49,757 Topics

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Member Avatar for spartan118

Having trouble with my massively massive program. It compiles but fails to execute. [QUOTE]The instruction at "0x00471a6a" referenced memory at "0x00000114". The memory could not be "read".[/QUOTE] Here's my program. (IF YOU HAVE ANY SOLUTION FOR THE VARIABLES IT WOULD BE APPRETIATED!!!) the cpp is attached

Member Avatar for rdrast
Member Avatar for blaisemcrowly

Hi all I had been working on a project and there is a need for me to accept user inputed parameters from the OS shell like the kind we give: ls -a or dir /a where -a and /a are parameter, I want to basically accept a string from the …

Member Avatar for Aranarth
Member Avatar for programer alex

write a program that displays mid exam, final exam,average,min,max and name of 100 students.(using arrays)

Member Avatar for Aranarth
Member Avatar for LevyDee

I got the whole static binding and dynamic binding on runtime if a function is declared virtual in the base class, but if you do something like this... [code] class base { public: void print() { cout << "base" << endl; } }; class derived : public base { public: …

Member Avatar for AkashL
Member Avatar for arpal

How can I declare a separate function which will be called in case of Run-Time Error to prevent program crash ?

Member Avatar for Aranarth
Member Avatar for doc15

Hey there, So I've looked everywhere for help with my assignment until finally I found this useful service. I'm a C++ beginner and so far the problem solving and coding have fulfilled all expectations. If there is anyone to offer suggestions for my assignment, that'd be amazing! What it is …

Member Avatar for doc15
Member Avatar for VorSec

Hey, I'm new to C++, and looking for a way to split a string like you do in C#. [CODE] using System; class Program { static void Main() { string s = "@This@Is@My@String@"; string[] words = s.Split("@"); foreach (string word in words) { Console.WriteLine(word); } } } [/CODE] A GetBetween …

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for paraug99

Hi Everyone, I'm doing this assignment and i'm stuck. I'm getting junk for my area calculations. any help would be appreciated. heres my code. CPP file [code] // Ass2.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application. // #include "stdafx.h" #include <iostream> #include <cmath> #include "BasicShape.h" #include "Circle.h" #include …

Member Avatar for paraug99
Member Avatar for wingwarp

ok if i wanted to create something how would i say if (button"f") { } do yatta yatta if i wanted to do that how would i... probaly a really STUPID;) quesion but here it is

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for Covert06

[code=c] #include<iostream> #include<conio.h> #include<time.h> #include<windows.h> #include<math.h> #include <string.h> #include <sstream> using namespace std; int main() { int result = 1; float checker; //Holds the full array char char_holder; int loop = 0; float checker2 = 0; //gets the letter float checker3 = 0; //Holds the previous array int counter; int …

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Member Avatar for ghost_from_sa

Hey guys I've got a similar post on here but the previous one i didn't actually get any help this has to be handed in today and I'm stuck. The situation is this: - Read a text file into an array (most likely a struct array // which i can …

Member Avatar for ghost_from_sa
Member Avatar for pickler

hi everyone. i have a problem with my c++ program that i am making for my assignment. This is an ISBN asignment and basically The ISBNPrefix module simply reads the ISBN prefix table. This module contains all of the functions that are needed to access the table. Store the function …

Member Avatar for pickler
Member Avatar for LevyDee

I am reading in from a text file and storing the data into different string variables which are in my struct. Currently I use an asterisk to separate the info in the text file, and have a garbage string variable that I pass the asterisk into in my struct. I …

Member Avatar for LevyDee
Member Avatar for Andreas5

Hello this is my first post here, i made this search function and i would like some feedback and or tips. (: [CODE] // Implement your own [search]strstr[/search] function. (Intermediate) #include "stdafx.h" #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; class Search { private: int m_nTextL; int m_nSearchL; int m_nResult; bool …

Member Avatar for Andreas5
Member Avatar for dansnyderECE

Note that I posted this thread earlier, I'm reposting because the issue has evolved some and I have a clearer idea of what the problem is. I'm trying to resolve a segmentation fault that occurs in the traversal of a string array. My code is doing the following: - open …

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Member Avatar for eng hassan

can anyone tell me how can i represent a global function & a ( struct ) in a UML diagram????

Member Avatar for eng hassan
Member Avatar for eng hassan

HI everyone,,,i am a beginner in c++ & i have an a assignment that i cant even start & i need in advice that i can get so plzzzzzzz help,,, the assignment is about a game [B][U]The Predator‐Prey game [/U][/B]is a simple board game where a set of predators and …

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Member Avatar for j-green.10

I have a string that includes numbers and letters and I want to be able to seperate the string into parts. An example of the string looks like this FAP834E. I want to seperate it so that the first letter is seperate (F), the second and third are together (AP), …

Member Avatar for Lerner
Member Avatar for matthewl

I am having an issue with my multimap insert. I have looked high and low for a possible solution to this problem. What I am trying to do is make an dynamic hierarchy data structure that has a root element then child elements under it holding values. I thought using …

Member Avatar for matthewl
Member Avatar for JMC31337

After searching for how to use inline assembly with Dev-C++ i fig'd i would share my code This takes 2 const chars and swaps them thru inline AT&T assembly The variable booga starts as booga booga and ends up as JMC31337 [CODE] #include <iostream> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> using namespace …

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Member Avatar for catdieselpow

I am trying to fiqure out this problem for a long time. I am teaching myself C++ from C++ for Dummies and I cant figure this out. Fill in a 2 dimension 3x3 array with odd numbers. The display shows the array as it is being filled. Use random integers …

Member Avatar for Aranarth
Member Avatar for j-green.10

Im trying to create a program that will seperate out a product number like FAP831A-B. each letter and number means something different so I need a code that will divide the product number up.

Member Avatar for daviddoria
Member Avatar for kjloki

Please recompile the program to run under Solaris. I would like to compare the results with the QNX. [code=c] #include <stdio.h> #include <pthread.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdint.h> #include <sys/neutrino.h> #include <sys/syspage.h> /* for cycles_per_second */ #define COUNT 100000 #define THREADS 128 #define PRIO 255 uint64_t measure[THREADS][COUNT]; int tid[THREADS]; void* src …

Member Avatar for anuragcoder

Hi guys... guess i won't be posting after this for a long time.... could you all please help me out with syntax highlighting in c++ once again. I have made a full featured text editor(please check the snippet C.L.O.S.E) but could you please suggest about syntax highlighting or atleast indentation.. …

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Member Avatar for achieve_goals

Hi, I was working on Josephus problem, where I have to make a circular linked list and having errors in it. Will really appreciate if anyone can help me. The following method is in Node Class: void link(int num_people, Node* temp) { int n = num_people; [B]head->next = new Node;[/B] …

Member Avatar for achieve_goals
Member Avatar for andrewmiron

Hi guys, I am struggling with a problem with MFC.. i think its a small one.. but from my point of view since its bugging me for 2-3 days its starting to get big. So.. the problem is.. I have in MFC 2 dialog boxes. Each dialog box has one …

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Member Avatar for EricM3

Hello everyone, I am writing a program in Visual C++, using VS 2008. This is what I want: I press a button, which begins an infinite loop, that does something (approximately) once per second until the user tells it to stop. The problem I am having is finding a way …

Member Avatar for EricM3
Member Avatar for moqbel

hi every one i'm pretty new to programing so i want ur help. i want to create a program that counts the number of the downloaded bytes form all ur activity over the internet. that is when ever the internet connection is established the program starts to count the bytes …

Member Avatar for Nick Evan
Member Avatar for Irradiance

Hi everyone. I am a beginner at C++ and am having some problems with the language. I would appreciate any advice that could be given on this issue. I cannot figure out how to modify variables! Take this for example. Say you have four variables, 1A, 1B, 1C, and 1D. …

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Member Avatar for adamomo

Hi all. This has been bugging me for hours. I do a simple text book passing of a filehandle to a function and get a bundle of errors. my func : int appendVVmatrix(VVdouble &mat,ofstream& outF){ if (outF.is_open()){ for (int i=0; i<mat[0].size();i++) { for (int j=0; j<mat[0].size();j++) { char num[40]; sprintf(num,"%f",mat[i][j]); …

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The End.