I have a programming assignment which I must complete and I need help starting it. We can't talk about code with the professor or the TA so I thought I'd come here to try and ask.
Pretty much were going to be given a text file. This text file will have an undefined number lines, but it will be only 4 ints per line separated by a space or tab.
I need to be able to read the file 1 line at a time and extract these four ints on the line and separate them into different variables. userId, time, from, to.
That's where I have my problem on because I don't know how to do that exactly. The time int is the most important because it must be compared with the time of the program.
So it would have to be something like if the time on the line matches the time on the program then I have to create a thread. The thread can only be created if the time matches so I can't read the whole file and create threads right away.
I know you can't give out code and that is not what I want. I want like a direction on how to begin.