49,762 Topics

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Member Avatar for sang ku te buoi

What difference between TCHAR* t1 = new TCHAR[5]; wcscpy(t1,L"Happy"); T.push_back(t1); and TCHAR t2[] = L"Day!"; T.push_back(t2);

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for Curious Gorge

I'm sorry I keep having these strange problems but there's little I can do about them, they are unpredictable. I managed to fix the last one and I've been able to compile and run my programs. Now however I've run in to the *strangest *of problems, the one described in …

Member Avatar for Curious Gorge
Member Avatar for Taimoor_4

Write a C++ program to check Armstrong number in given range .Those numbers which sum of its digits to power of number its digits is equal to that number are known as Armstrong number. EXAMPLE 1: 407 Total digits in 407=3 AND 43 + 03 + 73 = 64 + …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for Kanoisa

Recently i have come up with the scenario where i need a single class to handle a few different interfaces and i have found a few different approaches to take. I was wondering if anyone has encountered the same situation and can give me any suggestion(s) as to if there …

Member Avatar for Kanoisa
Member Avatar for Curious Gorge

I've essentially copied a small project from another computer to this one. This one is running windows 8.1. What happens when I try to compile even a hello world cpp project I get this error: 'Fatal error: "iostream" No such file or directry' . I know this means the compiler …

Member Avatar for Curious Gorge
Member Avatar for sam_7

I want to add a node at ith position. I added a head node and a node at position 4, 5 and 3 in sequence with value of 1,2,3,4 respectively. I also have a print function to print the values of the nodes. But my print function only prints the …

Member Avatar for David W
Member Avatar for Wajed

What I want to understand is how it all works, including the following parts: WSADATA wsaData; SOCKET ConnectSocket = INVALID_SOCKET; iResult = WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2,2), &wsaData); WSADATA is info, but what info is it specifically? WSAStartup is a function to initiate WS2_32.dll. What is the differenece between initiating WS2_32.dll and SOCKET?

Member Avatar for Kanoisa
Member Avatar for Ahmed_62

i cannot understand the squuence of this program at all some one explain in details plz #include<iostream> using namespace std ; void move(char,char,char,int) ; int main() { int n; cout<<"Enter the plates numbers \n"; cin>>n; move('a','b','c',n) ;system("pause");} void move(char x,char y,char z,int n){ if(n>1) move(x,z,y,n-1); cout<<x<<"----->"<<z<<"\n"; if(n>1) move(y,x,z,n-1); }

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for Đăng

I tried writing an clock applicantion but it did not work, the number is static, how to make it change. And how to remove minimal, maximal button and icon of windows, for the icon I tried: wcex.hIcon = NULL; wcex.hIconSm = NULL; But it showed a default icon Thanks for …

Member Avatar for basit_3

how to file handling e.g read and write file ,with window form application in visual studio

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Member Avatar for kiail

Okay, so I'm still stumped on an output problem. The problem is, I have list items and one of those column objects has more than one item(the other columns don't for each particular item) Some reason, when I add another object to the console for printing it ends up like: …

Member Avatar for David W
Member Avatar for collin_ola

Hey guys, I have some code set up to iterate through a nested map. It current works as expected, iterating through all values in the first key, and then the second key. My question is, is there any way to display one value from each key? For example, if key …

Member Avatar for deceptikon
Member Avatar for Erica_2

I have got the program writing to the files, but i am unsure where to even begin to pull the information back out. the information is saved like this: 15 Ray Allrich # 10.25 0 0 in one file the other file has the id number and hours worked 5 …

Member Avatar for David W
Member Avatar for arguav74

Hi everyone, I am working on a C++ Pig Latin program for school which translates English sentences into Pig Latin. Here are the guidelines to it: You are to write a program that translates English to Pig Latin. In case you have forgotten, the way you translate English to Pig …

Member Avatar for Schol-R-LEA
Member Avatar for muhammad_86

hello anyone i want to copyrigt my souce code so that the copyright message is hidden from anyone who open the code in c++ but show the message on console screen for example property belong to "my name" it doesnot appear on the cpp or not easy to remove but …

Member Avatar for Schol-R-LEA
Member Avatar for cbreeze

My professor assigned a problem from our OS book about matrix multiplication. Its pretty simple as the book shows how to do most of it. But now my professor has added an extra layer of difficulty. Instead of declaring the multidimensional arrays globally he wants us to input the size …

Member Avatar for Tedi_1
Member Avatar for pspwxp fan

Hi, I'm making a windows console application that can create and terminate processes, and stores their start and end time. It works fine as long as I start and end the processes from my application itself. However, if I close the child process, eg notepad, using it's own 'X' button, …

Member Avatar for Aeonix

When you need to create a login page using PHP and MySQL, the safety of this login page relies on - Your PHP scripting abilities - How well and securely has PHP been programmed in C++. - How well C++ compiler of interpreter of PHP has been programmed. - How …

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Member Avatar for Aeonix

I tried to build really basic associative array but it turned out I don't have enough knowledge, so I tried something less, and less, and less, because I kept failing at it. Finally I just tried to set variables and print them in the command-line. But I can't even do …

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Member Avatar for raghavanp

In below code, I expect 1 to be initialized in all the 10 elements in x array. But, it doesn't seem to be working. May I know what I am missing here int main() { int *x = new int[10]; //std::cout<<"address of x: "<<&x<<std::endl; for(int i =0; i <10; ++i){ …

Member Avatar for マーズ maazu
Member Avatar for collin_ola

Hey Guys, I'm pretty new to containers, but need to use them for a project I'm doing. I've figured out that I can use a map iterator to iterate through values stored in the map displaying the key, followed by the second value. In my case, the key is an`int` …

Member Avatar for collin_ola
Member Avatar for nhiap6

I have this regular struct struct Person{ char *name; int age; } and I should do some regular stuff like, input size, create dynamic array of persons , and take user input for this person. But the problem, as you can see is how do I input in name pointer; …

Member Avatar for Moschops
Member Avatar for Rafiii

Hello everyone, If i need my program to create as much vectors as needed based on the user first input , assuming each vectors will hold an int value like a combinations of numbers, so latter those vectors will be compared for higher value. EX: prompt the user to enter …

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Member Avatar for basit_3

hello guys i make a simple calculator in window form application and i want to add it with a scientific calculator form how can i connect these two forms

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Member Avatar for ArpitJ.25

I cannot understand user defined functions in c++? Please give suggestions or refer any book or website where I can learn User - defined functions in C++?

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Member Avatar for pspwxp fan

Hi Daniweb, I'm making a shell-ish console for my Operating Systems class. Trying to get the shell to Terminate a process given a process name. Ever since I made the following addition to my code, this error is coming: `Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.In __gnu_cxx::__exchange_and_add(int volatile*, int) () ()` …

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for Sdam

define linked list called student name number address and the following function add function that add the information of the student 2 search function that search print the name of all student with some address search ("zarqa,amman,irbid") will print the name of students lives in amman 3 count function that …

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Member Avatar for lp94

i have this code uptil yet in which i am adding records in a text file [array of structure] and displaying the text file what i want to do is to implement delete previous record functionality and also to edit the previous records could anyone please guide me as to …

Member Avatar for ddanbe
Member Avatar for basit_3

hey guys please tell me how to add two form in vc++ 2010 , i made a calculator in window form and i want to add one more form with a button click

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The End.