49,757 Topics

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Member Avatar for mindx

Polynomial hash code in hashing is used to convert character strings to numerical values. Use Horner’s rule to implement this algorithm, and also perform the character conversion using ASCII format. Conduct experiments to study the collision rates for this hash code by using different values (prime or non-prime numbers) for …

Member Avatar for jackmaverick1

I have been doing strait-up c++ for a while, now I want to learn VC++. What are some easy commands? like a show form command and some others. Thanx, JT

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Member Avatar for sankalp_999

i have written a program in c++ using the concept of file handling. this program is about managing a basic electronic hardware store stock and showing the sales report. i am not able to understand why the [B]contents of my file are not being displayed, modified, deleted, or even printing …

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Member Avatar for ac.morgan

I am a fifteen year old trying to learn c++ to program a scientific calculator that is simpler to use. Would it be okay if I asked for advice on different problems I am having with the calculator and how to program certain things on it without providing a code? …

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for abarnett

Need ideas for this program: Write a program that allows the user to enter the last names of five candidates in a local election and the number of votes received by each candidate. The pgoram should then output each candidate's name, the number of votes received, and the percentage of …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for svatstika

Hi everyone! I'm reading a book and doing some exercises in this book. One of them is: define a class, which implements arithmetic (+, -, /, *) with arbitrary precision. This is a new type with just some arithmetic operations. With type double we also can do some arithmetic but …

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Member Avatar for GRENDY

hi evey one my name is ahmmad and I,m learning c++ but there thing i don,t undarstan so can you help me in this !??? I leaing the struc in c++ and list but whene i see a list example i have proplm whene i use thr strut and lis …

Member Avatar for chikkupa
Member Avatar for Naveen Haran
Member Avatar for chikkupa
Member Avatar for Dark_Omen

Hello, I am new to make programs. So far I can just do logical stuff like math in a dos window. I now want to move on to making actual windows programs. Does anyone know how to make a GUI in C++ for a windows application? Any reading online or …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for Rookie09

Sup guys .. So , the thing is that i need to define a preprocessor directive so i can compile correctively an SQL pseudocode into C++ . VALUES (value1, value2, ...);//cant figure out a way to take the value1,...,valueX out value1,value2,...,valueX is string or integer typed expression for example : …

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Member Avatar for emreozpalamutcu

I making a all in one program using visual studio 2010 C++ language and my all in one program includes free programs like firefox, opera, microsoft security essentials and people who uses my program doesn't need to install them they can just run it through my all in one program …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for Mr_PoP

[CODE] #include "includes.h" MYSQL *con; con=mysql_real_connect(con, server,user, password, database, 0, NULL, 0); //mysql check: int act; int reb; reb=mysql_query(con,"SELECT * FROM cq_rebirth"); act=mysql_query(con,"SELECT * FROM cq_action"); if(act !=0 || reb !=0){ cout << mysql_error(con); return 1; } [/CODE] Error: Commands out of sync; you can't run this command now i …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for ethanbuckley

OK So I am learning c++ and I have created my design using the windows forms, I now have to do the coding, I have implemented a code which is returning a nice amount of 102 errors, Any help would be appreciated or rewarded. I look forward to learning from …

Member Avatar for jonsca
Member Avatar for knotholaze

[CODE]double i; i=pow(10,10); cout<<i;[/CODE] for this code i get in output 1e+10 but how i can get output 10000000000 using cout<< and double variable

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Member Avatar for mbouster

Dear all, I would like to ask you how to initialize the following: I want to initialize a class inside another class. How I will be able to do so? An example: [CODE]/*Class Date*/ class Date { public: Date(){} // default constructor int day;//day of the month valid till 31 …

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Member Avatar for Weird Nerd

Hi everyone, I've been working with pointers for quite some time and I'm familiar with all the pointer-reference stuff. One of the things I don't get is the function of the delete keyword. I have used this code to find out what the delete keyword does. [CODE]int main(int argc, char …

Member Avatar for ShadowScripter
Member Avatar for Suramachandran
Member Avatar for Aqua_annie

The class should be capable of storing, manipulating and printing dates. Dates can be initialized by assigning 3 numbers - the day, the month and the year (initially restricted to any date after 1st January 1900 and before the year 3000) e.g. `Date d1(26,3,1999);` Dates will be printed by either …

Member Avatar for VernonDozier
Member Avatar for Gen.Asura

Hi, my tutor has set a coursework for us and i need help with a small part of the coursework. A small program where some one tests new programmes or you can call it benchmarking :) Basically there are 20 programmes and he sets them each of them mark out …

Member Avatar for Gen.Asura
Member Avatar for tomtetlaw

Is it possible to have a pointer to something (say a string) that is on the hard disk?

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for Shift_

Hi, Im relatively new to C++, and in the book im currently reading, came across the topic of Polymorphism. Just wanted to ask a couple of questions: 1) Base* ptr = new sub; Kinda confused about this - and also, how/why it is useful to have a base class pointer …

Member Avatar for Suramachandran
Member Avatar for Plumpkin

Given the declaration double dbl_num = 123.456;, write a program that prints out the value of dbl_num in both floating-point and scientific notation formats.

Member Avatar for jonsca
Member Avatar for kangkan_14

Can anyone please explain what is 'public' and 'private' in oop and specifically in java? I am a bit confused.

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Member Avatar for sivakumar.k

I am doing a Taskmananger code,every thing is ok but when i build the pgm One error is coming like"Fatal Error :RC1015 cannot open include file 'afxres.h'",please help me,why it occurse and what is the reason pls.........

Member Avatar for sivakumar.k
Member Avatar for zidaneez

Hi everyone, I'm new here ... haven't had my warm welcome yet ;P So i need your help with my program. I'm supposed to program a simulator of the reader writer problem without using threads. So i thought i could use a timer to interrupt the running process every 2 …

Member Avatar for VernonDozier
Member Avatar for pato wlmc

Hello everyone, I'm trying to compile the "Simple VRML" example, from the ARtoolkit library. The problem is that when i try to compile it, it keeps telling me: [CODE]1>------ Build started: Project: UANLartoolkit, Configuration: Debug Win32 ------ 1>Linking... 1>LINK : fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file 'libjpeg.lib'[/CODE] Now, thats kind …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for Sudo Bash

I have two questions relating to classes. I have run into a problem in using classes in multi-file programs. Here are three example files which illustrate the problem I am having and the errors I am getting. [B]file1.cpp[/B] [CODE=c++] //file1.cpp #include<iostream> #include"file3.h" using std::cout; using std::cin; namespace baz { extern …

Member Avatar for programmersbook
Member Avatar for sanjith123456

if cin.get(str,256); executes, why it reads only 255 characters???? answer immediately please

Member Avatar for frogboy77
Member Avatar for rhum123

[CODE] #include<iostream> #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> using namespace std; int main () { float nep,b,sum,temp,i,j,median; cout<<"Enter the number of Elements"; cin>>nep; double element [10]; int index; for (index=0;index<nep;index++) { element[index]=0.0; } for (index=0;index<nep;index++) { cin>>element[1]; sum=element[1]+element[2]; element[1]=element[2]; element[2]=sum; } b=sum/nep; cout<<"Mean:"<<b<<endl; for(i=0;i<nep;i++) for(j=i+1;j<nep;j++) { if (element[3]>element[4]) { temp=element[4]; element[3]=element[4]; element[4]=temp; } } …

Member Avatar for programmersbook
Member Avatar for Zvjezdan23

#include "StdAfx.h" #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main(); { cout << "7 + 3 = " << 7 + 3 << end1; cout << "7 - 3 = " << 7 - 3 << end1; cout << "7 * 3 = " << 7 * 3 << end1; return …

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The End.