Hello Everybody

I cannot get my file to open in my eof program. Outlined below is what the program needs to do:

1) Program needs to read from a file (ex. "Data.txt")
2) Program needs to read even & odd numbers down file. (ex. 2
3) Program needs to add even numbers and display sum
4) Program needs to ass odd numbers and display sum also
5) Program needs to close properly

Here is what I have so far:

// Author: 
// Ch.5 Exercise 6
// Program: EOF-even/odd
// Oct. 4, 2010

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>

using namespace std;

int main()
		// Delcare Variables
         int i;
	int evenSum = 0;
	int oddSum = 0;

		//Comment: Declare stream variables
         ifstream inFile;

		//Comment: Open Input File
		//Comment: Test Opening File
         if (!inFile.is_open()) 
             cout << "There was a problem opening file "
                  << endl;
             return 1;
		//Comment: File Read Operations
         while (!inFile.eof()) 
		//Comment: Adding Even & Odds From 
		//         File.
             if (i % 2 == 0) evenSum += i;
	    if (i % 2 > 0) oddSum += i;
		// Comment: Display Even Sum & Odd Sum
	cout << "Evens: " << evenSum << endl;
	cout << "Odds: " << oddSum << endl;
	// Comment: Close of File
         return 0;

inFile >> i;

You cant get the file to open? Does the file exist in your project directory? Also, in lines 37 and 38 you do:

if (i % 2 == 0) evenSum += i;
if (i % 2 > 0) oddSum += i;

You have never initialized i with a value. This will produce a logical error.

would I put inFile >> i after


inFile.open("Data.txt"); Because its not even opening up, when I debug the command promp comes up and says "there was a problem opening file"

if (!inFile.is_open()) 	{             cout << "There was a problem opening file "                  << endl;             return 1;         }

alls I did was create a notepad file w numbers on each line, then saved it to my desktop. did not no I needed to put the file in my project file. I will initialize i to 0. but other than that would you say the code looks ok

You cant get the file to open? Does the file exist in your project directory? Also, in lines 37 and 38 you do:

if (i % 2 == 0) evenSum += i;
if (i % 2 > 0) oddSum += i;

You have never initialized i with a value. This will produce a logical error.

Now I have it opening, I put the data file in my projects file and also initiated i=0. But now when i debug, the test window comes up and nothing is show just a black screen until I press a key to exit???:-/

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