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Member Avatar for mprabuw

Hello Dani Web Forum, I'm really new to C. I have an assignment, which I think it's very hard to solve. I have to create a Currency Converter Program that reads data from txt files. The program should also be able to read arguments (argv[]). I'm really confused since it's …

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Member Avatar for collinskawere

why do my programs just flash off the screen when i try to execute them? i am new to programming, don't forget!

Member Avatar for siskaj
Member Avatar for geeksforgeek

Hello everyone I am using bsearch() method to find whether the element is in list or not, but i don't know how to find the index of that element. here is the code which i have done:-- [CODE] #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> int arr[11] = { 10,22,37,49,51,66,68,73,75,79,81 }; int comp(const …

Member Avatar for gerard4143
Member Avatar for str91
Member Avatar for Adak
Member Avatar for maplerichie

Can i change the array's rows length after i define it as constant or any other way? Can you under my code or explanation? [CODE]#include<stdio.h> #define CLASS_SIZE 20 //First define the array rows's length void main() { double gpa, average, highest, lowest; int student, rows, i, j; char grade[CLASS_SIZE][5]; //Wish …

Member Avatar for Adak
Member Avatar for FinaL111

This may be a rather simple thing to answer, but I am no programming expert. Let me explain my problem in detail: for this homework assignment I need to open up a file with simple text in it, format it so that each line is reduced to a certain number …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for gman1991

using the standard function in atoi() wont work. it gives me an error that says "assignment makes pointer from integer without a cast" this is sample of the code.. [CODE]struct integer* convert_integer(char* stringInt) { struct integer* convertedInt_1; char* stringArray3 = (char *) malloc (sizeof(char));; free(stringArray3); stringArray3 = stringInt; convertedInt_1->digits = …

Member Avatar for Adak
Member Avatar for ndayala

Suppose that you have a structure defined as such. [CODE] typedef struct Deity { char name[80]; char religion[80]; int numAppendages; } Deity;[/CODE] And, suppose you have a pointer to a Diety structure. Deity* deityPtr; Assuming that at some point you allocate memory for a Deity structure, assign its address to …

Member Avatar for MonsieurPointer
Member Avatar for Ascar

Hi, I need help with this, I'm reading a txt file that has this format: 10,4,12,6,18,24,7,8,15,14,25,2 So far, I read the file using fopen ().Also, I used strtok () to split the string into tokens, but i don't know how store the tokens into an array. any ideas? thanks [CODE] …

Member Avatar for MonsieurPointer
Member Avatar for ahp@aol.in

Hi folks, I'm trying following code.. [CODE] #include<stdio.h> int calsum(int a,int b,int c); int main(){ int x,y,z,sum=0; printf("Enter the 3 numbers:\n"); scanf("%d%d%d",&x,&y,&z); sum=calsum(x,y,z); printf("The vlaue of sum is :%d\n",sum); return 0; } int calsum(int a,int b,int c){ int d=0; printf("The value of d is:%d",d); d=a+b+c; } [/CODE] ** (1) ** …

Member Avatar for D33wakar
Member Avatar for cdudefire

I have been working on this code for a while and I can't seem to get to work right. I have been trying to make a credit card validator program in c for a class assignment. Any help would be welcome. [CODE]#include <stdio.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include …

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Member Avatar for YourGamerMom

I used a multi dimensional array: [CODE]int grid[3][3];[/CODE] then I assigned all the variables in the array to the number 2 like this:[CODE] grid[0][0] = 2; grid[0][1] = 2; grid[0][2] = 2; grid[1][0] = 2; grid[1][1] = 2; grid[1][2] = 2; grid[2][0] = 2; grid[2][1] = 2; grid[2][2] = 2;[/CODE] …

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Member Avatar for ram619

This is a question from some book. When u run it u would get base address of the arguments provided that is, if u write in CMD "myprog one two three" then the address would be like 65521 n 65525 n 65529 Means equal byte consumption by all the arguments. …

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Member Avatar for DmytriE

Hi all! I am having trouble accessing dynamic information. I have used the malloc command to allocate the necessary memory for my struct. However, when I leave that function and enter a display function it says there is a problem accessing the information in the struct. I just had a …

Member Avatar for D33wakar
Member Avatar for jtbens01

I've searched google and tried several different things but I can't figure out how to read strings into a two dimensional character array and also read doubles into separate arrays all from the same text file. Please provide any help you can and let me know how you might accomplish …

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Member Avatar for lllmcv

[CODE]#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <math.h> float f(float x); float df(float x); int main(){ float x=-0.7; int i=0; float y; do{ printf("f(x) is %f",f(x)); y=x-(f(x)/df(x)); x=y; i=i+1; printf("repeats %d",i); printf("x is %f",x); }while (f(x)!=0); return(0);} float f(float x) { return (x+pow(exp,-10.0*pow(x,2.0))*cos(x)); } float df(x) { return ((1-20*x*exp^(-10*(x)^2)*cos(x)-exp^(-10*(x)^2)*sin(x))); }[/CODE]

Member Avatar for emrecaglarhosgo
Member Avatar for terence193

The problem ''Ask the user to enter a year and store it in an int. Then assign to a _Bool variable the value true if the year is a leap year. The leap year is any year whose number is a multiple of four. Take into account that years whose …

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for challarao

Hi.... I wrote a program for Quick Sort algorithm.... It is compiled fine....but it is giving a run time error i.e., Segmentation Fault.... I tried hard but couldn't find out what is that thing causing segmentation error in this program.... Please help.... I'm getting segmentation fault very frequently (i'm using …

Member Avatar for challarao
Member Avatar for PapaGeek

I’m trying to use an Aug20th 2005, how to set file access time, here on DaniWeb. I need to modify the file times for a “C”, not C++, Visual Studio 5, console ap that I am working on. Here is the exact code for the project: [CODE]#include <windows.h> #include <stdio.h> …

Member Avatar for PapaGeek
Member Avatar for manaila

Does USSD syntax include other characters other than "[B] * and digits[/B]". While [I]googling [/I] I have not found where it is explicitly explained. This is because I am getting ERROR while sending USSD which consists of spaces and : (column)

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Member Avatar for ravinder yadav

i want to write a program which display alert message whenever 15 mins are over.But i am not finding solution of my problem using waitforexit() or delay() functions. [CODE] #include<time.h> #include<stdio.h> #include<dos.h> #include<conio.h> void main(void) { time_t timer; struct tm *tblock; time_t t; //timeout=18000; /* gets time of day */ …

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Member Avatar for seasum

So I have been trying to implement piping in my own shell program so that I can actually understand what UNIX is doing. I'm very very close at the moment, but for some reason my program is going into an infinite loop when I pipe. I'm pretty sure my problem …

Member Avatar for tomtetlaw

I don't really know what to ask here because the only indication I have that there is something wrong in my program is that nothing is showing on the screen. I'm loading a .obj model (it's just a cube, and i've checked all the verts/faces and they're all proper values) …

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Member Avatar for yurigagarin

Hi all, I have this code here and I like to save all the messages into 1 text file name contimer.txt. I've tried to do [CODE] FILE *output fopen(output,"comtimer.txt", "ww"); [/CODE] right before the function Timer 1 and change every "printf" function into fprint_s(f, "Message", variables) but it does not …

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Member Avatar for efronefron

the problem is if you increase buff size and also change the buff size in a3_fgets_2 function call to more than 15, the program will run in an infinite loop, Can anybody tell me why? Thanks [CODE]#include<unistd.h> #include<string.h> char * a3_fgets ( char * str, int num, int fd ); …

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Member Avatar for ganeshan23

Hi Friends , This is Ganeshan . I Found the Below undefined errors when using Socket programming on Eclipse IDE . I don't know what to do ?. Kindly please help me in removing the Errors . [Linker error] undefined reference to `WSAStartup@8' [Linker error] undefined reference to `socket@12' Thanks …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for Mark198995

hey me and my group are doing a project but we dont know how to use the file pointer (to export the C program to a text file and we dont know how to make it so the random generator makes our words go diagonal top left bottom left top …

Member Avatar for Mark198995
Member Avatar for dan1992

[CODE]#include <stdio.h> #include <conio.h> #include <math.h> // +-*/ void readArray(int *a, int n) //fuctie care citeste un tablou { for(int i=0; i<n; i++) { printf("A[%i]=",i); scanf("%i",&a[i]); } } void printArray(int *a, int n) { for(int i=0; i<n; i++) { printf("%i ",a[i]); } } void patratPerfect(int *a,int n) { for(int i=0; …

Member Avatar for Stazloz
Member Avatar for Nileshmendhe

if write/take a one space after ACCESS SPECIFIER in a scanf(), then why it takes extra inputs???????? e.g. scanf("%d ",&n); it will take numbers....instead of one?

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for ndayala

i get this error every time i try to compile the code below. any suggestions --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Compiler: Default compiler Executing gcc.exe... gcc.exe "C:\Users\ndayala\Desktop\19266\main_random.c" -o "C:\Users\ndayala\Desktop\19266\main_random.exe" -I"C:\Dev-Cpp\include" -L"C:\Dev-Cpp\lib" C:\Users\ndayala\Desktop\19266\main_random.c:9:22: sys/mman.h: No such file or directory C:\Users\ndayala\Desktop\19266\main_random.c: In function `main': C:\Users\ndayala\Desktop\19266\main_random.c:30: error: `PROT_READ' undeclared (first use in this function) C:\Users\ndayala\Desktop\19266\main_random.c:30: error: (Each …

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The End.