15,554 Topics
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[CODE]#include<stdio.h> int main() { int a,b,c; (printf("\nEnter 2 no.s"))?(scanf("%d%d",&a,&b))?(c=(a>b)?a:b):0:0; while(c>=1) {if(a%c==0 && b%c==0) {printf("\nGCD:%d",c);return 0;} c--; } }[/CODE] | |
i have written a code on assembler... when we enter the mnemonics it will give opcode... when i use %x in the printf it is giving correct opcode.. but when i use %c or %s it is printing some different characters.. but what i want is if i use %s … | |
[B][/B]char c "GATE2011"; char *p =c; printf "%s", p+p 3 p 1 ; = [B][/B] the output is 2011 can any one explain how? | |
Hey Similar doubt. Hers is the code snippet.. [CODE]typedef struct { char v; struct node *next; }node; void make_it(node a, char ch); int main() { int i,n=10; char ch[2]; node *a=(node *)malloc(n*sizeof(node)); a[i].v=i+65; a[i].next=NULL; scanf("%s",ch); make_it(a[i],ch[0]); return 0; } void make_it(node a, char c) { node *ptr,*p; ptr=(node *)malloc(sizeof(node)); ptr->v=c; … | |
Could you please help me on this. i tried but i am getting segmantation fault. void qsort(char *v[], int left, int right){ int i, last; void swap(char *v[],int i,int j); if(left>=right) return ; swap(v,left,(left+right)/2); last = left; for(i=left+1;i<=right;i++) if(strcmp(v,v)<0) swap(v,++last,i); swap(v,left,last); qsort(v,left,last-1); qsort(v,last+1,right); } void swap(char *v[],int i,int j){ '... … | |
i studied c++ before c guess that was my mistake... i try to read from a file a set of strings and put them in the new allocated array, i do not understand what is the main thing this code isnt working. i get segmentation fault... and even trying to … | |
Heya i ran into a little problem, well more of a mental dilemma using strtok(), i already know how this function works, heres an example code: [CODE] void split_me(char *input) { char *split = NULL; //reset split size_t len = strlen(input); char to_array[len]; int i = 0; split = strtok(input, … | |
[CODE] #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> void main() { int a; a=10, // in this line instead of ; i used , printf(" The value of a is =%d", a); getch(); } [/CODE] In the above program instead of using ; i used , but the compiler is not showing any error and … | |
***I have a feeling that there might be something wrong with my function int fgetAnswers(int*pos, char res[], FILE*inp); I am able to compile, but the problem is that wherever the black screen appears, a box would pop out saying that the program has stopped working. Can any of you guys … | |
Is there anything wrong with my coding? Why do I keep getting the message..."Error Opening Input File!" #include <stdio.h> #include <conio.h> void fgetAnswers(FILE*,int*,char[]); void fgetAnswers2(FILE*,int*,int,char[]); int main() {char ans[50],choices[50]; int n,i,id,missed[50],tot; FILE *input,*output; input = fopen("examdat.txt","r"); if(input == NULL) { printf("Error opening input file!\n"); getch(); return 0; } fgetAnswers(input,&n,ans); output … | |
I am using turbo c. I have a 2mb text file "tryy.txt" , so what i am trying to do is ,i am scarping the urls from the text file and saving it into another file. Now, after running the program, i get a meassage as "Null Pointer Assignment" on … | |
Hi Everyone Hope you are all well. I've been tasked with an assignment at collage to create an employee management system, so far i've done well and managed to create a working program which i am happy with :) However there is an optional function that can be created that … | |
Hi all, I just wanna know how to send a file through a socket connection in C language "client request a certaion file on server and server send him this file" i work on both winsockets and bsd sockets "client ==> windows, server ==> *nix" Thanks alot :) | |
I am buiding a Tic Tac Toe solving robot using the LEGO NXT kit for my school project. For practise, I wrote a Tic Tac Toe game using the minimax algorithm which worked very well. When I wanted to port my code to NXT, I found out that none of … | |
I need help in making a C program that performs binary operations on two 16 bit binary values. It should look like this: Select operation (1) Addition (2)Subtraction Enter Choice: 1 Enter First binary number: 1111111111111110 Enter Second binary number: 0000000000000001 Sum: 1111111111111111 I have trouble using the functions, please … | |
I have created a new C++ project (to be able to use the graphics.h library) then I have tried to add a C project which works perfectly in C (by the way I have saved the file with .c extension). 2 line leads to error: [CODE] q = malloc(sizeof(struct QueueRecord)); … | |
i am receiving a struct from the switch: [CODE]/* Packet received on port (datapath -> controller). */ struct ofp_packet_in { struct ofp_header header; uint32_t buffer_id; /* ID assigned by datapath. */ uint16_t total_len; /* Full length of frame. */ uint16_t in_port; /* Port on which frame was received. */ uint8_t … | |
Good day everyone. I am back from some previous months of extensive schoolwork. I am creating now a payroll application, but I think there's something wrong in my code, because it created an output that's not my intended output. Wait, guys, I'm confused. Is this appropriate for a C forum … | |
can anyone help me get an idea on how to add or subtract numbers in linked list for example i input the number 1,3,5 in order the display will 135 then i input the plus sign(+) then the input will 45 it will always add the 1st and 2nd number … | |
i am writing a code which is as follows: [CODE]#include <stdio.h> int main(void) { char buffer[2500]; FILE * myfile; myfile = fopen("/home/csgrads/akhan015/desktop/benchmark/coverage/test0/stmt.txt","r"); while (!feof(myfile)) { fgets(buffer,2500,myfile); printf("%s",buffer); } fclose(myfile); return 0; }[/CODE] 1.in this code i am accessing a folder to read a text file. this test0 folder is only … | |
Im having trouble connecting my sockets. On one computer I have a java server socket running and on the other computer i have a c socket client trying to get the message from the other computers server. But I cant get them to connect. Do you see an error with … | |
Hey guys, I am new to programming in C, I am trying to save "tc" into a variable using for loops. I understand for integers, multiply the result by 10. Is there a similar way to do this for chars? For integers, [CODE=C] for(j = 0; j < i; j++) … | |
This is what the question is asking: Write a program to get the user to enter a positive number. Validate the input so any negative or zero number entered is rejected and the user is to re-enter the number. and this is what i have done [CODE]#include<stdio.h> int main (void) … | |
[CODE]#include<anil_pkr.h> void main() { menu();getch(); } /* header file- #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> #include<dos.h> #include<string.h> #include<ctype.h> #include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// int i,j,k,l,x=5,y=5; char n; void smallbox(int,int,int,int,int); void smallbox(int col,int x,int y,int len,int brth) {textcolor(col); gotoxy(x,y+brth);cprintf("%c",192); for(i=1;i<len;i++){gotoxy(i+x,y);cprintf("%c",196);} for(i=1;i<len;i++){gotoxy(i+x,brth+y);cprintf("%c",196);} gotoxy(len+x,y);cprintf("%c",191);gotoxy(len+x,brth+y);cprintf("%c",217); for(i=1;i<brth;i++){gotoxy(x,y+i);cprintf("%c",179);} for(i=1;i<brth;i++){gotoxy(len+x,y+i);cprintf("%c",179);} gotoxy(x,y);cprintf("%c",218); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void paint(); void paint() { for(i=1;i<75;i++){textbackground(15); gotoxy(3+i,19);cprintf(" "); … | |
Hi, I am facing a bit of issue in writing a network software. When I try to send or receive a struct that contains a data type of 8 bytes the next sent or received struct is somehow affected. I have a few things in mind but first I wanted … | |
Help!! How to print this using loop & condition starements... 0 1 1 1 1 -1 0 1 1 1 -1 -1 0 1 1 -1 -1 -1 0 1 -1 -1 -1 -1 0 help pls..asap... | |
Is there a way i can modify the Bresenham circle algorythm in a way so that it actually draws arcs with specified start and end angle instead of complete circles? the algorythm in c is like this [CODE]void DrawCircle(int xM,int yM,int radius) { int f = 1 - radius; int … | |
I'm writing a pig latin program and am having problems moving onto the next word and printing the words. I have to print from the first vowel onto the end of the word and then from the beginning of the word to the first vowel including the vowel itself. [CODE]#include … | |
description of the program: 1. first i have to input a folder A by giving full filepath. this folder contains a benchmark program tcas.c, a text file universe.txt which contains 1500 lines, each line is a test case giving 12 arguments to the benchmark program, which are used to test … | |
how can i create something of this sort: * *** ***** ******* ********* ******* ***** *** * this is my source code: #include <stdio.h> int main() { int i; i = 1; while(i <= 5) { printf("*\n"); i++; } getchar(); } |
The End.