49,762 Topics

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Member Avatar for kirvie

i have a problem with my program it can only search 1 account number at a time... and after i search again... it will not display the search number... hope someone can help my with the missing parts of these program.. tnx in advance... goal: to search id number more …

Member Avatar for csurfer
Member Avatar for kirvie

i have a problem with my program it can only search 1 account number at a time... and after i search again... it will not display the search number... hope someone can help my with the missing parts of these program.. tnx in advance... goal: to search id number more …

Member Avatar for darkAngel

as above. [code] string s; cin >> s; [/code] for example, if the user enters Orange, i want it to convert to orange. please advise what i should do. thanks in advance

Member Avatar for bbman
Member Avatar for Arthas

Hi. I am using boost.threads with SDL. Am using vc++2010. I have wrapped the SDL input functions in a class SDL_Input. eg. [CODE]class SDL_Input { public: bool* GetKeyState(); void ProcessEvents(){ static SDL_Event event; while(SDL_PollEvent(&event)) { switch(event.type) { case SDL_KEYDOWN: keystate[event.key.keysym.sym] = true; break; //and all cases as mousebuttonup....so on } …

Member Avatar for Arthas
Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo

Hi there, I need to block port 80 (HTTP for internet). Is there a way to block give socket? Thanks!

Member Avatar for sheva249
Member Avatar for emilyhedgecock

Basically, its all to do with the inventory system, all the other reams of code work fine, thank God! with the inventory, the idea is that each character can hold 5 items, so an array, but the array needs to hold the itemID and the itemName therefore an array wont …

Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo
Member Avatar for Ptap03

Hello, I'm new to this thread but have referenced to it before many times. I have finally joined thanks to all the great responses I have read in the past. Okay, I recieved an assignment which is as follow... "Declare a dynamic array of Person to store the information of …

Member Avatar for VernonDozier
Member Avatar for ice_tea_lemon

Hey all, Since I am new to this forum I better intorduce myself first. Well, I plan to take C++ in June, but seeing it as being my weakness zone earlier on, I wanna train while I've got the chance. So, I'm studying on my own at home since uni …

Member Avatar for wazcreliars
Member Avatar for pwp14

#include <iostream> using namespace std; int ScrabbleScore(string word) { int x=0; for(int index =0; index < (int)word.length() -1; index ++) { char ltr = toupper(word[index]); if(ltr == 'A' || ltr == 'E' || ltr == 'I' || ltr == 'L' || ltr == 'N' || ltr == 'O' || ltr …

Member Avatar for gerard4143
Member Avatar for ana_1234

This is a friend operator overload function that used addition. It adds two mix fraction by reducing them to simplest form the adding and converting them back to a mixed number [CODE]Mixed operator+(const Mixed& f1, const Mixed& f2) { int newnum, newnum2, gcd, tmpNumerator2, tmpNumerator, tmpInteger, tmpInteger2; Mixed r; tmpNumerator …

Member Avatar for ana_1234
Member Avatar for exekiel101

my professor has a assignment for us... this is the directions "write a c++ program that declares an array alpha of 50 elements of type float initializxa the array the 1st 25 elemensts are equal to the square of the index variable and the remaining elements are equal to 3x …

Member Avatar for Ryaether
Member Avatar for ana_1234

So I've been working on this program for a while, I'm finally finish but I have two error that I can not understand why. My first error is when I am declaring the header f [CODE] //------------------- Mixed.cpp -------------- #include <iostream> #include "mixed.h" using namespace std;[/CODE]ile> it keep sending me …

Member Avatar for ana_1234
Member Avatar for _Nestor

I wrote this code to convert from number in denary to a different base I was curious if anyone has any tips on a better way to write this code I'm always looking to improve my coding and I find others critiques to be a great way of improving. In …

Member Avatar for Schol-R-LEA
Member Avatar for iloveall

Can you guys help me build conway's game of life? I don't need anyone to build it for me, but if you could help me work through it, I have no idea how to implement the rules correctly. Here is the basic board which I have set up so far.. …

Member Avatar for kes166
Member Avatar for yznk

im trying to create a short email based program that displays only the subject of each email and how many emails with that specific subject there are. However im having a few scoping errors i cant figure out in my SearchCommunication. Can anyone take a look at it and let …

Member Avatar for kes166
Member Avatar for glenak

This is a proper beginner's question, as you can tell from the thread's title. I have to say, working with java is so much less frustrating. I created a managed c++ project on eclipse, and created a c++ class. Problem is I can't run any of the codes I write …

Member Avatar for kes166
Member Avatar for vbx_wx
Member Avatar for mayyubiradar
Member Avatar for megz_03

Hello. I'm currently working on a project its a database project and i'm the one assign in adding names on the database. For example: when run in c++ Huston, Cher A. Surname First name M.i. what i want to do is that c++ would automatically delete the '.' when the …

Member Avatar for mayyubiradar
Member Avatar for fukki

Hello! I want to pass array of struct to a function. After from that function to pass it to another function. I made some efforts but without result. Those are some parts of my code i create the structure to my main function [code]airplane ticket[numberOfTickets];[/code] from main function i pass …

Member Avatar for kes166
Member Avatar for lynnhtet

With keyboard input symbol.depending on which character is entered to print one of the following messages: "It is a figure!" "This is a letter!" "This is not a number and not the letter!" I can't write this programm and please help me if you can.... Thank a lot ...I will …

Member Avatar for kes166
Member Avatar for diagramatic

Hi there, What coding standards are most important to you? I'm doing a review and would like to get some feedback. Naming conventions, is m_ used these days? Class Names - prefixes, case? Comments - style, on functions? Do people prefer to use == NULL or == 0? Any feedback …

Member Avatar for mike_2000_17
Member Avatar for codingNewB

Hello Everybody I cannot get my file to open in my eof program. Outlined below is what the program needs to do: 1) Program needs to read from a file (ex. "Data.txt") 2) Program needs to read even & odd numbers down file. (ex. 2 3 12 5) 3) Program …

Member Avatar for codingNewB
Member Avatar for myk45

Hello, im trying to write a recursive algorithm to generate the following binary sequence. ie basically: for 3: 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111 i tried the iterative method, it works fine. this is what i did: [CODE]for (i = 0 to pow(2, n) ) { //generate the …

Member Avatar for mrnutty
Member Avatar for Archenemie

Basically after every guess i want the loop to run until the user guesses right. This is just a simple number guessing game. I ask the user for more input after every wrong guess but the program ends after the second guess is given. Can anyone help? [CODE]#import <iostream> #include …

Member Avatar for Archenemie
Member Avatar for burcin erek

pls would you help to draw a circle using with msoftcon.h library. but it does not work on dev-c compiler. i checked the files it does not cover msoftcon.h on dev-c where to find this library for graphical shape. thanks in advance.

Member Avatar for dhawalruud

Turbo C++ gives an error saying "BGI graphics are not supported under windows". Please help me out...

Member Avatar for brontok214

write a program that declares three one dimensional arrays named price,quantity, and amount. each array should be declared in main() and be capable of holding 10 double-precision numbers. the numbers to be stored in price are 10.62, 14.89, 13.21, 16.55, 18.62, 9.47, 6.58, 18.32, 12.15, and 3.98. the numbers to …

Member Avatar for daviddoria
Member Avatar for kominosmash

I'm having trouble trying to figure out how to code an output for the customer when they order a certain item for example: customer orders a number 1 which is a double burger or a number 2 a heap of fried chicken, then they are prompted if they want fries …

Member Avatar for starpointer123

I'm currently working on a recursive descent interpreter using C++. Though there is already a code on the project, I'm asked to rewrite the Recursive Descent Interpreter implementing it using a list class without using templates and facilites from the standard template library. I already worked through part of the …

Member Avatar for starpointer123
Member Avatar for hugzzy123

please help me on C++ i already converted decimal to hex this are the instruction write a program that will ask the user to input an integer (4 byte number) n Display the hexadecimal equivalent of n then the reverse byte order of n , Display it on Hexadecimal as …


The End.