49,760 Topics

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Member Avatar for EarendurRingern

im making a program that loads a collection of strings from a file. then the user need to search the keyword using a binarysearch, but im using strings in my program, how to make the program using array of characters? here's my code, thx before :) [code] #include <iostream> #include …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for NoMoreKawasaki

i have to do with my new assignment but the problem is not im don't try to do it at all i've tried it before..the question is to write a c++ program about ask the user an input of a range of numbers.by using the rand() an output of three …

Member Avatar for Unimportant
Member Avatar for Anuradha Mandal
Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for lagvino_els

I'm having trouble with recursion! If I have an array as: int a[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}; and I want to display it on the screen like this: 1 2 3 4 5 I have to write : void PrintData(int a[], int n) to do that and using …

Member Avatar for lagvino_els
Member Avatar for livesinabox

So my Turbo C doesn't handle errors. And in school we used VC++ but I don't have it at home. So can anyone tell if the code snippets for Queue and Dequeuing a Queue and Pop and Push operations in Stack are right? [CODE]\int queue::dequeue() { try { if(front>rear) throw …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for Violet_82

Hi there, I am working on a palindrome program which is here: [CODE]#include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std ; int main( ) { cout << "Insert the word to test: " ; string word ; string test ; int i ; int j ; cin >> word ; cout …

Member Avatar for Violet_82
Member Avatar for livesinabox

So I had posted a thread here called "Exception Handling" asking for help excuting this program. Then I discovered CodePad! ( So if any of the moderators could help me delete that thread it will be great! ) So I cleared up most of my errors. And I got an …

Member Avatar for livesinabox
Member Avatar for wiseguy12851

I know many assembly languages so my question isn't anything assembly related it's C++ related, I understand what __asm does and I've used it before but where's where I'm hung up on __asm drops down to the assembly level for programming although it's not advisable to use it because it's …

Member Avatar for vijayan121
Member Avatar for ilkeamasya

I have an win32 console phonebook application. Phone records are held as linked list. [CODE] struct Tel_dugum{ char name[NAMELEN]; char telno[TELNOLEN]; Tel_dugum *next; }; [/CODE] You can see the structure of the linked list above. My problem is when i search i dont want my app to search whole records …

Member Avatar for vijayan121
Member Avatar for sancharsharma

I am a beginner in coding and have just started learning C++. We have been given a project of making bloxorz but unfortunately none of my team members and me know much about GUI and we are in a hurry. Plz suggest some concise locations to read only the basics..... …

Member Avatar for sancharsharma
Member Avatar for stephanie7

can someone tell me how to create magic square on c++ that something like this: 816 357 492 i need to create a program to prove the numbers that i will insert is magic square or not.. :'( i really need it.. my brain blank when i want to do …

Member Avatar for stephanie7
Member Avatar for NoMoreKawasaki

help me with this problem: to develop a C++ program that generates three random numbers within the range of numbers specified by the user. The program will then determine the largest and the smallest numbers among those three numbers.:'(

Member Avatar for NoMoreKawasaki
Member Avatar for Dinnerfortwo

I can't get this while loop to keep looping and not do a fast loop. The full code is downloadable [CODE]while (num == 0) { cout << "Type in two values:\n"; cin >> num; num1 += num; cin >> num; num2 += num; cout << "Which measurment unit do you …

Member Avatar for Dinnerfortwo
Member Avatar for old_jefrey

Hi there, Let's say we have the following: [code] #include <map> #include <string> #include <vector> #include <algorithm> using namespace std; typedef pair<string, int> Data; class DataCompare { public: bool operator()(const Data& el1, const Data& el2) const { return lessK(el1.first, el2.first); } bool operator() (const Data& el1, const Data::first_type& k) const …

Member Avatar for old_jefrey
Member Avatar for shayankhan

Hello guys i am in level of class and objects i need some help and guide in copy contruct i search the thread and found 1 [url]http://www.daniweb.com/forums/thread21662.html[/url] but this is not what i want... ok here is the problem.. i created contruct class ... i want in program that create …

Member Avatar for shayankhan
Member Avatar for tKc

I need help in reading a text file and by using a switch statement the user can either press 1 to find the average of all the integers in the text file, and by pressing 2 they find only the averages of the real numbers in said file. This is …

Member Avatar for NathanOliver
Member Avatar for punchinello

I've build a program with MFC using vc6.0. It consists of a dialogbox and another dialogbox that pops up when you click a button on the first one. And I want to enable TTS on both dialogboxes. Any idea to make sure it works on both? Suppose I use the …

Member Avatar for bmos31

I'm new to recursion and am wondering how the output of the code below is 6. So from what I can understand, there are 2 base/anchor cases which return 0 or 1? Is this correct? And the recursive/inductive case is the f() calling f(), but I'm confused on what it …

Member Avatar for mrnutty
Member Avatar for centerline00

OK, I have a assignment due to use dynamic arrays to make a program that requires user input.It has to be dynamic array, and we never went over vectors in school..as I've seen it used in other not so similar programs, and the result is tabular output like: Canidates Votes …

Member Avatar for centerline00
Member Avatar for mouiny

hi is there any body can help us about our project to move the mouse via a webcam who follow a pen. Thanks

Member Avatar for kitty.naz
Member Avatar for angel28

i need to write a c++ program that calculates and produces these two columns using the three looping statements: for loop/while loop/do while loop. NUMBERS[INDENT][INDENT][INDENT][INDENT]SQUARED[/INDENT][/INDENT][/INDENT][/INDENT] 1[INDENT][INDENT][INDENT][INDENT]2[/INDENT][/INDENT][/INDENT][/INDENT] 2[INDENT][INDENT][INDENT][INDENT]4[/INDENT][/INDENT][/INDENT][/INDENT] 3[INDENT][INDENT][INDENT][INDENT]9[/INDENT][/INDENT][/INDENT][/INDENT] 4[INDENT][INDENT][INDENT][INDENT]16[/INDENT][/INDENT][/INDENT][/INDENT] 5[INDENT][INDENT][INDENT][INDENT]25[/INDENT][/INDENT][/INDENT][/INDENT] kindly help me please..:'(

Member Avatar for prvnkmr194
Member Avatar for ccube921

Windows is shutting it down with a send error message option. [CODE]#include <iostream> using namespace std; struct attrib{ char x; int y; char cont; }; attrib brd[8][8]; int main() { for ( int x =-1; x<8; x++) //accesses all columns in the array { for ( int y=-1; y<8; y++) …

Member Avatar for NathanOliver
Member Avatar for corby

Here are my questionsand my answers. Could you guys/gals tell me if i am right or wrong? Which array-based operations are O(1)? inserting item or deleting item in unsorted array Which linked-list operations are O(1)? inserting and deleteing item in unsorted lsit Which array-based operations are O(n)? traversing through the …

Member Avatar for corby
Member Avatar for Bambam22

I seem to be getting a segmentation fault in my array. When I run it the the TF and TC appear at the top then the array. That's when the error occurs. I tried debugging it and when tf = 10 the error was occuring. Can someone help plz. #include …

Member Avatar for Unimportant
Member Avatar for griswolf

A nice short interview/article [URL="http://www.wired.com/thisdayintech/2010/10/1014cplusplus-released"]here[/URL]

Member Avatar for lukename

Hi. How can i find how much windows are running at the same time? For example i need to find how much Calcultators are running. I tried using [iCODE]FindWindow()[/iCODE] but it always returns me same handle. Any ideas? Thank you

Member Avatar for nchannon
Member Avatar for Mahsa_C++

Hi dear all ! I am programming a windows form application using C++.net(CLR). In my program I am to draw a flow chart or such shapes with undetermined length, so I must scroll the form to enable user to see all parts of the shape. I enabled AutoScroll method of …

Member Avatar for Mahsa_C++
Member Avatar for Milton Neal

Hi All This is more a discussion than a problem. :) I’m working on a small project that needs to be done in C++. Part of it requires that I maintain an array of file streams so that I can open serveral files at one time, read, write exchange data …

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for dboltz03

I'm experiencing a "sequence not ordered" error when this code is executed and I'm not sure why. Any help would be appreciated, thanks. [CODE]void merge_sort(vector<int>& v, int from, int to, vector<int>& a){ if(from == to) return; int mid = (from + to) / 2; merge_sort(v, from, mid, a); merge_sort(v, mid …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon

The End.