15,550 Topics

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Member Avatar for leftovas17

Yes, I have looked in the forums for answers and have found plenty, and am asking about what I could not find. And yes, this is homework, but I need help and my professor has not responded thus far... now on to business. Description of Goal: Make a Set Data …

Member Avatar for leftovas17
Member Avatar for slygoth

Im writing a code to generate invoice numbers. Im using a file now that increment to number each time but i was just wondering if there is a way to use time so that it can generate a invoice using time or date. Like the first 4 digit would give …

Member Avatar for fpsasm
Member Avatar for maxxjr

I need to treat a 1D-RAM buffer as a 2D array of a different type than what was declared, and have questions on different methods and what provides best performance. Questions: 1. How to set things up so I can access an element by something like "ptr[x][y]"? 2. Would any …

Member Avatar for gerard4143
Member Avatar for cse.avinash

Sir, here is the qustion:- Nestor was doing the work of his math class about three days but he is tired of make operations a lot and he should deliver his task tomorrow. His math’s teacher gives two numbers a and b. The problem consist in find the last digit …

Member Avatar for mitrmkar
Member Avatar for nayefc

Hello Everyone, I am trying to emulate a T9 (cellphone) keyboard in C. So lets say a user types in the numbers "23", a possible word combination would be "be". In my question here, I will only write down a part of what I have assuming it only works for …

Member Avatar for L7Sqr
Member Avatar for sirpampos

I have an assignment until next week and i don't know hot to complete it In the program in c we have to help a cat escape from a dog which has double speed. The program works as follows : the data of the program are read from the file …

Member Avatar for sirpampos
Member Avatar for d_panayotov

Hi, I tried searching but I don't know how exactly to describe my question in 2-3 words so I didn't find anything. Is it possible to do something like this?Just to get the idea... I know it doesn't work: [CODE]switch(c){ case '1':{ (...) ; break;} case '2':{ (...) ; break;} …

Member Avatar for L7Sqr
Member Avatar for itslucky

Hi Friends, How can I create a number which will be construct with the array values. e.g. [CODE] arr[0]=2 arr[1]=5 arr[2]=8 arr[3]=4 [/CODE] now the number will be, [CODE]int num=2584[/CODE] please help me for this... Thanx...!!!

Member Avatar for Arbus
Member Avatar for d_panayotov

Hello, I have this assignment in C. The problem is that the functions have to be placed in separate files instead of just one. I haven't done that before. It seems code that would have run if the program was written in one file doesn't work when the functions are …

Member Avatar for d_panayotov
Member Avatar for Asif_NSU

Gaussian elimination is designed to solve systems of linear algebraic equations, [A][X] = [B] This program reads input from a file which is passed as an argument when calling the program. Say the matrix is in file name matrix.txt so we call the program in this way: ------------------------- gauss matrix.txt …

Member Avatar for xNourax
Member Avatar for Zababa

Hello guys! :) I just wanted to ask something so that I can clear up things in my mind. What is the difference among Carriage Return ('\r'), New Line ('\n') and Line Feed? Is it correct to say that \n = \r + LF ? Thank you in advance! :)

Member Avatar for Zababa
Member Avatar for fab2

[ICODE] Hi, here you will find a program which taking some inputs calculates the sales of 5 items on daily and weekly basis. Prevously I wrote it with no function, and it was quite a very long program, 9 A4 sheets, but this is written by using a function. As …

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for gruffy321

[CODE]#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <conio.h> int main() { char _name[30]; int _age; printf("Hello Quester\n"); printf("What is your name ?\n"); scanf(_name); printf("...and what is your age, may i enquire esquire of peril and danger ahead\n"); scanf (_age); printf ("\nYour name is ",_name, (" \nand your age is "), _age ); …

Member Avatar for gruffy321
Member Avatar for virtue

Hi, I wrote a program that inserts nodes into a linked list in descending order.But whenever I test my code with numbers 12,14,13,19,7 in this order.Whenever I entered 7 I took 7 is already in the list.But as easily seen 7 is not in the list before I inserted.After give …

Member Avatar for sourabh17
Member Avatar for SwethaSuresh

Can anyone please solve the following problems in C ASAP its verymuch urgent 1. C program to check whether the given graph is tree. 2. C program to check whether the Binary tree is full or complete or neither full nor complete 3. C program to extract spanning tree(without using …

Member Avatar for yan0
Member Avatar for volkang

just a simple for loop from 2 to 4(including for with increments 0.1 and 0.01. the problem is that when the increment is 0.1, the value of cur in last loop is 3.9; wheras, when increment=0.01 it is 4(as expected). all the variables are "double". any idea or suggestion? [CODE] …

Member Avatar for volkang
Member Avatar for peck3277

Hi guys, Could anyone show me the best way to run a function every 10 minutes for ever? Thanks guys!

Member Avatar for darkbreaker
Member Avatar for hansel13

[B]The Producer Thread[/B] What does a producer thread write to the buffer? Create 20 different files (named in0.txt, in1.txt, ... in19.txt). [Testing Hint: you want to be able to tell from the text which file it is from, so the contents should be aaaaaa or bbbbbbb etc..] Vary the length …

Member Avatar for funter
Member Avatar for Enzo85

Hello everyone I am new to this site. I have a university assignment in which I need to program a 2 player pacman game, using C and the Unix operating system. If more than 2 users have typed the command to run the program/s the users must wait in FIFO …

Member Avatar for wdearth

I'm supposed to make a program using getchar() to input the operation entered, then return the result of the operation after extracting the operands and the operator and calculating the result. if you enter 15 + 30 the result should be 45 or 15+30=45 Also using user-defined functions to do …

Member Avatar for thekashyap
Member Avatar for m1n1m3

Hi I have a structure of members uint x,uint y (name is "ruudud") declared as global variable. Iv declared structure and pointer to structure globally in following way: [ICODE]struct ruudud{ unsigned int x: 6; // 64 max unsigned int y: 6; }; struct ruudud *r_ptr;[/ICODE] Iv allocated memory in following …

Member Avatar for gerard4143
Member Avatar for moroccanplaya

i just want to know if there is any good example tutorials using http post and put requests ?

Member Avatar for pseudorandom21
Member Avatar for newbie_in_c

Hello all, I've a small question. I wanna use a function void myfunction(int **array1, int **array2) where array1 and array2 shoud be [4][4]. I've added 2 arrays int myarray1[4][4], myarray2[4][4]; and called my function like this: myfunction(&myarray1[0], &myarray2[0]); I've got the following warning message : warning: passing argument 1 of …

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Member Avatar for Philiplee

If I have .txt file include 10 digits such as 0//start bit 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0//parity bit 1//end bit If I put those into an array, how to check the first bit, the last bit and parity bit? How to convert the mid 7 digits in …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for garu525

Hello, I'm making a simple C calculator using only getchar and putchar functions, my program works only if the arithmetic is entered correctly but if it's not, I can't make the proper error checking on it if the arithmetic is enteres improperly. EXAMPLE: 4 + 7 = 11 =====> Works! …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for rockerjhr

quicksort.c [CODE]#include "quicksort.h" int compare( byte *a , byte *b ) ; void memswap( byte *s, byte *t, int count ) { byte tmp ; while (count-- > 0 ){ tmp = *s ; *s++ = *t ; *t++ = tmp ; } } byte *select_pivot(byte data[], int n , …

Member Avatar for gerard4143
Member Avatar for c_newbie1

this program i made.. should take an input 'no' from the user.. and print the following pattern.. 0 0 n+1 0 n+1 n+2 0 n+1 n+2 n+3 0 n+1 n+2 n+3 n+4 ....... n 0 n+1 n+2 n+3 n+4.. n-1 0 n+1 n+2 n+3 n+4 0 n+1 n+2 n+3 0 …

Member Avatar for thekashyap
Member Avatar for epicbeast9022

#include "includes.h" #include "constants.h" #include "functions.h" int pscore=0,cscore=0,ppaddle=185,cpaddle=185,ballSpeed = 0,cpuPadSpd = 0,frame = 0; SDL_Surface *screen=NULL,*secondary=NULL,*playerscore=NULL,*cpuscore=NULL,*cpuwin=NULL,*playerwin=NULL; bool gameEnded = false,selectedDiff=false; TTF_Font *font,*humungo; SDL_Event e; //PongBall ball; void cleanup() { SDL_Quit(); SDL_EnableUNICODE(0); exit(0); } bool init() { if (SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_EVERYTHING) == -1) return false; if (TTF_Init() == -1) return false; screen = …

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for c_newbie1

[CODE]#include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> int main() { int no; scanf("%d", &no); printf("%d %d", no,no++); getch();return 0; }[/CODE] the output of this program is '4 3'.. my questino is WHY? this program should first print the number which is entered.. and then when it prints the next number it should add 1 to …

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Member Avatar for Sotiria Sotiria

i have a function that works for integers. e.g. typedef int Telem; int readValue(Telem *testdata) { if (scanf("%d", testdata)!= 1) return 0; else return 1; } now i converted the integer into a struct typedef struct Telem{ int entrytime; int cust_num; int waitime; }; how will i call this function …

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The End.