49,764 Topics

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Member Avatar for vishalkbhatt

Hi all.. i have a program to count LOC i.e. Line of code of a source file of any C++ program. The LOC shud not contain the comments count and also the blank lines. Now i m able to count to total lines of the program but the comments and …

Member Avatar for vishalkbhatt
Member Avatar for pranay_agg

hi, i have a string like string s = "1234" and i want separately the integers 1 ,2 ,3 4 as integers , so how do i do it? i tried using atoi as follows : [CODE]char * ss[10]; ss = atoi(s.c_str()); int x = ss[0];[/CODE] for getting 1 but …

Member Avatar for kunal kislay
Member Avatar for hondros

Okay, as the name implies, I would like to change an integer (ascii code number), such as 65, to a string, '65', then back to integer, 65. Now, the reason for doing so, is because I'm working with ascii code, and want to return a string of a fixed length. …

Member Avatar for venkat arun
Member Avatar for bobbuilder67

Hello Everybody. Does anybody here know of a good IDE to begin using directx programming in c++? I'm currently checking out eclipse, but I don't know how to get directx to work easily. I've been told Dev-c++ does the job but it doesn't work on my machine. Please help!

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for gnarlyskim

I'm working on a project for my first use of classes and OOP. I've read all our slides (only provided examples though) and two tutorials on classes, but I confused about a few things. I'll show first the assignment then I'll post my specific questions after. [QUOTE]You will need to …

Member Avatar for gnarlyskim
Member Avatar for restrictment

Please tell me why this doesn't work: [code] #include<iostream> using namespace std; int main() { char felix[3] = "ho"; if(felix == "ho") cout << felix; } [/code]

Member Avatar for restrictment
Member Avatar for NathanOliver

Hey All I am testing myself with making a big number class. Right now I'm just working with integers but I hope to expand it to floats as well. I am using a vector of integers for the container and i have run into a problem with my addition routine. …

Member Avatar for NathanOliver
Member Avatar for tarheelfan_08

Ok guys, for my next assignment I have to read from a binary file and then print out my information. I will post the assignment and what I have so far. But my question is, do I create the binary file first in the program or by hand or what?? …

Member Avatar for tarheelfan_08
Member Avatar for rpowell16

Hey all, I am trying to read in a line from a file. The line will normally contain a string followed a number. Eg/ NumberOfElements 1500 I only require the number. I have been trying to read in the line storing the string as "text" and the number as "numOfInts". …

Member Avatar for rpowell16
Member Avatar for Bhoot

I am dealing with multiple monitors in which i required to use EnumDisplayDevices() API. However, the linker gives me following error log (i am using VC++ 6.0) : [CODE]Linking... SourceCode.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol __imp__EnumDisplayDevicesA@16 Debug/AllianceProject.exe : fatal error LNK1120: 1 unresolved externals Error executing link.exe.[/CODE] I tried …

Member Avatar for pdtx
Member Avatar for restrictment

Hey guys, sorry I am asking so many questions lately, but I am learning this stuff by myself, and find it easier to ask questions here than look online. Plus when I try using the search engine on this site, it takes me to some quite random threads. Anyhow, onto …

Member Avatar for trcartmill
Member Avatar for Sorb3t3ro

I just want to share and ask about what I experienced, Im just a starter in C++ and I noticed everytime I make a program which has a [B]looping statement[/B], after compiling the program and try to run or execute the program([B]it happens only after compiling[/B]) it takes 13 to …

Member Avatar for Sorb3t3ro
Member Avatar for *Moonlight*

Hi, I have a quick question...so I have this program that asks user to enter an integer and then it analyzes that integer..it outputs factors of that number, and tells whether its composite or prime, abundant or deficient, and so on...and then after telling few things about that number..it asks …

Member Avatar for jephthah
Member Avatar for dragonlvr4evr

[QUOTE=hay_man;246195]I am using c++ and need to devise a method to determine the check digit of a credit card. The user enters the card no. as a string. The card no is then divided into blocks of length, x. these blocks are then added. I have the code to convert …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for skorm909

ok so basically what im wanting to do is setup functions and call on them later... this is kind of what i want [CODE] void mainmenu(){ //what i want in there... //if statements etc } void etc() { //whatever goes here} int main() // and then have them get called …

Member Avatar for Luckychap
Member Avatar for ice616

how would i write nested for loops for this program? there are 3 products. product 1 is $12.50, product 2 is $8.90 and product 3 is $20.10. write a C++ program that reads the product number and the quantity sold per day, and then calculates and display the total retail …

Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo
Member Avatar for rceena
Member Avatar for tcsarindam

Using different objects for input and output the above code is not working. Pls give suggestion ASAP. [code]#include<iostream> #include<fstream> #include<iomanip> using namespace std; class sample { int num; char name[20]; public: void read() { cout<<"\n enter name"; gets(name); cout<<"enter the number"; cin>>num; } void write() { cout<<"\n The name is"<<name<<endl; …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for drhelp

this is the code i have entered and keep getting the error: error pointer to a function used in arithmetic and error cannot convert 'const int' to 'double' for argument '1' to 'double f09kkk_lat {cout<<places[i]<<""<<fixed<<setprecision[2] <<fo09kkk_lat_long_dist(brunel_lat,brunel_lon,lat[i],lon[i]<<endl; } cout<<endl;

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo

Hi, I know this is compiler thing but I just wanted to know if anyone here have ever been succesful in compiling libvorbis/libogg with MINGW. It's weeks now I cant do it! I have tried with MSYS but nope i cant get far. I wonder why these developer consider only …

Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo
Member Avatar for awert

can u help me plz :yawn: to solve this : Write a program for data encryption using Double Transposition technique. Your program should encrypt any plaintext given a secret key. The inputs to your program are: (1) plaintext stored in a file, (2) secret key which refers to the matrix …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for theonlywalks

Hi everyone, I have searched high and low across google, even throughout my textbook... I have this project where you have to design the different types of CPU schedulers. If there are three processes (arriving in this order), P1, P2, P3, and each process has a CPU Burst, then an …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for jadkins

It sure gets your attention though doesn't it. haha. Anyway's, about me...I'm a Computer Science student, with what seems to be a heavy emphasis on C++. About 1.5 years in. I really love / hate all the problems that must be resolved when programming. I alway's find myself reading through …

Member Avatar for jephthah
Member Avatar for mikabark

Hello guys. Can I write structure data to child pipe? Usual examples are about writing char* or int type. I tried to write structure. But it does not look work. Will you check my code? ----------------------------------------------------------------------- [CODE]struct work_list { int heavy_rate; //0 - 5 level int work_owner; //thread id } …

Member Avatar for nezachem
Member Avatar for riotburn

Hi I have written a program for bootstrapping bond interest rates. The bond price I am getting is 101.99825... when it should be more like 101.999999..... The inputs to test are Bond Price = 102, ttm = 36, f = 2, face = 100, n = 5. Heres the program, …

Member Avatar for riotburn
Member Avatar for suncica2222

Simple: I have buffer LPBYTE lpBuf And I need size of it.I tried sizeof(lpBuf); but doesnt work properly. How to do it,which function to use?

Member Avatar for suncica2222
Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo

I want to write C++ Class that is exported by a DLL/SO. I need my app to be x-platform so I will avoid non portables. I read somewhere I have to wrap methods in extern "C" to prevent name mangling. Is there a tutorial to make me accomplish this? I …

Member Avatar for i_luv_c++

hey guys im working on a homework problem which requires two things -count the total number of clumps -determine the longest clump i finally made my code to recognize the number of total clumps however i still cnt figure out how to determine the longest clump any help be great!thanks:) …

Member Avatar for JasonHippy
Member Avatar for vijayan121

Question posed by josolanes: [quote]I looked at your thread here: [url]http://www.daniweb.com/forums/thread88255.html[/url] from a couple years back And I'm starting to get a grasp of your first post. I understood how to do the factorial struct really quickly, but the _if and _for statements still make me feel uneasy, though I …

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Member Avatar for eXsolved

Hey Guys/Gal's I'm trying to figure out how to make an array of function pointers, but let me explain what i mean: The array will need a 'key' value (string | char*) and a 'value' (function pointer). So basically the array holds a list of short names of functions. I …

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The End.