49,757 Topics

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Member Avatar for anu07

I was going through my computer book,and I saw that "\a" can be used to emit a sound in c++,and I tried it as well,but my question is,is it possible to do the same without showing the standard output screen......??

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Member Avatar for mark0420

plz teach me how to create a role playing game using c++ or any programming language?

Member Avatar for vxp
Member Avatar for Brian Perrigan

[B]I've been given a homework assignment that goes as follows:[/B] We will write a program which inputs a 10-place ISBN number, cleans it up (removes spaces, and punctuation,) then strips the last digit (saving it) then re-calculates that last (check) digit from the rest of the number. If the result …

Member Avatar for griswolf
Member Avatar for alan4545
Member Avatar for annaabella
Member Avatar for Excizted

Hello, [I]Before you get scared away - my issue does not particular seem to relate to Quaternions or Vectors. More generally, it appears to be something compiler or C++ standard related, as my return call from the function is acting strange. You can eventually start reading the [U]concluding issue at …

Member Avatar for Excizted
Member Avatar for mrnutty

Download [URL="http://www.2shared.com/file/MGH_DXrx/lol.html"]this [/URL]great app, that I created. You will like it if you like basketball, especially.

Member Avatar for mrnutty
Member Avatar for barathdon

[CODE] #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> main() { int c=2,a=5; clrscr(); c = a++ - a; cout<<c; getch(); } [/CODE] I know the answer of this program. The result is 0. But i want to know the working of this program(I'm a newbie to c++. So, please help me..) Thanks.

Member Avatar for arkoenig
Member Avatar for vttuning

Hi i have another username but i cant login!! so i had to create a new account I'm doing a project in Visual C++....in Portuguese....i'm hoping you can help figure out the problem eventhough it's not in english... here is the whole code....incomplete in the int main and it's missing …

Member Avatar for vttuning
Member Avatar for Amoblaze

Hi, am trying to Write a C++ program to create a data file with several attributes. Accept n person’s information and display the same. So far this is what I have tried to do. My chaalenge is how to read the command line ipnut from the user to the file …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for VBNick

I need a little help with this :icon_redface: if I use ifstream::read() and go past the end of the file, how do I tell how many chars have been read? thanks, Nick

Member Avatar for VBNick
Member Avatar for jtltgl

I am making a password genarator and having trouble with this part of code. I am trying to loop until length is meet but it only creates one char and I am trying to when it gets to certain char to skip and do nothing but loop until length is …

Member Avatar for jtltgl
Member Avatar for papamutz

HELP me CODE this.. How can i INPUT a NAME into an ARRAY BOX? example i want to stock 5 names " UTOY" "MUTOY" "PrinceUTOY" "PapaMUTZ" "MUTZ" into an ARRAY?[B][/B]

Member Avatar for mrnutty
Member Avatar for ASardinia1

Well, I'm a college student with a dread C++ online class and now my (insert explicative) professor wants us to write a program for a diamond. The actual assignment is... Write a program that displays a diamond of given the odd length (an odd integer size less than or equal …

Member Avatar for regnerz
Member Avatar for Sarkahn

Hello. Could someone please help me understand what's going on with this code? What I'm trying to do is read each line of a file into a vector<char const *>. I feel like the answer is probably extremely obvious but I just can't figure it out. [CODE]int main( int argc, …

Member Avatar for Sarkahn
Member Avatar for n00btechie
Member Avatar for kaydee123

Hello, I defined a list in a class and want to do a class containing get/set functions. How can I set or get a data struct (list element) that has variables of different type and each variable is taken separably as an input from the user (I do the input …

Member Avatar for jonsca
Member Avatar for atifjatt
Member Avatar for jonsca
Member Avatar for mark88211

this is what i have so far, i need to combine 2 c strings, print them backwards and figure out whether they are a palindrome or not. (the for loop is where i stopped, it could be wrong) [CODE]#include<iostream> #include<cstring> using namespace std; int main( ) { char s1[15], s2[8]; …

Member Avatar for bagi.padhu
Member Avatar for madzam

someone please help me do the loop .....thanks ... ..here is the problem ...the user will enter integer values until 0 is entered. The program will find the lowest and highest values entered.It will also calculate the total number of value entered..... [code]#include <iostream> #include <iomanip> using std::cout; using std::cin; …

Member Avatar for mahmud.2345
Member Avatar for Dennis M.

Hey guys, Today I find myself stuck working on a small project. I am reading information from a pipe and want to output that information to a HWND. The HWND is already created and I'm using ::SetDlgItemTextA() to properly append the data within the multi-line "edit" box. This kind of …

Member Avatar for Dennis M.
Member Avatar for Rickay

I am fairly new to programming but have been working on putting together a group of functions into one program. It is coming along nicely, but for some reason I can't get the loop on the divisibility function to work properly. When you prompt it to quit to return to …

Member Avatar for jonsca
Member Avatar for sisterjo

#include <fstream> #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> int main() { int index; int counter=0; double comparison_variable; float numbers; double array_numbers[10]; // an array with 10 floating points for(index=0; index < 10; index++) { cout <<"enter array_numbers"<< (index +1)<<":" ; ERROR: undeclared (first use this function cin >>array_numbers[index]; if(index > 0) { …

Member Avatar for tesuji
Member Avatar for Andreas5

Hello again, i just finished excersise 11-6 in Accelerated C++. Through this chapter the book emulates a simplified vector class, and as a excersise i have written an erase() member function. My solution allocates new memory, with the size of the original minus the size of what i erase. Then …

Member Avatar for Andreas5
Member Avatar for maria99

Hi I run a c++ program in VC++ 2008 expression edition. The program was running perpectly in VC++ 6.0 edition. But when i execute the program in VC++ 2008 expression edition, the following error is shown Debug assertion failed Expression: Vector subscription out of range. I define the two dimentional …

Member Avatar for maria99
Member Avatar for Codname47

[CODE] myLinkedList ( ) { //TESTED head = NULL; last = NULL; cout<<"Linked List is created with default constructor\n"; } myLinkedList ( myLinkedList &arr) { //TESTED if (arr.head == NULL){head=NULL; last=NULL;} else{ head = NULL; last = NULL; temp2 = new node; temp2 = arr.head; while(temp2!=NULL){ insertLast(temp2->item); temp2 = temp2->next; …

Member Avatar for dusktreader
Member Avatar for vlad44

hi everbody, i;ve made a file of size 128MB and fill it with nulls except for a part whose offset is (655424) i fill it with integer numbers from 1 to 129407 then i try to read an object of structure from it where that structure consists of four integer …

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Member Avatar for scholar

Hello friends, I am looking for a fast algorithm that would calculate that for two directed graphs g1 and g2 ,is g2 is a subgraph of g2 or not. G1 will contain thousands of nodes and g will contain only 100-150 nodes.

Member Avatar for mrnutty
Member Avatar for rayborn66

Hey guys need as much help as you can give me cause I need to turn this in by midnight. I am trying to do this: You are to write a program that will input English text translate it into Pig Latin, then output the result to a file Pig …

Member Avatar for Aranarth
Member Avatar for bbman
Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for csha_cs508

//Program that computes for the salary of the employee [CODE]#include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int EmployeeCode; float WeeklySalary, HourlyWage, NumHoursWorked, Overtime; cout<<"Enter Employee Code: "; cin>>EmployeeCode; if (EmployeeCode==1) { cout<<"Enter Weekly Salary: $ "; cin>>WeeklySalary; WeeklySalary = WeeklySalary; cout<<"Weekly Salary is: $ "<<WeeklySalary; } else if (EmployeeCode==2) …

Member Avatar for Fbody

The End.