '=' instead of strcpy() too, no luck. [CODE] class Item { public: int Pos; int ReferenceValue; std::string Type; …

Member Avatar for MasterGberry
Member Avatar for vbx_wx

I am getting this error when compiling in Eclipse Indigo in windows: [code] mingw32-make all 'Building file: ../src/testing.cpp' 'Invoking: GCC C++ Compiler' g++ -I"c:\MinGW\lib\gcc\mingw32\4.5.0\include\c++\tr1\" -O0 -g3 -Wall -c -fmessage-length=0 -MMD -MP -MF"src/testing.d" -MT"src/testing.d" -o "src/testing.o" "../src/testing.cpp" g++: no input files mingw32-make: *** [src/testing.o] Error 1 [/code] Can someone help me …

Member Avatar for vbx_wx
Member Avatar for nolife

hi , i have some problem when i want to build my solution , i use different dll and one of them when a build it , he tel me that fatal error C1083: Cannot open type library file: active.dll someone have come idea ?

Member Avatar for Cosmin871
Member Avatar for Crutoy

Hello, Another exercise. In this particular problem we are given a five digit integer and program have to determine if its a Palindrome. Author states that we have to separate each digit into its own variables using % and /. I came up with solution but i don't know if …

Member Avatar for frogboy77
Member Avatar for Lord_Migit

So i have a weird problem that isnt exactly an error, its just something im not understanding. i have the following peice of code and the functions it calls. What happens is when the indicated line is run, i get an output telling me the 2nd constructor has been called, …

Member Avatar for Lord_Migit
Member Avatar for divineelite

How do I return the data in the last node from the RemoveTail function? Currently I have something like below.This is a basic doubly linked list. [CODE]class List; class Node { Node* next; Node* prev; void* data; public: Link( void* pData ) : next( 0 ), prev( 0 ), data( …

Member Avatar for divineelite
Member Avatar for itsvineet
Member Avatar for mangopearapples

I tried to #include <GL/glut.h> but when I compile, I get a [link error] at WinMain@16 or Win@16 (I forgot). I don't exactly know why and I don't know what to do either. Can somebody help please? Do you need that header file? (To fix it?) Thanks in advanced.

Member Avatar for mangopearapples
Member Avatar for MasterGberry

This is the weirdest bug I have gotten yet. Its late, and I can't figure out why this is not working....I thought I had the constructor set up right. I am sorry that I am asking for so much help, but I have learned a LOT in these past few …

Member Avatar for MasterGberry
Member Avatar for Knad

Hello, I am having a few problems with my image class using OpenCV. I am getting the errors: [CODE]src/image.cpp: In constructor ‘Image<T>::Image(const char*, bool)’: src/image.cpp:21: error: there are no arguments to ‘cvLoadImage’ that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of ‘cvLoadImage’ must be available src/image.cpp:21: error: (if you …

Member Avatar for pc0019
Member Avatar for dip7

Hi, I want to write a program to calculate the no. of bytes between the first binary pattern (110) to the next 110 binary pattern. i know i probably have to make use of: cout<<sizeof(char); Do i need to use a pointer or something to tell the program where to …

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for pucivogel

#include <iostream> #include <iomanip> using namespace std; class Derivate { public: showDerivate(); void showFunc(); }; int main() { int nr; Derivate drv; drv.showFunc(); drv.showDerivate(); std::cin.get(); return 0; } void Derivate::showFunc() { cout<<"Nr"<<setw(20)<<"Function"<<endl; cout<<"1"<<setw(20)<<"x"<<endl; cout<<"2"<<setw(20)<<"cx"<<endl; cout<<"3"<<setw(20)<<"xpowc"<<endl; cout<<"4"<<setw(20)<<"1/x"<<endl; cout<<"5"<<setw(21)<<"1/xpowc"<<endl; cout<<"6"<<setw(20)<<"sqrt x"<<endl; cout<<"7"<<setw(21)<<"epowx"<<endl; cout<<"8"<<setw(20)<<"lnx"<<endl; cout<<"9"<<setw(20)<<"sinx"<<endl; cout<<"10"<<setw(20)<<"cosx"<<endl; } int Derivate::showDerivate() {cout<<"give the respective number …

Member Avatar for ravenous
Member Avatar for Arbus

i want an .exe file to be automatically executed if a folder having that particular file is opened,that's if you open the folder the file should get executed automatically.I want this to do in c++.can somebody help???

Member Avatar for ravenous
Member Avatar for Skyline8k

Hi I need guidance for this program and it seems i don't understand basic fundamentals of creating histogram with c++. I'm not asking for spoonfeeding or anything i just need to know what i'm doing wrong and is there anything i can include or to improve it. This programe needs …

Member Avatar for Skyline8k
Member Avatar for waldchr

Hi I am writing a 2D game that only uses the arrow keys for input. I have done a search on this site fro ways to get input from the arrow keys and have come up with many solutions. However all of them use the getch() function. Normally this would …

Member Avatar for Cosmin871
Member Avatar for Martje

Hi all, I add picture to my pictureBox by writing the following code : [ICODE]pictureBox->BackgroundImage = System::Drawing::Image::FromFile()[/ICODE] But how would i remove that image ones i am done using it? Thank you in advanced.

Member Avatar for Martje
Member Avatar for tomtetlaw

I'm using VC++ 2008 with Window XP Professional. I'm trying to make a custom assert function, which presents a dialog box asking what the user wants to do about the assert. When I call DialogBox, it shows my dialog properly, but every subsequent call to that function appears to do …

Member Avatar for MasterGberry

I have heard there is a C++ split function, but I have not yet found anything to help me work with what I have. I have the following: [CODE]001E3897 1024 HV regread set [rootPos: 0001CBE7, offset 1862832 ][/CODE] I need to be able to take this and split it into …

Member Avatar for MasterGberry

The End.