49,757 Topics

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Member Avatar for abhijeet kamble

hey, iam working on c++ and i need help . will u plz tel me how do i insert time to my system.... i tried with time.h and bios.h but it doesent work .. also how do i execute a batch file of .exe from c++.

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for Jacobah

Hi I try to change images and location. first I define CStatic array (m_x) when i try to show him: m_x[0].SetBitmap(hBitmap); I have error: "expression must have class type" (on m_x[0]) what is my mistake???? [CODE] CStatic *m_x[2]; // = {&m_1, &m_2}; m_x[0]= &m_1; //Row 1 CString ReqBMP(Letter[m_A1]); hBitmap = …

Member Avatar for Jacobah
Member Avatar for Yaserk88

Hey does anyone know if there is an error function in the math library of C++? I think there is so, but I just can't figure out how to use it.

Member Avatar for tesuji
Member Avatar for help1

#include <stdio.h> #include <conio.h> int HM=67.50, MS=87.00, Ms=92.75 ,a,b,c; float oHM, oMS, oMs, T; void main() { clrscr; oHM=HM*a; oMS=MS*b; oMs=Ms*c; T= oHM+oMS+oMs; printf("Hi! May I take your Order?");; printf("Here's our Menu"); printf("Happy Meal for 67.50, McSavers1 for 87.00, McSavers2 for 92.75"); printf("How many Happy Meal do you want?"); scanf("%d, …

Member Avatar for sfuo
Member Avatar for kerp

Hi! I've recently started to make some programs with the windows API using C++. The problem I'm having right now is that I've created an application, and now I want to share it with the world (or at least some selected few). I've coded the program on my laptop win …

Member Avatar for kerp
Member Avatar for neil_mahaseth

There are N coins kept on the table, numbered from 0 to N - 1. Initally, each coin is kept tails up. You have to perform two types of operations : 1) Flip all coins numbered between A and B. This is represented by the command "0 A B" 2) …

Member Avatar for neil_mahaseth
Member Avatar for Dendei

hey guys, emm can someone explain fast for me how to get to the programming state where u get a window with some options on the side and can then switch to code i cant remeber how to get there :) hope u understand thx for answers :)

Member Avatar for n.sehrawqat1987
Member Avatar for jan1024188

I have a problem....I wrote program which makes computer beep, but there is no beep when executing a program. I included [B]windows.h[/B] header, defined [B]speed[/B] and wrote following line [CODE]Beep(2750, speed);[/CODE] Why there is no beep?

Member Avatar for +_+man
Member Avatar for +_+man

how to make a generator which generates codes for eg;-123456?? how to make this i need serious help thanks in advance for everyone who helped me.

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Member Avatar for localp

I have an opensouce project, that is been used c++ as its language. Now i need to use visual studio 2008, as the IDE in making some changes in the source. How do i import this project to my VS2008 environment? is there any converter i can use that could …

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Member Avatar for ivareske

Hi, I am writing a program which is using taglib to read audio tags. When calling the taglib dll, sometimes a std::cerr message is generated. I want to catch these messages and save them in a log. I have tried std::ofstream ostr("log.txt"); //or std::ostringstream ostr; std::streambuf * old_buffer = std::cerr.rdbuf(); …

Member Avatar for vijayan121
Member Avatar for Razorfox
Member Avatar for YasukiMai

Hey I am very new to programming. I am taking my first C++ class. I am a little embarrassed to ask a simple question but I am stuck. I want to code a pattern that can vary by size etc. It looks like ***** 5**** 55*** 555** 5555* or ******** …

Member Avatar for finito
Member Avatar for coolblazer

Im having problem with saving register staff detail. After typing all the detail, and i choose to view the staff detail - it say "Data for Staff Number that have been entered is Empty." here's my full coding: admin.h [code]#pragma once #ifndef ADMIN_H #define ADMIN_H #include<iostream> #include<string> #include "Staff.h" using …

Member Avatar for coolblazer
Member Avatar for crapgarden

[COLOR="Red"]3.3 - Objects vs Types: Strings, char, int.[/COLOR] Strings used to be an array of char in C-style coding. Now they're objects in C++. Does this mean that int and char are not objects?

Member Avatar for crapgarden
Member Avatar for crapgarden

[COLOR="Red"]3.2 - Defining and Differentiating Computation. [] vs ()[/COLOR] I'm trying to get a solid fix on how math computations work in C++ and how to declare their order, in particular with respect to ( ) operators. this adds to an array: [CODE] inventory[numItems++] = "armor".[/CODE] why don't I need …

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Member Avatar for dusktreader

I notice that there are many, many threads where posters receive few if any comments. When I open these threads, it is usually obvious right away why no one has bothered to reply. The problems with these posts vary from deliberate solicitation for homework solutions to poorly composed questions. I …

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Member Avatar for emps

Ok, I have a header file that each of my source files includes: #ifndef MAIN_H #define MAIN_H #include <string> #include <vector> #include <sys/socket.h> using namespace std; extern string CONFIG_FILE; struct _msg { string prefix; string command; vector<string> params; }; struct _channel { bool bLocalOnly; string name; vector<string> users; string mode; …

Member Avatar for dusktreader
Member Avatar for smoothe19

Why is my destructor not working properly when ran with my whole code it keeps displaying 01010101010101 etc here is my code [CODE]LinkedList::~LinkedList() { NodePointer ptr = first; while(ptr != 0){ first = ptr->next; delete ptr; ptr = first; } if (first == 0) cout << "List destroyed\n"; else cout …

Member Avatar for smoothe19
Member Avatar for avarionist

I'm working on a simple function to read in from a file called save.txt and i need to read about 7 or 8 characters in. 4 characters are numbers that represent North south east and west respectively the other 4 characters are delimiters(i don't know why i put them in …

Member Avatar for avarionist
Member Avatar for gear26926

Hi, The above code generates a window and it has a few buttons on it.That is working fine. But however the part of the code where class "FileDialog" is defined and the function "myButton5_Click" is used, it does not seem to work. The output should be such that - When …

Member Avatar for gear26926
Member Avatar for amiref

Hello Everybody I Have A Question . Suppose That We Have This Class : ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class StringClass { public: ... void someProcessing( ); ... StringClass& operator=(const StringClass& rtSide); ... private: char *a;//Dynamic array for characters in the string int capacity;//size of dynamic array a int length;//Number of characters in a …

Member Avatar for Aranarth
Member Avatar for finalheavenx

please help me how to get the highest and lowest number when I input 10 numbers.. the first run is: Enter First Number: Enter Second Number: Enter Third Number: Enter Fourth Number: Enter Fifth Number: Enter Sixth Number: Enter Seventh Number: Enter Eighth Number: Enter Ninth Number: Enter Tenth Number: …

Member Avatar for dusktreader
Member Avatar for larkson

I'm writing an assessment tool that cross checks the name entered by a person with a list of names of known people blacklisted by me. So far I can only figure out how to compare a users entry with one name, effectively limiting my blacklist to one name. I'm new …

Member Avatar for mrnutty
Member Avatar for cmutzel02

I am writing a program to read ain a file. s axis -1.50000E+01 to -1.49000E+01 t axis -1.50000E+01 to -1.49000E+01 4.16402E-06 0.0077 repeat for new numbers (these values don't match those taken in below, I just pulled them out of a random part of the file) the format doesn't really …

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Member Avatar for TurboCoding

I have used IT++ for half a year, which is a C++ liabrary. Recently, I got a problem when I try to write the HEADER file for a class, with a member which is another class object. Here is part of my code: [CODE] class A { private: fixvec fv; …

Member Avatar for TurboCoding
Member Avatar for hg_fs2002

I have a text which consists of several paragraphs in which each paragraph consists of several lines. I have the number of paragraphs and now I want to store the number of lines in each paragraph in a vector.This is what I've written and doesn't work properly: additionally,a paragraph is …

Member Avatar for vijayan121
Member Avatar for nwhitfield

i know it might seem a little bare but i wanna know if im on the right track so far. for most of it im making a guy and a function that will increase his lvl when xp is reached. Then i reset the xp and increase the ammount of …

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Member Avatar for Resnymph

Hello, I am trying to write a GUI in Visual C# which controls a C++ DLL, specifically getting hold of C++ objects and editing them via the C# propertygrid controls. - The first part of the question is 'is this actually possible'? I know I can use wrapper functions to …

Member Avatar for bilalb1

hi hope anyone who reads this post is doing well/will be doing well soon enough :) ... i have a small problem... i have a program in c/c++ (i am using just a few functions of c++) which creates a log of files after doing some search(its not relavent to …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon

The End.