49,762 Topics
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I have a (I thought:confused:) relatively simple converter project I am writing with Visual Studio 2010 C++ Windows Form App. So to be forthwith I am completely stumped as to how I would get the user input from the Amount box (1234.12 for example) and the Rate box (1.04108 for … | |
I'm not sure if you all need all my files, but I'm getting the following error message when compiling: productionworker.cpp(8) : error C2440: '=' : cannot convert from 'const char [4]' to 'char' productionworker.cpp(10) : error C2440: '=' : cannot convert from 'const char [6]' to 'char' Can anyone help? … | |
So, I'm working on a project for my Intro to Software Development course; it's a sudoku puzzle program. So far, I've encountered two big bugs: 1.) When I wrote the code in Visual C++, the display worked fine(it showed up on the screen as a normal puzzle), but when I … | |
Hello everyone, I'm newbie with c++. I need to ask you probably a very simple question. When I write a file with numbers from an array I then read in a file something like: 7 8 9 10 11 12 When I then read this file and print on screen … | |
hy! I am writing an integer array class. but there is problem to return array from getter function. any one tell me the procedure of this task. And tell about extract operator for that class.[code]#include<iostream> using namespace std; class integer{ friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& output, const integer& num); private: int array[10]; … | |
I have a nice c++ program going right now, and I want to create a new feature for my users. The problem is, this new feature would cost me money. So what I would like to do is charge users if they decide to use this feature. I would love … | |
Exercise 12-5 in Accelerated C++. My operator+= works: [CODE]void Str2::operator+=(const Str2& a) { iterator new_data = alloc.allocate((avail - data) + a.size()); iterator new_avail = std::uninitialized_copy(data, avail, new_data); new_avail = std::uninitialized_copy(a.data, a.avail, new_avail); uncreate(); data = new_data; limit = avail = new_avail; }[/CODE] However i cant get the operator+ to work:( … | |
Hello All, this is my first post here, I was a novice Pascal and C programmer back in the DOS days, now I am taking a C++ class based on "Programming - Principles and Practices Using C++" by Bjarne Stroustrup. In the book he gives an example in which he … | |
I've been trying to get it to work but it just won't. For some reason everytime I run a program it freezes up my command prompt and I have to close it forcefully. Does anyone know a fix to this? One reason why I absolutely have to use this compiler … | |
I have been studying c++ on my own for about a year (i'm 11) and have mastered classes, functions, logical operations, and some other basic things. Now I'm interested in learning to make and use GUIs. I already know how to make a message box and have the code but … | |
Hi, I have to write an airline ticket program for my class. My instructor gave us an example of a similar program so I thought I would build and run it to help me understand it better but he seems to have given us code for a program that doesn't … | |
[CODE]#include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; class w { public: void InsertRow(String* myConnection) { // If the connection string is null, use a default. if (myConnection->Equals(S"")) { myConnection = S"DRIVER= {SQL Server};SERVER=MyServer;Trusted_connection=yes;DATABASE=idb;"; } OdbcConnection* myConn = new OdbcConnection(myConnection); String* myInsertQuery = S"INSERT INTO test (id)"; OdbcCommand* myOdbcCommand = new … | |
Hi, I am attempting to come to terms with pointers and have come up against a problem. By my understanding the code below should: a, assign the value 3200 to total. b, attach the memory address of total to ptr. c, send the value at ptr to val. d, display … | |
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Hi, Space Haste II complete sourcecode --------------------------------------------- You can download the game demo and checkout screeshots at gamespot. [URL="http://www.gamespot.com/pc/action/spacehaste2/index.html?tag=result%3Btitle%3B0"]http://www.gamespot.com/pc/action/spacehaste2/index.html?tag=result%3Btitle%3B0[/URL] and here you can download the game complete sourcecode. [URL="http://www.devharbor.com/ms-visual-studio-net/170-space-haste-2-source-code-1.html"]http://www.devharbor.com/ms-visual-studio-net/170-space-haste-2-source-code-1.html[/URL] =================================== Freecraft with sourcecode (similar to warcraft) --------------------------------------------- [URL="http://www.devharbor.com/games/179-freecraft-complete-with-sourcecode-msvc-project--1.html"]http://www.devharbor.com/games/179-freecraft-complete-with-sourcecode-msvc-project--1.html[/URL] Just one thing this website require to register for free to allow … | |
Hi all, Using C++ .net I have developed a new Gina.dll to replace the one that windows has in order to add support to Biomatrics under windows NT. At the end of the programming phase i detected that the Logon Scripts were executed,But In login Dialog box last successfully login … | |
hello I want too choose among c++ + qt + php and java for my programming language and platform please help me too choose best platform I want to choose a platform that has this features : speed, portable I am c++ programmer and familiar with java programming language i … | |
Dear all user and admin, My father now is paralyze with a symthom that been called MotorNeoron.. He cant do anything. He just sitting and and laying. Cant move his hand, leg, and all of his part. He ask me to help him making an shortcut key for him.. He … | |
OK, so I have this program I am writing called 'GradeBook', and there is a problem that starting on int Menu1(), ' if (menuchc == "4") ', and ending [code=c++] if (menuchc == "y", "Y") { string tmp = "start " + po; system(tmp.c_str()); system("pause"); main(); } [/code] so, I've … | |
hey all,how do i begin to learn a C++, can someone give some guide or idea for me?? thanks..hmm .... i got knowleadge about computer fudamental and basic computer skill | |
hi every body..... ^_^ i have these problem in linked list and i need some one to answer it please..... Develop menu driven C++ program to manage the College of Science Book Store. Your program should maintain three linked lists: one for books, another one for students and a third … | |
Hi, me again. I don't mean to be a pain but I have another question. I'm trying to add an event handler to the code (Irrlicht game engine) but I can't seem to retrieve data from the main function to the event class. Below I have [ICODE]bool check = ((IGUICheckBox*)event.GUIEvent.Caller)->isChecked();[/ICODE] … | |
Dear All, I am developing an app that will hook on to the ExtTextOutW and capture the text to be displayed on the screen and log it to a file. I am doing this on Windows XP and VC++ 2008. I have managed to do the above for a notepad … | |
Hey Guys!!!! I am searching everywhere but i did'nt find actual answer from internet or may b I am wrong.. I am making a program that stores data.. my all program works perfectly but there is one problem i cannot solve.. i am new to WINDOWS FORM (Object ORIENTED) and … | |
Hi, I just like to know, can an input data from user (keyed in) be compared with data contained in a files (.txt). Because, I need to compare one data (string) to so many strings or a group of data (about 100+). Therefore, I like to avoid from using so … | |
Why does the debugger stop execution and give an error when WaitForSingleObject() is called on a closed HANDLE?? when I run my program outside of the VS2010 IDE, WaitForSingleObject(invalid handle) just returns WAIT_FAILED like its supposed to. Is there anything actually wrong with calling it on an invalid handle? | |
Hi, long time no C. I have started using the Irrlicht gaming engine but have bumped into a problem which has been bugging me for the past 6 hours flat. I have a variable containing a std::string but it needs to be converted to a (const wchar_t *) string. Does … | |
Ok Guys I need some help with a small nigglying problem I have traditionally used the following code to check for a keypress when using the console and in msdos thats how far back Ive been using getch() but need to do something similar to this in C++ with cin … | |
can anyone tell me why this would freeze? I'm trying to find a way to terminate a thread from outside of it, and allow the main program to do garbage cleanup, like closing any HANDLEs used or freeing any memory allocated. I trigger an event which should cause that loop … | |
Dear Friends, How can we control just for that programme only.. *************************************************** * FOREXAMPLE * *************************************************** * I tried and successfully done with auto clicker * * using Dev C++ on CCleaner. But the question here* * The mouse will keep clicker while Im minimize * * the CCleaner. The … ![]() |
The End.