49,757 Topics

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Member Avatar for stacia

hi i am a fourth year computing major and i need some help with the following assignment. The program is to simulate the operation of one day's activity at an airport, and output the times waiting to land and take off for each BWIA flight. the program should include the …

Member Avatar for m_usman
Member Avatar for red999

Whenever I am getting a line from a file by using the string getline() function, I seem to be getting an extra character. I am curious to know what exactly that character is. It recently caused me a bit of trouble trying to debug. Let's say the file is like …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for Talguy

I am revisiting my EE senior design project that I finished up about 8 months ago. We basically took your vehicles instrument cluster and replaced it with a computer and graphically rendered your vehicles metric with the help of a datalogger. For the graphics I used cairomm for its vector …

Member Avatar for NitaB

Hey everyone! Sooo, I'm working on this program that's basically a practice on using 2D arrays. I am going through this step by step so first I just want to be sure that my program is reading the file and putting the information into the correct places in my array.(It …

Member Avatar for tomtetlaw

When I try to run my program( which is a test entity system for anyone who's wondering ), I get a Stack Overflow error, and I cannot find the source of this error. Here is my code: baseentity.h: [code=c++]#ifndef BASEENTITY_H #define BASEENTITY_H #include <vector> #define DECLARE_CLASS( className ) public: virtual …

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Member Avatar for NitaB

Hi again! I've been working on this program and I am thankful for all the help and tips I've gotten from this forum. However, at the moment I can't seem to get this selection sort to work on my array. I've tried it 3 different ways(will post code below) and …

Member Avatar for NitaB
Member Avatar for Luciano555

Hey guys, I am trying to make a simple program that interacts with TeamSpeak v2 (this is the current version that I have installed on my computer) and changes its text. The only problem is that it finds the window using FindWindow perfectly, but it doesnt do anything to the …

Member Avatar for Luciano555
Member Avatar for lovely ari

hi there i have problem making this program its rely difficult on me the idea of the program is (1) To parse a string to determine if it conforms to the grammar & (2) To generate strings conforming to the grammar this is the grammars we must start with S …

Member Avatar for Clinton Portis
Member Avatar for gen84

Write a program that will ask the user for 10 numbers, store them in an array, print the array, and print the average of the numbers entered. You should: All steps should be pseudo-coded before actually going to the computer, and you will be required to submit the pseudo-code of …

Member Avatar for mrnutty
Member Avatar for piyushsol

i used template funtion but its not working... it shows error like....... could not find match for func(char *,int).... in this program i m tring to find a charcter's location from user provided 5 characters. for this used template function...[code]#include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> template<class temp> int func(temp *array[],temp loc) { char ch; …

Member Avatar for programmersbook
Member Avatar for adi.shoukat

Hi, can anyone tell me that how can i check,In C++ Code, if the app i am working on is IE Or FireFox ?? Details: I want to make a c++ programe that Once I run it's exe ... and after that when my Ctrl is on IE/FireFox my C++ …

Member Avatar for Clinton Portis
Member Avatar for sexyzebra19

I'm testing this program for: x^2 + 0.17714x -2.5147583 with k = 1.4997 I've been looking at this for hours and have worked through it on paper, but can't figure out why line 59 is calculating C[1] as 0.17714. C[1] should be 1.6768. Can anyone please help me figure this …

Member Avatar for mrnutty
Member Avatar for Eternity[LK]

Hello :) This is my first post on daniweb forum and I hope this site will help me improve. I'm a first year college student in computer science, and I've only recently started C++. This means that code posted by me might seem very lousy and /or unprofessional. I have …

Member Avatar for Eternity[LK]
Member Avatar for r00ty

Hi , i have 2 txt files full of names , read line by line and compare. If name from first file exist in second , i don't write it to result file. My code work excelent with small files , but when i try big files (100 MB) , …

Member Avatar for r00ty
Member Avatar for Trekforever

Hi, I'm trying to write a function that takes in a c-string, and remove all 'T' and 't' from the string. So here's what I have so far, but every time I try to compile it, it gives an empty character constant error. [CODE] void removeT(char* msg) { char* ptr; …

Member Avatar for JasonHippy
Member Avatar for shenberry

I have a simple time tables that goes from 1 - 100. It takes like 6000 seconds to run. I figured I could break this down into a a multi thread program main thread for(int c = 1; c < 101; c++) { cout << c << "| "; for(int …

Member Avatar for shenberry
Member Avatar for Snippset

Hi, I need to make a program, which I think should be simple if you know what you are doing. You have an array of integers A(m, n) and B(m). Delete an element from A array, which index is in the B(m) array. Print original and modified arrays. I don't …

Member Avatar for Snippset
Member Avatar for grafas7

Hi i'm new here ,and i'm still rookie at working with C++ Builder 6 I have a task ,which i don't understand. My task is like that :.. Number array E (m,n) and i need to replace all the line and column even(oddly) numbers to 0(zero). Please im praying you …

Member Avatar for grafas7
Member Avatar for martidim

i'm interesting of source code example :[url]http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/openrrcp/openrrcp/0.1.93/openrrcp-0.1.93.tar.gz?use_mirror=ignum[/url] this is program for manage switches with rrcp protocol. To compile source code it's need to install 1. Winpcap ([url]http://www.winpcap.org/install/bin/WinPcap_4_1_1.exe[/url]) 2. [url]http://www.winpcap.org/archive/2.02-WPdpack.zip[/url] 3. [url]http://www.csie.nuk.edu.tw/~wuch/course/csc521/2007/ex1-winpcap/[/url] -->Here is example how to compile program in visual c++ with winpcap Everythings what i found in google for …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for ENCHTERP

Hello: If I have a 2d Vector and I want to convert it to a 2d Array what would be the best way to accomplish that. I know that I can go through a for loop to do it element by element but I would prefer to use the copy …

Member Avatar for mrnutty
Member Avatar for Phil++

If you were asked to describe the techniques to C++ would you talk about like, Inheritence, Re-use etc or something else? I don't understand :( Help please!

Member Avatar for mrnutty
Member Avatar for mikesr

Hello! I am new one here. Firstly I would like to say that I'm really poor in english, so be patient with me.. In the school we had a new task. So let me explain: we have a 2d array with numbers.. like this: 0 1 2 4 5 6 …

Member Avatar for mikesr
Member Avatar for grib

First off, I'm a complete and absolute programming newbie and a bit of an old fart to boot, so I'd appreciate a gentle-but-firm correction if I'm pushing the wrong buttons here. I'm slowly working through a used copy of Prata's C++ 5th edition, but something's not working in my version …

Member Avatar for Nick Evan
Member Avatar for Kennych

Example of what im trying to do: [U]Definition: test.txt[/U] Apples //line1 Coke //line2 Money/line3 [CODE] #include <fstream> using namespace std; fstream teststream; teststream.open("test.txt"); string line1; string line2; string line3; [/CODE] //I want it so line1 = apples //I wan tit so line2 = coke //I want it so line3 = …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for vijaysoft1

Hello friends , I am doing a project about [B]Video Streaming in J2ME[/B] . For that project i want to setup a [B]Video Streaming Serve[/B]r in my system (Windows XP). I got the Source code of a Video Server written in C++ form [B]sourceforge.net[/B] . But the documentation explaining that …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for kevinn

So here is the problem. This won't compile. It always gives an error like : d.cpp:24: error: ‘string’ was not declared in this scope d.cpp:24: error: expected ‘,’ or ‘;’ before ‘{’ token Compilatie failed. [CODE=C]#include <iostream> #include <string> #include <stdlib.h> #include <time.h> int d(int amount, int dots){ // d(X,Y) …

Member Avatar for kevinn
Member Avatar for Darth Vader

I have searched for a way before what the most effective way and in this case important the fastest way is to seek backwards in a file to read the very last line in a file. Like in this case I want to search from the end and backwards to …

Member Avatar for Darth Vader
Member Avatar for bkpally263

hey everyone, I am working on a project where I have a C++ library (a precompiled library ) that would be used in my application. My application is a Windows based console application.I am working on VisualStudio 6.0. I would like to add GUI to this application of mine. Could …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for gen84

Write a program that will ask the user for 10 numbers, store them in an array, print the array, and print the average of the numbers entered. You should: All steps should be pseudo-coded before actually going to the computer, and you will be required to submit the pseudo-code of …

Member Avatar for zortec
Member Avatar for pinsickle

I wanted to get some opinions on a good visual c++ book to buy. I am intermediate level when it comes to programming. I have already been through a class on C and almost done with my class on C++. So I want a book that is heavy on the …

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The End.