49,757 Topics

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Member Avatar for Jackie91

when i enter '1' .. the cout is connected,i cant even input the 1st line,which is the 'name = '.. help me pls. [CODE]#include<iostream> #include<string> using namespace std; void main() { int input; int choose; string name; string icNum; string parentName; string address; string TelNum, parentTelNum; cout << "\n\t\t\t STUDENT …

Member Avatar for jonsca
Member Avatar for Danny_501

Hi all, why do I get an error with this line of code? [CODE]string test("a" + "b" + "c");[/CODE] error C2110: '+' : cannot add two pointers I have included the string class. thanks.

Member Avatar for Danny_501
Member Avatar for cyqrus

just want to design a software that called reminder sofrware. Its like resource project.And ı dont know even how to start. Its gonna be a software that is designed to alert the user of important events that they have input to the program and the program provide a calendar and/or …

Member Avatar for cyqrus
Member Avatar for cap2361

lost!!! I took a homework assignment that worked written in just main and for practice I wanted to make them classes with pointers and have one derived class of base. Although the while loop, for the most part worked before it was turned into a class, it now does not …

Member Avatar for sunrise_cool
Member Avatar for kshitij tyagi

Hi all.. I want to know the file descriptor of a file that I have opened in my program. I know open(char*,int,int) returns a file descriptor. What if use fstream out("...").. Is there any way to know the file descriptor this way?? thnx.

Member Avatar for kshitij tyagi
Member Avatar for fuggles

I'm experimenting with GDI+. Say I have a box and want it to move across the screen on a keypress. Do I have to clear the screen and redraw everything everytime I want to move the box? Or is there a way to just change the coordinates of the box?

Member Avatar for jonsca
Member Avatar for anjoz

can you guys help me out i dont know any of the c++ functions and i dont know how to convert this tnx in advance [CODE]#include <iostream> #include <stdlib.h> #include <fstream> using namespace std; struct student { char fname[100]; char lname[100]; int id; float cgpa; }; int add( student * …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for Awah Mohamed

hello guys , i want to earn c++ but i dont have it's compiler but i have c compiler so can i use it or i need c++ compiler and where can i get it

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for hg_fs2002

Hi,I want to ask how it is possible to read a file without printing newlines? I'm using getline() to read the strings but I want to print all the strings consecutively even if they've been seperated in the file with a new line.

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for enkidu75

I am new here and this is my first post so I'm sorry if anything in this post is done incorrectly. I have taken a C++ class but did not get into any object oriented parts of it (all linear). Now I am in an object oriented class which is …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for creative9k

Sorry for the new questions... I've created this program to display a table . How could I write this code using while statements instead of for? [code]#include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { for (int x = 1; x < 4; x++ ) { cout << x << " …

Member Avatar for creative9k
Member Avatar for Unas

Please help me try to figure this out. Keep getting this error, error C3861: 'intialbid': identifier not found Can't figure out how to fix it, here is my code, the program is not finished. [CODE] #include "stdafx.h" #include <iostream> using namespace std; #include "myfuncs.h" int main() { do { char …

Member Avatar for Unas
Member Avatar for Excizted

Hello! :) I'm trying to achieve an 'engine' of a kind in a DLL project. I have successfully made a DLL that works, but as simple as Hello World. Now I'm coding a framework into the DLL project, but I'm having some trouble with the singleton function. Im getting this …

Member Avatar for oktalist
Member Avatar for vbx_wx

Hello,i had to write a paper about data structutes implemented using STL,and I was wondering if anyone can answer this question for me for the conclusion of the paper: 1) What can i say about the results obtained with STL when implementin Data Structures 2)Future research about data tsructures using …

Member Avatar for mrnutty
Member Avatar for VBNick

I just finished a small winsock program for sending files, but its soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo slooooowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww:yawn: so I am hoping someone here may be able to offer me some advice. so far, the program works as follows: 1. User1 chooses a file and attempts to send it. 2. User2 chooses to accept …

Member Avatar for VBNick
Member Avatar for XxPKMNxX

I have this program, when it starts, i am unable to press numbers. By pressing F this turns the numbers on. However, the result is, i have to hold down F to use the numbers. I thought declaring ignition as true would stick after i had released F. And pressing …

Member Avatar for mrnutty
Member Avatar for Awah Mohamed

hello , i want to know where i can get all the 3d and all the other c++ and c libraries and where can i learn how to use it

Member Avatar for SgtMe
Member Avatar for VBNick

I made a simple app to turn off a monitor. The entire program consists of just this: monoff.cpp [code] #include "windows.h" #define MON_OFF 0x2 int CALLBACK WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPSTR lpCmdLine, int nCmdShow) { SendMessage(HWND_BROADCAST, WM_SYSCOMMAND, SC_MONITORPOWER, MON_OFF); return 0; } [/code] For some reason it still wont run …

Member Avatar for VBNick
Member Avatar for akj_1989

hello sir! i am a new user here. I am trying to compile a C code(for 32bit x86 systems) on VS2008 using Lindo API 6.1 for windows(x86) [URL="http://www.lindo.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=1&Itemid=9"]link[/URL]. My OS is Windows 7 Home Premium x64. After successfully compiling the code, when i run the exe file for debugging, I …

Member Avatar for wisaacs
Member Avatar for rakeshk_87

Hello I am new to C++ programming and i am trying to write a c++ class for a calculator. I am having trouble with my get_token function where i'm trying to read one character at a time and if the character represents a number , it should convert it into …

Member Avatar for rakeshk_87
Member Avatar for kunkunlol

Hey there, I'm trying to organize a file that contains the name of the player, and his score. ex: kunkunlol 473 marc 94 Susan 134 I have 2 functions, one to read the file (will show the top 10 players like above), and another to write on it (like above …

Member Avatar for Excizted
Member Avatar for kubatur0

Hi there... I have the msgsnd code: [CODE](...) char *c1="./df"; if(!(df=(FILE*)popen(c1,"r"))){fprintf(stderr,"pipe1 problem");} s1.mtype=1; while(true){ time3=time(NULL); if((time3-time4)>3){ fgets(s1.mtext,1000,df); time4=time3; if(msgsnd(msqid,&s1,1000,msgflg)<0){fprintf(stderr,"sending1 problem\n"); perror("g");};} } } else if(pID1<0){ printf("failed to fork1\n");} else{ prid2 = nproc2();} return pID1; }[/CODE] and the msgrcv code [CODE]msgbuf rcv; while(true){ time1=time(NULL); if((time1-time2)>1){time2=time1; if(msgrcv(msqid,&rcv,1000,1,msgflg)<0){fprintf(stderr,"rcv problem");};printf("%d : %s\n",time1,rcv.mtext);}}} return pID3; …

Member Avatar for wisaacs
Member Avatar for newbgal

Hi .. this is my first post here... i have been trying to solve this problem for two days ..but no luck.. here is my problemm... I am using win32.. I can able to get notified on new device insertion and removal using DBT_DEVTYP_DEVICEINTERFACE [CODE]if ( DBT_DEVICEARRIVAL == wParam || …

Member Avatar for wisaacs
Member Avatar for gyan_sachan

hi, I am working on gina dll.In which i am using C++. in .net plateform.I am new in C++.net.I am facing a problem that i have a combobox & i want that when dialog box initialize and in combo box text automatically came from a text file whichi save into …

Member Avatar for wisaacs
Member Avatar for Buolbear4444

Hi, I am looking for ways to start out C(++) Compiler Design for Windows. It doesn't need to teach how to use a GUI, I just want to know how I should start out with it on Console OR GUI. Being able to write it in C(++) too would be …

Member Avatar for wisaacs
Member Avatar for YoavX

Hello, i've created a simple program for remote cmd. My friend wants to use it but the server of the remote console does not respond for his requests. the server is Vista and he has Windows 7. he tried to run both server and client as administrator. anyone knows why …

Member Avatar for wisaacs
Member Avatar for Lukezzz

I am trying to Copy a Folder that consist of many files to another folder with a new Name. I know how to do with files but if I write: System::IO:: Directory:: I cant find any ::Copy Members here. Is it possible to Copy a folder "C:\\Folder1" and at the …

Member Avatar for JuliaSh
Member Avatar for Danksalot

I am using xCode on a Mac to write some c++ code. Any time I use cin >> the program compiles just fine, but when I run it something happens that I didn't expect. I enter what I want for input and hit the RETURN key, and it goes to …

Member Avatar for Danksalot
Member Avatar for rakeshk_87

Hi i have a calculator progran which is shown below...i need to make this into a class calculator....i need some ideas to get started....like what should be the member functions, private data members etc..... [CODE]#include <iostream> #include <string> #include <map> #include <cctype> using namespace std; double number_value; string string_value; int …

Member Avatar for rakeshk_87
Member Avatar for Marembo

Hi guys, I have been trying to use the mscomm32.ocx library in my project but to no avail. generally, i try to use the #import directive to import the library. However, i get some weired errors from non-project files viz: [code] #import "C:\\Documents and Settings\\Marembo\My Documents\\Visual Studio 2008\\Projects\\BlueTraxGI\\libraries\\mscomm32.ocx" //errors include …

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The End.