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Member Avatar for parkp

is it possible to show c++ coding output which was made in empty project to windows form application program?? I made windows form for example i used spiltcontainer toolbox for panel 2 contains my c++ console output i expect someone's reply thank you

Member Avatar for ddanbe
Member Avatar for S-e-c-r-e-t

PLZ Don't make mistake about what i'm writing & if u dont understand dont answer plz. I need just a digital clock in C++ with gotoxy &print"****" &... i want to find the difference between this one & the others completely no different if any one just wrote with gotoxy …

Member Avatar for ddanbe
Member Avatar for rose_2

I want to write a function that displays the frequency of occurrence of an element entered by the user in a stored array. The array always has the following elements: 4, 2, 7, 10, 9, 7, 6, 10, -8, 7, 9. well i wrote this one but i have a …

Member Avatar for tinstaafl
Member Avatar for S-e-c-r-e-t

I need different source code of digital clock plz exept in graphic forms

Member Avatar for NathanOliver
Member Avatar for Ahmed_62

i wrote this code yesterday and i traced it myself but the problem is the array doesn't store any number in it and the output was like this : //convert from decimal to binary #include<iostream> using namespace std ; void main(){ int n,c=0,*pointer,temp=0,r,i,y ; cout<<"Enter number\n"; cin>>n; y=n ; for(;;){ …

Member Avatar for Ion_1
Member Avatar for parkp

i hope to connect console output to windows form in panel2. i have no idea how to do it... please help me

Member Avatar for basit_3

i want to get input from a textbox in visual c++ 2010 window form application i try this but it not work private: System::Void button1_Click(System::Object^ sender, System::EventArgs^ e) { std::string m; m==textBox1->Text; MessageBox::Show("developed by basit "); } }; help me plzz

Member Avatar for ddanbe
Member Avatar for S-e-c-r-e-t

Could anyone help me to write a digital clock in C++ (with some charachters,i mean the time numbers should be made by charachters)? i'm confused

Member Avatar for basit_3
Member Avatar for phoenix254

Can anybody tell me how can i calculate x decimal numbers of pi, if my input is 2 than output should be this 3.14 if my input is 4 then output is 3.141. I have tried code like this but doesnt work how i want. pi +=3+4/(k*l*m) - 4/(a*b*c); //+ …

Member Avatar for Ion_1
Member Avatar for shafiqkuidad

hello friends i need help in c++ programe i want to print the diamond of the type shown in picture any one help me in this regards............................ if possible then send me email at <snipped email>

Member Avatar for basit_3
Member Avatar for lewashby

#include <iostream> #include <string> #include <stdlib.h> #include <cstring> using namespace std; class Fraction { private: int num, den; // numerator & demoninator public: Fraction() { set(0, 1); } Fraction(int n, int d) { set(n, d); } void set(int n, int d) { num = n; den = d; normalize(); } …

Member Avatar for Ion_1
Member Avatar for Ryskie

McCarthy is a famous theorician of computer science. In his work, he defined a recursive function, called f91 that takes as input a positive integer N and returns a positive integer defined as follows: If N <= 100, then f91(N) = f91(f91(N+11)); If N >= 101, then f91(N) = N-10. …

Member Avatar for Ion_1
Member Avatar for Emmanuel Atiemo

write a c++ program to acquire scores from a Student and determine the grade based on his/her scores: <30 is fail 31 to 50 is pass 51 to 60 is credit 61 to 80 is very good 81 to 100 is excellent

Member Avatar for basit_3
Member Avatar for parkp

i made c++ algorithm code. But i don't know how to connect this output which shows in console to windows form application program. please tell me about detail...

Member Avatar for basit_3
Member Avatar for prahesh

void cAppMath::vregisterFunc(int index, int(*fPtr)(int a, int b)) //Application to register their functions { arrFptr[index] = fPtr; } int main() { appObj.vregisterFunc(EN_ADD, &cAppMath::add); //application that is registering the callbacks. } { Getting follwoing ERROR in vregisterFunc() func call. Error 1 error C2664: 'void cAppMath::vregisterFunc(int,int (__cdecl *)(int,int))' : cannot convert argument 2 …

Member Avatar for deceptikon
Member Avatar for Fares_1

Hello Guys, I create a small program than allows user to create bank account and add or get money but now i want to edit my code to accept more than one account how can i do it ? #include "header.h" Account::Account(){ int i=0; cout << "To create account enter …

Member Avatar for ddanbe
Member Avatar for algerino83

i need to create a deck of cards and shuffle it as well and display and sort 4 cards as a hand ahich i have done already please i need to include straight, full house, pair, 3 of a kind and 4 of a kind i have no clue how …

Member Avatar for purejoy
Member Avatar for markdean1989

Hi guys, after learning that MingW is newer than Cygwin, I immediately switched over to MinGW and deleted my Cygwin file. I have added the MinGW directory into my Path Variable and also separately downloaded the MSYS which contains the make.exe program. Everything seems fine... until when I ran the …

Member Avatar for マーズ maazu
Member Avatar for nitin1

#include<iostream> using namespace std; class Singleton { static Singleton * s; Singleton() { } public: ~Singleton() { s = NULL; } static Singleton * getInstance(); void print() { cout<<this<<endl; } }; Singleton* Singleton::s=NULL; Singleton* Singleton::getInstance() { if(s == NULL) { s = new Singleton(); } return s; } int main() …

Member Avatar for deceptikon
Member Avatar for Muhammad Faizan_1

I am trying to write a program that takes unlimited input of names using dynamic memory and stop when the first character is the enter key. i tried, but i am unable to do it. #include "ReadString" void main() { const int NumNames(20); char **pNames; pNames=new char [NumNames++]; for (i=more;i<NumNames;i++) …

Member Avatar for tinstaafl
Member Avatar for markdean1989

Good day. I was surprised to see that there are no members on objects declared as IFSTREAM and OFSTREAM. I have this code; ifstream indata; ofstream outdata; indata.open(""); outdata.open(""); It can't seem to recognize the member "open". Why is that? Any solution?

Member Avatar for Moschops
Member Avatar for Petcheco

Hey, guys. Find the sum of all the primes below 2000000. My code: *main.cpp* #include <iostream> #include <vector> #include <cmath> #include "Sieve.h" using namespace std; typedef unsigned long long int ulli; ulli Sum = 0; ulli Sum_of_Primes(vector<bool>, ulli&); ulli Sum_of_Primes(vector<bool> Primes, ulli& Sum) { for(ulli a = 2; a < …

Member Avatar for Petcheco
Member Avatar for Gayesha
Member Avatar for cambalinho

from MSDN: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/dd145213%28v=vs.85%29.aspx "An application returns zero if it processes this message." see these code on my label control: case WM_PAINT: { PAINTSTRUCT test; BeginPaint(inst->hwnd, &test); image imglabel(inst->imgtest.width(),inst->imgtest.height()); brush brshbackcolor(inst->clrBackColor); imglabel.Backcolor=inst->clrBackColor; brush brshTransparent; FillRect(imglabel,&test.rcPaint,brshbackcolor); if(inst->imgtest.haveimage()) DrawHICONtoHDC(imglabel, inst->imgtest); imglabel.DrawText(inst->strCaption); pen penColor(1,2,RGB(0,255,0)); penColor.ToDC(imglabel); imglabel.DrawRectangle(10,10,10,10); pen penColor2(1,2,RGB(255,0,0)); penColor2.ToDC(imglabel); imglabel.DrawLine(0,0,20,20); pen penColor3(1,2,RGB(0,0,255)); penColor3.ToDC(imglabel); //brshTransparent.ToDC(imglabel); …

Member Avatar for BeautyBeast
Member Avatar for markdean1989

Hi guys, I just found out that setw is not recognized in Netbeans C++ with Cygwin even when IOMANIP is included in my program. Is there anything I can do for this? I need to format the output of my program, thanks.

Member Avatar for markdean1989
Member Avatar for Kenneth_3

My code is working almost the way I need it to. However, when I run the program I am getting this Welcome to Johnny's Restaurant Bacon and Egg $2.45 Muffin $1.98 Coffee $0.50 Tax $0.25 Amount Due $5.18 When I want to get this: Welcome to Johnny's Restaurant 1 Bacon …

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for Hector_2

This is supposed to used quick sort using the header "arrayListType.h using quick sort and get the numbers entered smallest to largest but I'm not sure on how to do it. Can I please get some help? #include <iostream> #include "arrayListType.h" #include <cstdlib> using namespace std; void printList(arrayListType<int>& list); void …

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for Rimi_1

# Im a beginer in programing language, i just started programing using turbo c++ , however every time i download a c++ software from net it turns out to viral and it doesnt work properly. please kindly send me a link from which i can install turbo c++ as soon …

Member Avatar for Aeonix
Member Avatar for senait.kifle.127

Hi, I managed to change a cursor in C++ windows console size using the function HANDLE output = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE); CONSOLE_CURSOR_INFO cz; cz.dwSize =100; cz.bVisible =TRUE; SetConsoleCursorInfo(output, &cz); But I'm having a hard time to make the cursor not to blink. I couldn't find any function in MSDN to do that. …


The End.