49,760 Topics

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Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo

Please help me to setup my development enviroment on Mandriva 2010. I used to MINGW and Codeblocks then Codelite. So I would be happy to have some IDE full bundled with GCC. I have googled but nope, nothing comes. Iam posting at codeblocks forum too :)

Member Avatar for ItecKid
Member Avatar for tkud

Hi everyone, I am beginning to find the later chapters of the book understandable. My problem now is this , When I compile the following code, the MDI child would not be created .. why? Please,any help with this and my other post on my edit control would be appreciated!! …

Member Avatar for Happy Family

Hi every one. it is my solution. if it is false, reply. using Turbo C [CODE]#include<iostream.h> #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> struct Date { int y; int m; int d; void subdates(Date, Date); long int calculate_date( Date); long int setvalue(int, int , int); }; Date t; void main() { clrscr(); Date e,d; cout<<endl<<"first …

Member Avatar for Dave Sinkula
Member Avatar for alizee67

Hey guys! I have an assignment for Tuesday. The problem is: Write a program, getting n (odd, n>=1 && n<=15) from the user and prints this shape: For n=3 [B][URL="http://i50.tinypic.com/25ria7c.jpg"]PLZ Click here to see the image[/URL].[/B] I wrote this code, but I don't know what to do with [B]line #13[/B]. …

Member Avatar for VernonDozier
Member Avatar for CoderRyne

Hey there, I am new to DaniWeb. This site is great! I would really appreciate it if someone would answer a question regarding three errors that this code generates. I have tried for a long time to make this text-based C++ RPG work. I got it down to just three …

Member Avatar for Bench
Member Avatar for Aprentchacker

I am working with the above files and have precompiled MyClass header to an object file (MyClass.o). Now if I add this precompiled header to my project and try compiling the project I get errors i.e. [Linker error] undefined reference to MyClass::<all member functions>. I'm using Dev-c++ ver. IDE …

Member Avatar for Aprentchacker
Member Avatar for manefa3

hallo everyone. please help me. i will make search about lexical analysis in c++ language . useing c++ cods and ant subject about lexical analysis...pleas help me.. thanks alot..

Member Avatar for manefa3
Member Avatar for octavia

Hi all fri, I got some problems in my simple searching program - what i want to do is to search one or more character ('needle') from the string 'haystack' . The function " int stripos(char *haystack,char *needle,int offset)" should return -1 when the character was not found; if found …

Member Avatar for mrnutty
Member Avatar for Eracobengo

hey member... i wanna get icon i like when build my c++ project together... how do that ..plz

Member Avatar for merturk

how can ı sort a student list from a text file like StudentList.txt according to students' surname and id number.can ypu help me?

Member Avatar for merturk
Member Avatar for enterhellozia

is it possible to have a generic stack which works for all the primitive and non primitive data types???? Sir this is very serious question because this is confusing me a lot look at the code of push method of the integer stack [CODE] void Stack::push(int number) { Node* newNode=new …

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for BobRoss

Does anyone know why getch() would fail upon starting a second iteration in a while loop? By fail I mean that I have to press the ENTER key after a keyboard character is pressed to continue. So in effect it is functioning like getchar() where you have to press enter …

Member Avatar for alvinwong
Member Avatar for DarthPJB

If anyone saw my last wonderfully perplexing post I've almost finished my binary-conversion lib. However while writing it I've come across a couple of simple questions that google doesn't seem to want to answer for me. Thus I once again find myself pulling my hair out over something trivial. So …

Member Avatar for DarthPJB
Member Avatar for daeuse

I can't seem to figure out what I am doing wrong here. I can either get my loop to play indefinitely, not replay at all, or not initiate in the begging. I'm very new to programming & would appreciated any help. Code: [CODE] int main() { int weight ; // …

Member Avatar for daeuse
Member Avatar for kratoz

Hello, First of all, im a total newbie at c++ so please , dont be amused. My question is, how can i make a application that needs a user and pass. from a already existing website in order to continue?

Member Avatar for mdawaina

hi guys, i am new in this forum, my project is about Quad Tree image compression, the problem is that it does not succeed to encode large images, it works good for my small 8 by 8 image, i work by QT c++ editor, i attached my project with my …

Member Avatar for mdawaina
Member Avatar for it-lady

I have project for ATM application >> & design with QT windows >> How can connect between windows ? please help me soon....

Member Avatar for colmcy1

Hey all, I am having trouble with the ""std_lib_facilities.h" header. I am getting the complier message: error C2614: 'String' : illegal member initialization: 'string' is not a base or member I am going through Bjarne Stroustrup's - Programming Principles and Practice Using C++ and he suggests that if you cant …

Member Avatar for xqq524148626
Member Avatar for waqas malik bha
Member Avatar for jbennet
Member Avatar for hao90

I am learning the OOP recently and i have a few questions to ask 1) When should i use operator overloading? 2) When should i use template?

Member Avatar for jbennet
Member Avatar for sidra 100
Member Avatar for bilalislamabad
Member Avatar for nedsnurb

I wrote this program which takes the value from the user and makes it into a even number if the number entered was odd, if not then print out a message to say they need to enter a odd number. But the program continues to return a value from the …

Member Avatar for bilalislamabad
Member Avatar for laelzio.mosca

I have this code for a tic tac toe game, everything works fine, but only two player can play, I`d like to make it so the user can enter the number of players, and if there`s only one player, the user can play agains the computer, how do I get …

Member Avatar for nerdinator
Member Avatar for daeuse

I am trying to get my program to restart if the user enters a y, and terminiate if the user enters n. What am I leaving off here, or what am I typing wrong? code: #include <iostream> using namespace std; int BMICalc(int weight, int height); int main() { int weight …

Member Avatar for jonsca
Member Avatar for iammfa

Hi, At the moment, I try to practicing c++ with directx, I found good tutorials for that, I started with "Tutorial 1: Create a Window" in this link: [URL="http://www.two-kings.de/tutorials/dxgraphics/dxgraphics01.html"]http://www.two-kings.de/tutorials/dxgraphics/dxgraphics01.html[/URL] I do all steps ok like the tutorial, but when i compile it gave me errors, I'm using VC++ 2008 express …

Member Avatar for iammfa
Member Avatar for Spiderpig085

im having major issues saving my TicTacToe game in C++. it is mainly in the function to save the game.. im not sure also if the code is calling that function properly. il show the code.......: [CODE] { char save_or_not; cout<<"Would you like to save the game?"<<endl; cin>>save_or_not; if(save_or_not == …

Member Avatar for mrnutty
Member Avatar for Rombosia

Hi, I have a C++ dll with a header having the following struct: [CODE] struct TData { DWORD m_Command; BYTE m_Option; char m_Message[300]; }; [/CODE] The dll also has a callback function MessageReceived that takes TData as a parameter. The function fills in the m_Message with some data and returns. …

Member Avatar for selvaganapathy
Member Avatar for saintrenz

Can you guys check my work i want to perfect my studies at school.. this will be passed on sunday also there some that dont have answer which you know please do tell.. [QUOTE]False 1. When you go through a list of names, from beginning to end, until you reach …

Member Avatar for ryoumah03
Member Avatar for suho

I have a map of pointers to objects, i want to delete some randomly chosen pointers and the objects they point to. Is it possible to do it without using libraries like boost ? I assign the map as follows [CODE]map<int,particle*> particle_map; particle* particles= new particle[number_of_particles]; for(i==0;i<number_of_particles;i++) { particle_map[i] = …

Member Avatar for suho
Member Avatar for luliana

hi ..pleas any one can help me to write aprogram that allows the user to enter the last names of 5 candidates in a local election and the number of votes received by each candidate, the program should then out put each candidates name the number of vote percentage of …

Member Avatar for luliana

The End.