15,554 Topics

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Member Avatar for ChainedHollow

I am needing to edit this client/server echo program into a client/server talk application, to send messages back and forth between the client and server, rather than have the client echo the message only. So the output would be: C: Hello S: Hello S: How are you? C: How are …

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Member Avatar for death_oclock

I'm not all that familiar with the C syntax rules, I've mostly worked with C++, and I'm having some weird problems working with Visual C 2008. Here's my code: [CODE=c]#ifndef IFF_H #define IFF_H #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #define IDS_GROUP "" #define IDN_GROUP 1 #define IDS_CAT "cat " #define IDN_CAT 2 …

Member Avatar for HHBones
Member Avatar for Pooch74

I'm trying to learn using pointers, and in the code below I can send variables to a function. But the return is obviously wrong and I can't seem to figure it out. What I want the function to return is the number of even number occurrences. Any suggestions to where …

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Member Avatar for halil.burak

Salary Works Department for use in a workplace, employees' salaries and to calculate the income tax cuts, the minimum number of net salary payments using money to make and required a program to get some statistical information. For this program the following data will be entered for each employee in …

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Member Avatar for xaop

Hi, One of my assignment questions is to write a program to illustrate external storage class, extern variable,global variable and thus write the differences between global variable and external variable. My program : [CODE]#include <stdio.h> extern int i; int main() { printf("\n%d",i); inc(); dec(); getch(); return 0; } inc() { …

Member Avatar for xaop
Member Avatar for achieve_goals

Hi, I am having trouble comparing characters from two strings. This is what I have [CODE] void encrypt(string plaintext, string vigenere_table[length][length], string keyword, string& ciphertext) { int row, col; for(int i=0; i<20; i++) { for(int x=0; x<length; x++) { if(vigenere_table[x][1] == plaintext[i]) //wont let me use == row = x; …

Member Avatar for myk45
Member Avatar for stud02

hi, Is it possible to load a c file into another c file? I want to give a list of functions used in the c file. If this isnt possible, can i give this list of functions from a loaded text file, when i copy the used c file into …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for gahhon

[CODE]struct NamesAtt { char student_Surname[20]; char student_givenName[50]; char gender[100]; }Summary; ... void Students_Absence_Report() { system("cls"); printf("Student Presence/Absence Report\n"); printf("===============================\n"); printf(" Name \t\t%%Presence %%Absence\n"); for(i=0; i<student; i++) printf("(%d) %s %s\t %.2f\t %.2f\n", i+1, Summary.student_Surname[i], Summary.student_givenName[i], Presence_percentage[i], 100.00-Presence_percentage[i]); printf("\n"); printf("------- END OF ATTENDANCE REPORT -------\n\n"); system("pause"); system("cls"); } void Barred_Students_List() { system("cls"); …

Member Avatar for N1GHTS
Member Avatar for DrueY

Can someone explain this short paragraph concerning wave file analysis (what exactly is the input and output?): The default input to this program is a text file containing a uniformly sampled time series, presented as a column of numbers. The default standard output is the magnitude of the discrete Fourier …

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Member Avatar for cbebop7

The file that I am trying to read has the following contents: 48111 test.out 100 25 I am trying to use fscanf to read it line by line and storing each line in a variable. This works if I just have a couple of int variables, but it does …

Member Avatar for cbebop7
Member Avatar for Rahul.menon

Please check out This Output required [CODE] Aa Cc Bb Dd Ee Ff jj Ii Hh Gg [/CODE] [CODE] #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> void main() { char a = 'a',a1 ='a',A = 'A',A1='A'; int i,j,n; clrscr(); for(i =1;i<=4;i++,printf("\n")) { if(i%2!=0) for(j = 1;j<=i;j++) { printf("%c%c ",a,A); a++; A++; } else { a1 …

Member Avatar for Rahul.menon
Member Avatar for quietcity2012

can anyone help me with following bit-wise manipulation.thanks! /* * copyLSB - set all bits of result to least significant bit of x * Example: copyLSB(5) = 0xFFFFFFFF, copyLSB(6) = 0x00000000 * Legal ops: ! ~ & ^ | + << >> * Max ops: 5 * Rating: 2 */ …

Member Avatar for N1GHTS
Member Avatar for upendrap

hello all, actually i am working on sipmle work inwhich i need to import one file whic is of .hex extension, so i need to import a file which should be exactly same name with .hex extension. how should i implement such that it should take that file name with …

Member Avatar for Martin B
Member Avatar for buzzlightyear79

i need help to solve this #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> void toLowerCase(); int main() { system("cls"); toLowerCase(); return 0; } void toLowerCase() { char ch, ch1; printf("\nEnter a character to convert: \n "); scanf("%c", &ch); ch1 = ch+32; printf("Converted value is %c", ch1); fflush(stdout); }

Member Avatar for N1GHTS
Member Avatar for Samyx

How can I modify the attached GA so that it can test for the DeJong Functions?

Member Avatar for Bozog

i'm being able to call my text file from my c program but when coming to count the number of paragraphs in the text i can't find what i have to do so that my c program increments my counter by 1 it has to find and empty line. this …

Member Avatar for Martin B
Member Avatar for Karasuma

is it possible to create a bouncing text using a loop(any loop(for, while, or do while)) in c++..if so, the problem is to create a program that accept a text then the text will bounce on the screen.. i already have an idea on how to start the program.. but …

Member Avatar for Karasuma
Member Avatar for brendono978

Hi everybody. I decided to make an account here because I could use some help writing some code. This is what I need to do: Write a C program that will read in two lines of data. The first data line contains an integer N and the second data line …

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Member Avatar for Knome

I've searched all over google and this site. I've found a few hints here and there but after i make the changes either my compiler throws a fit or it doesn't produce the desired results. Here's what i want: I want to create a linked list in the main function …

Member Avatar for Martin B
Member Avatar for berwick53

I've got to:4. Write a program that asks the user for two strings. The program should then compare the strings and display a message saying whether they are equal or if not, and which one is first alphabetically. For some reason it doesn't print out the parts in the if …

Member Avatar for berwick53
Member Avatar for Perry31

Hi friends, I'm new to this community. i just want to read string from a file excluding punctuations like ',' ';' or newline character. Is there any way to read the string by specifying the terminate character.

Member Avatar for Martin B
Member Avatar for bufospro

Hi I am implementing a function that check if user is a man or woman. But it does not worl properly. I press e for example and appears two times Please press m/M for Man w/W for Also sometimes w/W/m/M are not recognised and appears the above. My cose is …

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Member Avatar for paresh5221

Hello everybody, specially for php [COLOR="Green"]How can i extract hyperlink URL from exel sheet[/COLOR] I dont know what should I have to do, so plese tell me how can I extract hyperlink URL form exel sheet cell.....

Member Avatar for Martin B
Member Avatar for kimlong008

Who have code read file *.prc help me! I want to write program read file *.prc but I don't know struct file ! only read file *.prc

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Member Avatar for Ogakor

Hello, I've been having problem with understanding merge sort for linked list. I understood merge sort for array though, I think. I've googled it and all I can find are codes. I need to understand the algorithm first before I can understand the code. Please help me understand merge sort …

Member Avatar for Martin B
Member Avatar for Abdullah Amjad
Member Avatar for hyperion
Member Avatar for cedric91

[CODE]void Students_Absence_Report() { int i; double presence[NO_OF_STUDS], absence[NO_OF_STUDS]; for(i=0; i<NO_OF_STUDS; i++) { presence[i] = ((double)student[i].presentDays/14)*100; absence[i] = 100 - presence[i]; } printf("\n\nStudents Presence/Absence Report\n"); printf("--------------------------------\n"); printf(" Name\t\t%%Presence\t%%Absence\n"); for(i=0; i<NO_OF_STUDS; i++) { printf("%-3d %-19s %.2f\t\t%.2f\n", student[i].studNo, strcat(student[i].surname, student[i].givenName), presence[i], absence[i]); } printf("\n******** END OF ATTENDANCE REPORT ********\n"); } [/CODE] Anythings wrong …

Member Avatar for hyperion
Member Avatar for DrueY

Is there someone out there that can walk me through the use of a Fast Fourier Transform program with a .wav file? You can message me or send me an email I'll try my best not to be long and I really really would appreciate the help! signed: desperate 3rd …

Member Avatar for jemz

Hello can you help me please... im making the program that will display the smallest number using function in array...please help me...thank you in advance...hoping for your positive responds.... [CODE] #include<stdio.h> void accept(); void findsmallest(int num[],int size); int a; int main(void) { accept(); getch(); return 0; } void accept() { …

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Member Avatar for brendono978

Okay, so, here's the assignment that I have to complete: Write a program that will input two vectors of information. Each vector will contain exactly 8 floating point values. Your program will enter these values from standard input. Once the values have been read in, your program should call a …

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The End.