You have to write a program which takes 30 integers representing collection of coins. Each integer represents worth of each coin. The program should also take another input “amount” whose change needs to be found. Your program should be finding the change using minimum number of coins. If change is not possible then it should display an appropriate message. Output of the program should be list of all coins used to find the change using minimum number of coins. Any number could be input from 0 to infinite...This is only for beginners!

What have you tried so far? Have you tried out an example with paper and pencil to get the thought process (which makes it much easier to code)?

Also please see this:

What have you tried so far? Have you tried out an example with paper and pencil to get the thought process (which makes it much easier to code)?

Also please see this:

i did this and now its working!

# include <iostream>
using namespace std;
void main()
	int x[10],a=0,amount=0,b,temp,c=0,d=0;

	cout<<"Enter your coins:"<<endl;

	for (a=0;a<=9;a++)		//enter array
		cin>> x[a];
//sorting array so that amount could be compared later on

	for (b=0;b<=9;b++)
			if (x[a]>x[b])
//entering amount

	cout<<"Enter Amount:"<<endl;
	cin>>amount;		//getting the desired number
	cout<<endl<<"Your Change: "<<endl;


	//comparing each number with amount
	for (a=0;a<=9;a++)
		if ((x[a]==amount))

	for (a=0;a<=9;a++)

//this is used as the default statement if the entered amount is inappropriate

	if (d!=c)
		cout<<endl<<"Please enter your desired amount again as you do not have sufficient coins to get that change...";

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