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Member Avatar for ThomsonGB

In the following example I am trying to open a file that I have named in the command line for Read. Does anyone have any suggestions? ========================================== [code] #include "stdafx.h" #include <fstream> #include <iostream> using namespace System; using namespace System::IO; using namespace System::Text; using namespace std; #define RSIZE 1 // …

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Member Avatar for daeuse

So I'm working on my final project, and I decided to create a BMI calculator. As part of the requirements, I need to call a function into play. Below is what I have so far, but I am getting errors. I don't expect the solution, but could someone assist me …

Member Avatar for daeuse
Member Avatar for etteragram

can you help me do a program using array in c++. 1. accepts 10 input numbers and output its sum and average. 2.accepts 10 input numbers and arrange it from highest to lowest. 3. accepts 10 input numbers will output the highest number and lowest number. thank you.

Member Avatar for Frederick2
Member Avatar for Aycha

Can any one help me about DES encryption technique..... i have to submit its c++ code

Member Avatar for kolosick.m188
Member Avatar for mtfudi

Consider the following C++ program fragment: [CODE=c++]int a[1000]; int b = 0; for (int i = 0; i != 1000; i++) { b = b + a[i]; }[/CODE] (a) Write a MIPS assembly program which corresponds to this program fragment. (b) Unroll the loop in the program 4 times in …

Member Avatar for kolosick.m188
Member Avatar for donaldw

I've pretty much got it down how to determine operating system version, service pack level, 95/NT based, etc. for Windows XP and earlier versions by using GetVersionEx(...) and that's pretty handy for getting system information that software users probably don't know and don't know how to figure out (sadly). A …

Member Avatar for donaldw
Member Avatar for kimjan

hellow people i am a beginner i really need help. i am a college student one of my project was all about compiler.i made a c++ tutorial but the problem i have no idea on how to put a compiler on it. do you have any idea on how to …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for prokek

Hi, I'm trying to write a console program that will sort and find the median of numbers that are given in a text file. The text file can have ints or doubles. The problem I'm having is outputting the median and the insertionSort functions. I think that they are failing …

Member Avatar for prokek
Member Avatar for darkunknown

How do i put a function inside another function? Im getting confused with the function definition. Plz help??

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for ThomsonGB

If I Open a file using something like: FileStream^ fs = File::OpenRead( path ); How can I determine the size of the file so that I can read all of the data bytes in the file? What sort of Read would you use to read one byte at a time. …

Member Avatar for ThomsonGB
Member Avatar for CodyOebel

Ok so heres what I am trying to do to help you understand my question. I am making my WINAPI load hidden so it's not in the taskbar and is only running as a process using ShowWindow(hwnd, SW_HIDE) on case WM_CREATE: Now what I am trying to do is make …

Member Avatar for CodyOebel
Member Avatar for theABCasian

hello all im having as the title would suggest a runtime crash in my program cant quite figure out why hits some ware around enter tenant name. line 53 [CODE]void ComplexInterface::editUnit(){ bool test = false; do { int unitToEdit; cout << "choose a Unit to edit " << endl; for …

Member Avatar for simonsayz27

This is starting to drive me nuts. I'm writing a program that simulates a two-pass algorithm which translates assembly language code in C++. I started with the first pass which reads the labels and address for each line. My whole program is in a mess and need a lot of …

Member Avatar for lkegley

Hi All, Thank you for reading this and helping me! I am finishing off my program with a method that can compute Average Scores from a list of data. It's giving me an error that says "invalid use of member (did you forget the â&â ?)". Below is the code …

Member Avatar for Lerner
Member Avatar for darkunknown

im trying to generate a random number using #include <cstdlib> and then srand(time(0)); but it keeps telln me i need a constructor, destructor or type before the (. what do i do??

Member Avatar for darkunknown
Member Avatar for kungfudoug

Hello all I have just started to learn programming, and I am having a little trouble getting around array and vectors; I need to create a structure to store a certain amount of data based on the user's input. I was told by my teacher that I have to declare …

Member Avatar for Bench
Member Avatar for computerages

Hello, I am writing a program in C++ to open a web page in a browser using command line. Suppose, I enter open [url]www.google.com[/url] It should open Google's home page in a browser. I want to make this program multithreaded so a user can open as many web pages as …

Member Avatar for computerages
Member Avatar for dani2010

What is a seed in c++? "Call a function to populate the array to perform the following: Ask the user for a [I]seed[/I]"

Member Avatar for gusano79
Member Avatar for lordofdarkness

hi everyone. i need to find all possible paths for directed graph with dynamic programming. let me clarify. i have a path from 1 to n and this is a straight line. every line has a value. i need a way where the cost is smallest. i take inputs as …

Member Avatar for gusano79
Member Avatar for bijayswain

Can anyone tell what is wrong in the below program.I want to ping an ip address which is entered by the user. [CODE]#include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { char ip1[30]; cout<<"Enter the Ip Address"; cin>>ip1; system("ping ip1"); return 0; }[/CODE]

Member Avatar for Bench
Member Avatar for lotrsimp12345

basically i have 4 files 2 contain the following data . Trying to find out data which is common and not common in both files and write it out to files common and not common. It almost works except for it doesn't compare the last item in the list before …

Member Avatar for TheArchitect
Member Avatar for Japus

Hello I'm trying to copy a variable from a vector into an array (with a few steps in between) As you can see from the code, I take a random piece of equipment from the vector of equipments and insert it into the inventory (which is an array). The line …

Member Avatar for thelamb
Member Avatar for Skeen

Okay, I'm making a game, and I need to use random inside a class, however I can't figure out how to seed the randomness into the class, so atm I'm getting the same random each time. I've tried stuff like srand(time) in main, however, that doesn't apply to the class, …

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Member Avatar for kele1

I have to write a program that converts Fahrenheit from 0 to 212 to floating-point Celsius with 3 digit of precision. The output should be printed in two right-justified columns of 10 characters each and the Celsius should be preceded by sign for both positive and negative values. please help …

Member Avatar for kele1
Member Avatar for frankenclyde

is there anyone who is kind enough to share a program code "Inventory System with database "f.stream"".. just a simple program! with add, delete and search!

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for grafas7

hi, i have a task i dont understand, im working with C++ Borland 6. my task is to create array ,which will read text from .txt file (any text,with any number of words). What is important i need to count those letters by rating them, and then range (counted letters) …

Member Avatar for mrnutty
Member Avatar for kellnerq

Question- Write a function that displays at the left margin of the screen a solid square of asterisks whose side is specified in integer parameter side. For example, if side is 4, the function displays: Sample Screen Display **** **** **** **** i have come this far but i get …

Member Avatar for sidra 100
Member Avatar for Happy Family

struct date{ int y; int m; int d; long int calculate_date(/*struct variable */) { //.... } }; void main () {/*here how to call function and define struct var*/ }

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for seam

Project 1 Leap year calculation (Leap year is a year that has 366 days, a year that has 365 days is not a leap year) Write a program that will accept a positive integer ( the year to be tested) from a user. If the user inputs a 0 or …

Member Avatar for seam
Member Avatar for gehring

Hi, I have the following examplde code. [CODE=C++] // TestProject.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application. // #include "stdafx.h" #include "TestProject.h" #include <iostream> #include <vector> #include <windows.h> #define UNICODDE using namespace std; int main(void) { CString test; std::vector<std::vector<CString> > your2darray; std::vector<CString> row; row.push_back("col 1.1"); row.push_back("col 1.2"); row.push_back("col …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon

The End.