49,762 Topics
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What I'm trying to accomplish is for the program to ask the user for their username and password and display it to the screen like this "John, abc123" after the function passwordCheck has confirmed that the password is not less then 5 characters. If the password is less then 5 … | |
Hello, I am using the computer vision libraries in OpenCV - if anybody is familiar with these then maybe you can help ;) I am trying to estimate the fundamental matrix between two images, using cvFindFundamentalMat(). I have created two matrices representing points in the left (points1) and right (points2) … | |
Hi I'm Starting At my Graphics Project Now I'm going to Make a 3D animated Poster It'll have flying Houses & People .. I'm using OpenGL & 3DMax .. What Should i be knowing for starting at that project ? Lightening , Texturing , .. hmm Would you please tell … | |
im trying to figure out how i count the number of 5 letter words in a file and the number of 6 or greater words in the same file using a string. all the examples are at higher level of programming im just a beginner. my books very briefly tells … | |
My program has to open a text file. I want it to give an error message if the file does not exist (or has a diferent name, which is the same, really). I'm using a pretty old Borland compiler, because home assingnments are checked with it. Compiler shows me this … | |
for reading the image which is in bmp. i am reading that same as text file but it does not work. my code [CODE]# include <iostream.h> # include <fstream.h> # include <string.h> using namespace std; int main() { string getcontent; if string openfile(" image.bmp") if(openfile.is_open()) { while(! openfile.eof()) { getline(openfile, … | |
hi i have this question..i solved it but im not sure if its true or not.. template<class t> class c { private: int size; t *p; public: void set(int sv) { if(p!=0) {delete[] p;} p=new t[sv]; for (int i=0;i<sv;i++) cin>>p[i]; } c() { size=0; p=0; } the question is that … | |
So is it worth learning win32 API instead of just shooting straight to Microsoft Foundation Classes? One of my classes covered win32 for a little and I was able to do a couple fun things with it, but then we jumped into MFC. It makes you ask the question, is … | |
I implemented a BFS on a maze that I made, but the one problem that I have is that I do not know how to obtain the indices of the path that it took to solve the maze. Right now all my BFS algorithm does it prints out if it … | |
hi, i have an error in my syntax where define operator +() . compiler says "declaration syntax error" i have. what is my fault!? [code=c] #include<iostream.h> class exforsys{ private: int x,y; public: exforsys(){x=0; y=0;} void getvalue(){ cout<<"\n enter value for x:"; cin>>x; cout<<"\n enter value for y:"; cin>>y; } void … | |
I am having a problem with my code. below i have outlined the home work requirement. please take a look at the second part(this is the code that i have written) I keep getting an error when i try to run the code. The error states:The program '[3716] Lab02 Case01.exe: … | |
Hi everyone. Could someone please help me with this. I have a program which i have written and finished for a college assignment. It is completely done. I have a perfect working copy on my laptop but when i copy it to usb stick and take it to college it … | |
Hey guys, this is my first time posting. I'm almost done with the whole program but the only problem left is the word frequency counter. I have file(.txt) that the program reads on and it outputs the words aphabetically and if the word has been seen, it adds a count … | |
The two classes from the Queueclass5.cpp program are displayed below. Please add another method which will search the Queue for a name which is supplied in its parameter and will return a Boolean value of true if the name is found, or false if not. The method will have the … | |
code file is attached .... [CODE][#include<iostream> using namespace std; class citizen{ char* name; char* nationality; public: citizen(){ //default constructor name = "Usman"; nationality = "pakistani"; } citizen(char *aName, char *aNationality) //parameterized constructur { name = new char[strlen(aName, aNationality)+1]; strcpy(name, aName); strcpy(nationality, aNationality); } citizen(const citizen &obj){ //copy constructor name = … | |
I want to look for letters of a string and then look-up in the alphabet and then write the index number of alphabet array's index . Like; A=0 B=1 etc. c=2 z=25 [CODE]# #include "stdafx.h" # #include "time.h" # #include "stdio.h" # #include "string.h" # #include "stdlib.h" # # #define … | |
i have a question that in 2-3-4 tree ,how 4 state tree or 4 node tree is created.mean that how to insert first 3 data till the nodes are split.can anyone tell me please. Thanku so much. | |
I want to implement a countdown timer in a game, but need some help figuring out how to do it properly. I know that this is probably a very regular question that has been asked a thousand times, but I've been trying out some methods I found through searching, but … | |
im trying to create a class that will create a 20x20 grid with 5 random x's and 100 random o's. But its currently giving me ascii chars instead. any help would be appreciated! [CODE]#include "Lifegrid.h" using namespace std; int main() { int r1; int r2; int r3; int oldi; int … | |
I have to implement a simple infinite sum which estimates the value of PI. The more iterations of the infinite sum, the more accurate the value of PI. Using the equation PI=4x(1-1/3+1/5-1/7+1/9-1/11+1/13-....) .The details of the program are as follows: 1. The program must have a small menu for the … | |
Hey, right now I am working on implementing a matrix class for an assignment. I am using vectors in order to implement it and am having some trouble with adding matrices together. In my private I have defined: int nRows, nCols; vector<int> data; Here is my code for the operator+; … | |
[B]Moderator note:[/B] Originally posted in [url]http://www.daniweb.com/forums/thread269720.html[/url] How can I retrieve the handle of a Windows Form texBox? The property textBox->Handle is not the same thing. [QUOTE=strmstn;1167223]Winapi, if there is a window (hwnd) that has a child Edit control with ID 1: [CODE]HWND hwnd_edit = GetDlgItem(hwnd, 1); size_t len = GetWindowTextLength(hwnd_edit); … | |
#include<iostream> using namespace std; class citizen{ char* name; char* nationality; public: citizen(){ name="Usman"; nationality="pakistani"; } citizen(char * aName, char * aNationality) { name = new char[strlen(aName, aNationality)+1]; strcpy(name,aName); strcpy(nationality,aNationality); } citizen(const citizen &obj){ name = obj.name; nationality =obj.nationality; } void showName(){ cout<<name<<endl; } ~citizen() { delete[]name; } }; int main() … | |
You have to write a program which takes 30 integers representing collection of coins. Each integer represents worth of each coin. The program should also take another input “amount” whose change needs to be found. Your program should be finding the change using minimum number of coins. If change is … | |
i got an error mesg (`undefine symbol _ main in c0.asm`) plz find and correct the error i need it urgently plx help me #include <iostream.h> #include <iomanip.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <fstream.h> #ifndef ADDRESSBOOK_H #define ADDRESSBOOK_H void main() { class AddressBook { protected: int recordID; char … | |
the problem is- it is required to store 'big integers'(more than alloted space for integers), suggest a suitable method by which big integers can be stored , also device an algorithm for adding of such numbers.. the just need the method of achieving this.i can write the code in any … | |
Hi everyone, i'm new in DaniWeb, so forgive me by some mistake, x) I need create a iterator, it can receive any kind of struct of STL, like map, vector, list, ... How i do that? Someone have any idea? Thanks by your attention. Best regards, Valter Henrique. | |
I'm a newborn to programming and my instructor has thrown me to the wolves. I'm trying to compile this simple program but I get these syntax errors. 1>y:\d03423388\desktop\projct3\projct3\prjct3.cpp(16) : error C2059: syntax error : '<<' What do I do with '<<' ? | |
#include<iostream> #include<string> #include <ctime> using namespace std; class Dog { protected: string name; char gender; public: Dog(string theName, char theGender) /*constructor*/ { name = theName; gender = theGender; } ~Dog() { cout << "good bye: " << name << endl; } void bark(int n) { cout << name << ":"; … |
The End.