15,550 Topics

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Member Avatar for zeeshanvirgo

I am Zeeshan from Pakistan. now living in KSA. I need help regarding to chose computer programming language to learn online without going to any institute as i do not have any time here to go any where, and also i think that i have to become a comp programmer …

Member Avatar for venomxxl
Member Avatar for shanki himanshu

i have just giving a command textcolor(5+BLINK); cprintf("abc"); it will blink and print abc. but now after this i want to input a string and the problem is the input string also blinking which i dont want. how do i solve this????

Member Avatar for L7Sqr
Member Avatar for Buffalo101

Hello, My program looks something like this: [code=C] char *name= (char *)malloc(200); unsigned char type=1; unsigned char GetType(){ return type; } char* GetName(){ return name; }; void function(unsigned char* message, int* intPtr){ message[0]= GetType(); // works correctly // CODE HERE } void main(){ unsigned char *message= (unsigned char *) malloc(256); …

Member Avatar for gerard4143
Member Avatar for benjamin.sh

Dear members... I'm looking for a code in C language to calculate the sum of two number in Hexadecimal base.But I don't wanna use Math library.Please help me to do it as soon as possible... Respectfully...

Member Avatar for L7Sqr
Member Avatar for volkang

hi, is there any code that calculates the cdf of lognormal distribution? i came across one in codecogs.com but it requires commercial license:/ any help would mean a lot. thanks from advance

Member Avatar for volkang
Member Avatar for rockerjhr

globals.h [CODE] #ifndef _globals #define _globals #define NEXT(L) ( (L) -> next ) #define DATA(T) ( (T) -> datapointer ) #define LEFT(T) ( (T) -> left ) #define RIGHT(T) ( (T) -> right ) typedef enum { OK, ERROR } status ; typedef enum { FALSE=0 , TRUE=1 } bool …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for Ammara Sajid

hey guys! how do i calculate the sum of a column in .csv file format using C? e.g my fie looks like this 1, 2, 3, 4 2, 3, 4, 5 3, 4, 5, 6 (the ',' shows new cell) how do i calculate sum of each column (desired answer …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for JDevelop

Hi, I'm beginning with C and makefiles. I'm trying to compile a list of C files with GNU Make. My code should compile all the C files in the folder into .o files along with few flags and then use these .o files to compile an executable file 'main'. and …

Member Avatar for nezachem
Member Avatar for SIFA

Can someone show me a sample code in c which can read in a user inputted sentence/line and then split that line down by white spaces into separate words please? I shall worship you as my new God if someone out there can just show me a sample solution.

Member Avatar for L7Sqr
Member Avatar for venomxxl

I'm writing a pure C game engine. I assert every pointer returned by malloc() in my code. Now I'm writing a function that will "slice" a loaded texture into new textures (parts of the parent texture). The parent texture is loaded correctly (other textures loaded by the same loader were …

Member Avatar for venomxxl
Member Avatar for gerard4143

How do you initialize a dynamic structure that has a const data member? I can provide an ugly hack but I'm at a loss as how to do it correctly. Actually, can you do this in a platform independent way? [code] #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> struct mys { const int …

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for rain_meiwah

I've built successfully my server & client program in C, able to establish the connection and message can be sent from both side client <-> server. Pls help me to deploy for:- (1) How to transfer file? (2) If i enter command e.g. - "pwd" in client side, current directory …

Member Avatar for jamesbondbest
Member Avatar for t_man700

Hi guys, I've got a question that hopefully someone can answer. I have a file that contains the following structure: g hub f 100 200 300 12 f 356 403 345 484 f 333 212 1203 393 g door glass f 323 9292 383 f 32 3838 3939 f 1231 …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for BLUEC0RE

My original plan was to pipe "ls -l", get the permission string that represented the file in question. Translate the string of 'r's 'w's 'x's '-'s into 0s and 1s then convert it from binary to octal. This seems really cumbersome and annoying and I gotta figure there is some …

Member Avatar for BLUEC0RE
Member Avatar for abk07

Hi! I’m trying to write a ‘C’ program to extract variable definitions and variable use in each line from a input ‘C’ program. That is, a variable is said to be defined when its value changes(including declarations) and it is said to be ‘used’ when it is referenced. I need …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for jalpesh_007

I have made floyd warshall algorithm. I need some help for finding shortest path from source to destination. We have to give source and destination. Eg. Program gives us output like source=A and destination=D then shortest path is A-B-D with distance 10. I also give the code for that in …

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for Daita

[CODE]#include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> main() { typedef enum y; int c; y colour {RED,WHITE,BLUE,BLACK}; clrscr(); printf("The assigned value is %d\n",RED); printf("The assigned value is %d\n",BLUE); printf("The assigned value is %d\n",BLACK); c=RED+BLACK; printf("RED+BLACK IS %d",c); getch(); }[/CODE] What is wrong with this code please? 

Member Avatar for Daita
Member Avatar for asrockw7

[CODE] void printTable(char (*tacToe)[3], int row, int col){ } void initTable(char (*tacToe)[3], int row, int col){ } int main(void){ char tacToe[3][3]; initTable(tacToe, 3, 3); printTable(tacToe, 3, 3); } [/CODE] here is my question. what is the difference between *ary[] and (*ary)[]? when i did the program initially like so: [CODE] …

Member Avatar for asrockw7
Member Avatar for Rakesh Mall
Member Avatar for t_man700

Hey guys, I have a really quick and hopefully easy question for you all. I'm trying to read in and store some floating point numbers from a file into an array. The lines look like: [B]boom.txt:[/B] [CODE] v 0.000034 0.44556 0.34444 v 4.000 1.0 1.0 v 4.00056 1.2003030 4.000 [/CODE] …

Member Avatar for t_man700
Member Avatar for JDevelop

Hi everybody! Now I'm dealing with binary file handling and I need to read 70 bits into a variable from a file. As far as I know (correct me please, if I'm wrong), C does not have any variable type that could hold such large data. (I think) I cannot …

Member Avatar for JDevelop
Member Avatar for baby_c

Hi friends, well... i'm asking for another help from you guys.hope you will... My friend sent me a email asking why the following code doesn't work properly.I'm also couldn't understand what's happening..When this program run it supposed to prompt two times to enter values.but its actually prompt once. I tried …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for jamesbondbest

i am trying to write a split function ...which will accept a array and split it down to diffrent strings on the basis of '-' symbol can u tell me where i am wrong i am getting segmentation fault ...i think it is due to the pointer array i used …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for virtue

Hi all, I wrote a program that has many functionalities but I can not swap 2 elements of 2 nodes in the linked list.Actually I can swap 2 nodes by changing their links but I can not swap 2 elements when the user requested 2 elements swapping.Here is my code …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for mars001

I was trying to input an array of strings using pointers but failed. Here is the code: [CODE=C]int i=0; char *p[6]; //array of strings for(i=0;i<5;i++) { gets(p[i]); // input string } for (i=0;p[i];i++){ printf(p[i]); // print string printf("\n"); }[/CODE] The problem is that each time the first for loop executes, …

Member Avatar for mars001
Member Avatar for math.man

Please help me to write c program in order to calculate value as below: 1 + 3 + 4 + 6 + 7 + 9 + 10 + ... My Email: [snipped] [CODE][/CODE]

Member Avatar for abhimanipal
Member Avatar for johann26

I'm trying to make a deck of cards to use in a blackjack game but I'm having problems. [CODE]#include <stdio.h> #include <math.h> #include <string.h> main(){ int i; typedef struct { int rank, suit; } cardtype; cardtype deck[52]; cardtype hand[5]; char *rank[13] = {"ace", "Duece", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", …

Member Avatar for abhimanipal
Member Avatar for moroccanplaya

i am trying to write a simple webserver which serves 1 htnl file but i dont know where i am going wrong i am not able to read the file any suggestions ? [CODE] listen(sockfd,5); clilen = sizeof(cli_addr); newsockfd = accept(sockfd,(struct sockaddr *) &cli_addr, &clilen); if(newsockfd < 0) error("eror on …

Member Avatar for abhimanipal
Member Avatar for NichtSoGut

Hey, So I've got these instructions for a piece of work, but I don't understand what it's saying, there are prototypes for functions but like I said, I don't understand them. [CODE]typedef struct BigInteger* big_integer_t; // so I know typedef allows you to assign different names to existing types, but …

Member Avatar for gusano79
Member Avatar for sidrules1984

Please suggest why is it giving a run time error as "non portable type conversion" ptr=popen(system(command),"r"); what should be done? thanks

Member Avatar for Radical Edward

The End.