15,555 Topics

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Member Avatar for rithish

hii i finished these topics 1.linked list 2.stack and queues.how much time will it take me to finish trees 1.binary tee 2.avl tree 3.b-tree 4.binary search 5.threaded binary tree??? actualy ill try through linked list will it be easy???

Member Avatar for Gonbe
Member Avatar for rithish

hello im trying to delete a middle node in binary tree .but i have tried it in a linked list but here how to do that does any one them has links or video tutorials???????????

Member Avatar for Gonbe
Member Avatar for xxwikkixx

Hey everyone need some help again with finding the min and max from a text file. its my college lab assignment. here is my code till now. #include <iostream> #include <fstream> using namespace std; int main() { ofstream fout; fout.open("Text.txt"); ifstream fin; fin.open("Lab6.txt"); float c; int count = 0; float …

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Member Avatar for aunog.arafat
Member Avatar for gazzy1

I WANT THIS BUT I CAN NOT UNDER STAND PLZ HELP WHAT CHANGES I SHOUL DO HERE I WANT TO MAKE quick estimation by taking the temperature in Celsius, double it and add 32 AND WANT TO Write a program that takes temperature in Celsius; convert it to Fahrenheit both …

Member Avatar for deben.salemme
Member Avatar for dooboosjsdjs

A coffee shop offers a range of drinks * Tea - $1.00 * Coffee - $1.50 * Hot Chocolate - $2.00 * Chai Latte - $1.75 * Flat White - $2.20 You will need to create a program that keeps track of the total spent after each order. * At …

Member Avatar for Delnith
Member Avatar for Delnith

how do I set visual studio to read my C code by default instead of C# or whatever its doing?

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Member Avatar for mathews123

Hi there i am wondering if there is easy way of writing the following problem in C:- For everytime constant A increases, constant B should decrease by 10 until A is equals to 120 !! Thanks in advance guys I dont really want to clutter my project with tons of …

Member Avatar for deceptikon
Member Avatar for mangalasadu

#include<stdio.h> #include<math.h> int main() { int num,i,count0=0,count1=0; printf("enter number \n"); scanf("%d",&num); for(i=0;i<32;i++) { if(num &((pow(2,31))>>i)) count1++; else count0++; } printf(" the no. of 0's and 1's in the given number are %d %d",count0,count1); }

Member Avatar for Learningvinit
Member Avatar for chandan127

#include<stdio.h> #include<string.h> typedef struct { char name[20]; long int ptn; float lt; }census; int main() { int i,n; census city[10]; printf("How many cities\n"); scanf("%d",&n); for(i=0;i<n;i++) { census city[10]; printf("Name:"); gets(city[i].name); printf("\nPopulation:"); scanf("%ld",&city[i].ptn); printf("\nlteracy:"); scanf("%f",&city[i].lt); } }

Member Avatar for Gonbe
Member Avatar for rithish

hii deceptiokn my question is we know we can implement a bubble sort in an array.Is it possible to implement bubble sort in circular doubly linked list?????

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for mickael.reinman

I have been pondering this task for awhile now and I just can't get it to work. I am trying to get the function readParameters to read the text from a .txt file and transfer them to the specified variables. I have managed to eliminate almost all the warnings but …

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Member Avatar for Learningvinit

#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> main() { char *p1="Name"; const char *p2="Name"; char const *p3="Name"; char *const p4="Name"; const char *const p5="Name"; ++p1; ++*p1; ++p2; ++*p2; ++p3; ++*p3; ++p4; ++*p4; ++p5; ++*p5; } While Compiling above code certain Compilation error came. The errors are: const.c: In function âmainâ: const.c:17: …

Member Avatar for nitin1
Member Avatar for Nomi55

#include <stdio.h> main() { char a[4][4]; int row,col; for (row=0;row<4;row=row+2) { for (col=0;col<4;col++) { if ((row==col)||(row!=col)) { a[row][col]='x'; } } } for (row=0;row<4;row=row+2) { for (col=0;col<4;col++) { printf ("%c",a[row][col); } } }

Member Avatar for Gonbe
Member Avatar for tanvir.firuz

i want to know the code in C language when i will compile the program the character will delay printing in the display. Please help. thanks.

Member Avatar for Gonbe
Member Avatar for tejaes

sir i want a program on....uart(init,shutdown,tx(pin1:1000,pin2:1001),rx(pin1:2000,pin2L:2001) using c

Member Avatar for deceptikon
Member Avatar for sandy.phan.37

Hi everyone, I'm currently working on a school assignment and came up with this error saying 'list_t has no member named head' but when I actually look at list.h and list.c (my code accessing list is in a separate file), head is in list.c. What did I do wrong? list.c …

Member Avatar for deceptikon
Member Avatar for arjun.kancharla23

**Hi can anyone help me with the C code for calculating time difference between two keyboard key hits????**

Member Avatar for Gonbe
Member Avatar for Icekilla

Well, I need to code a pyramid that prints the following pyramid WITHOUT the stars *********1 ********232 *******34543 ******4567654 *****567898765 ****67890109876 ***7890123210987 **890123454321098 *90123456765432109 0123456789876543210 In the center, there are prime numbers, from 1 to 9, and after that, they cycle. (1,3,5,7,9,1,3,5,7,9 and so on). I made the code for …

Member Avatar for deceptikon
Member Avatar for ownedbynothing

I do have 2 structures here. main linked list is the word. each node of the word list do have a meaning typedef struct node{ char word[20]; struct node2 *meaning; struct node *next; }word; typedef struct node2{ char meaning[100]; struct node2 *next; }means; My problem now is I can't add …

Member Avatar for Gonbe
Member Avatar for idlackage

I have this: typedef struct { int value; } Thing; void doSomething(Thing *ptr) { ptr = (Thing *)calloc(5, sizeof(Thing)); int i; for(i = 0; i < 5; i++) { scanf("%d", (ptr[i]).value); } } int main() { Thing t; doSomething(&t); } Which crashes at the scanf() line. How should I be …

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for goyofoyo

In Xcode how does one create a header file? and what should it include? or does xcode create the file and use the information from the .c file to create the .h file

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for Delnith

I am looking to code a small program in which the pandora songs I listen to are placed into a text file with the title and artist. I have no clue where to go as starting this project and would appreicate any and all help. I have mid level knowledge …

Member Avatar for Delnith
Member Avatar for sangi1981

Hi all, I implemented a C program using my mac book. Now, my client wants to migrate to windows OS (MinGW). Program does many calculation using long double: on mac it works fine, otherwise on winz doesn't. I read on internet the problem is that long double type is supposed …

Member Avatar for sangi1981
Member Avatar for DavdPrez

well I've this little homework. "Given a text file, create a function that search an specific ID provided by the user inside the file, If exits, print the entire profile as follow: ID_genre_name_age_height" So In the text file there is only one profile. 19800372_male_David_19_1.75 so, my function should print that …

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Member Avatar for somjit{}

**the code works perfectly, just i got something i dont understand...** i'v been trying to get a hold of recursion and sorting for about 3-4 days now, im getting some of it, but still not happy enough.. i searched for some good code for binary search and merge sort on …

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Member Avatar for nitin1

int main() { int i=5; printf("%u",&i); return 0; } will the address which it will print is physical address of that variable or logical address ? I may not be clear in the defination of physical and logical address. thanks if you can help me ;)

Member Avatar for deceptikon
Member Avatar for nitin1

Can anyone exactly tell that how do we decide the complexity in this case. like nlogn +n , then the overall complexity is ? like, if O(f(n)+g(n)) can be equal to max(f(n),g(n)) ? Can we say this ? thanks

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Member Avatar for rithish
Member Avatar for revelator

Can anyone help me with giving me an idea how to make a basic Car Rental Application using Switch, for, if loop in C language. Help will be appreciated. I am newbie and i have been given this problem to solve. pLz Help

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The End.