15,554 Topics

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Member Avatar for Somali Rathore
Member Avatar for bhavya_talluri

hi i just visited n joined this community. Actually i had no idea about these languages n i wan to learn them starting from c will u tell me a good site or any suggestion how to learn

Member Avatar for ajay.krish123
Member Avatar for taichou

how can i arranged the input words alphabetically, like in the dictionary..[B][B][B]please help me....please!!!![/B][/B][/B]

Member Avatar for ajay.krish123
Member Avatar for nitu_thakkar

suppose i want to do shift left opeartion on x=1010 y=x<<1 it will shift left the value & make x=0100 but how can i store that shifted value... in other variable...? please help me to solve this query

Member Avatar for MosaicFuneral
Member Avatar for Somali Rathore

A string is input which is both in uppercase & lowercase letters. How can I arrange the string so that all lowercase letters are in one side and uppercase letters are in another side.

Member Avatar for Aia
Member Avatar for Somali Rathore
Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for ahspats

I'd like to implement a sorting algorithm(quicksort or bubblesort or mergesort... it doesn't matter. anything that sorts is ok) into my insert function, so that everytime i create a new element it'll be inserted into right position. The variable listptr is the pointer pointing to the address of the first …

Member Avatar for Luckychap
Member Avatar for titosd

hello, I have a matrix (string array that have words) and I want to write a function that receive the word and consider whether the word existed or not in the matrix I"m trying to write the function, but i didn't succeeded. this is my code [code] int CheckWord (char …

Member Avatar for Aia
Member Avatar for scru

Is there a function in the Windows API I can use to get recent files opened by my application instead of just setting them? (Before you tell me; yes, I know it won't be hard to do myself.)

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for supremesoul

hi guys! How can I play mp3 / wav file using C language........ please help. Thanx in Adv.

Member Avatar for scru
Member Avatar for Slobodin

Hi, I'm trying to write a program to archive, basicaly concatenate some files from a folder. The names of the files are obtained from the file_ls file which contains the result you get when you run ls -la in linux. It's lines of text like this: [CODE]drwxr----- 13 slobo slobo …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for keyser_soze

i have been using CreatProcess in my program to initialize another program with two command line arguments as C:\\Documents and Settings\\xyz.exe and 2 so the code i am using is [code=c] CreateProcess ( "C:\\abc.exe", " C:\\Documents and Settings\\xyz.exe 2", NULL, NULL, FALSE, NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS, NULL, NULL, &si, &pi ); [/code] but …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for kracekumar

Write a C program to create a hierarchy of processes as shown in figure. Parent Child1 Child 2 Child3 Child4 First child process should display the information regarding users (users login, how many users etc). Second child should display system characteristics (the CPU characteristics, other system properties, memory, OS name, …

Member Avatar for sillyboy
Member Avatar for Somali Rathore

IThanks for previous help. I know the process of finding H.C.F. of two numbers. But how to calculate H.C.F & L.C.M. of a series of numbers? Please reply.

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for zailani

Hi, I'm new here, I need help in assisting me to get rough idea on how the process of: "Writing C code of Motion Detection then plug-in it onto IP camera". Tq

Member Avatar for ahspats

have a very simple question: how can i write something into a .txt file? could write only few lines of code and got stuck. have no idea what to do next. can someone help? [CODE] #include <stdio.h> int main(){ FILE *textfile; textfile = fopen("test.txt", "w"); return 0; } [/CODE]

Member Avatar for ahspats
Member Avatar for Mehh

Hello all, im Mehh and this is my first post. Im also a rookie in programming and im making Multi Document Interface program from a MDI Example in DevC++. My problem is that i cannot change Font Size in MDI example and its so small that my friends cant even …

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Member Avatar for nikil@

Hiii... I have got to do a project on thread shceduler...as the name says its purpose is to schedule various threads... i have to do it in c or c++ as i don't know java... I am very much new to this....I have searched in books and surfed in net …

Member Avatar for igok

hello, i'm trying to write a function in C that finds two subsequences that thier sum is equal. hope you can help me. thank you!

Member Avatar for igok
Member Avatar for al3x748769

hey, i made this a few years ago. i want to take the error when u enter a different number and would like to make it more compact. can you guys help me make it smaller. this is a 8 bit binary to decimal converter. [code=c] #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> …

Member Avatar for Murtan
Member Avatar for jmoo5

Have to write a program that mimikes a grep. It has to search thru a given file for a certain pattern. I have no idea where to start. Help please.

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for abhi_marichi

I want to know how can we interface compilers so that we can mix up many languages together but still the code should work. One of my thoughts is, if there is any code in C allthose codes must be taken apart and must be compiled by C compiler and …

Member Avatar for death_oclock
Member Avatar for titosd

Hello, I have a question, How I can write a function that return 2 values. the function should take 3 numbers and do between the first and the second number an arethmetic operation and check if the result will be the third number, if yes the function return 1 and …

Member Avatar for death_oclock
Member Avatar for rahulnitk2004

Hi, i am working on scheduling of threds...i am having a thread library different from pthreads. I wanted to switch b/w the threads. Its possible for me to switch, if thread finishes its execution, using signals...but when a thread doing its execution (for example if thred contains an infinite loop), …

Member Avatar for skynwa

Hi! I am trying to make a function, which transposes matrix. When declaring it, i get this error, which i mention in the title. I`ve tried to find the solution myself, but i am quite new to C, so i don`t even understand what does this error mean. (I know …

Member Avatar for Patel S
Member Avatar for RenFromPenn

I'm creating a program that is supposed to have enumerated constants that contain days of the week. I am also supposed to have a variable called today that is of type week. Okay, I think I have done all of that correctly. Now I am supposed to assign a value …

Member Avatar for Alibeg
Member Avatar for nvnq

:idea: Anyone have C source code program to change the system time in Linux ? Please share me!!! Thank!

Member Avatar for nvnq
Member Avatar for ravikiran032

If we consider a pointer variable if takes size of 2 bytes and it can carry max address value of 65535 but actual address are larger than 65535 , how it is able to manage these address..... will u please explain me.

Member Avatar for Alibeg
Member Avatar for abhi_marichi

[code]I have used outportn(base,pin); cmd with header file dos.h and as per my knowledge there are no errors in the program. BUT ITS NOT WORKING for crazy it worked ones in my friends computer and never worked again ... What should I do ??Please help me I use XP. [/code]

Member Avatar for abhi_marichi
Member Avatar for Lokolo

[code] FILE *infile; infile = fopen("coords1.txt", "r"); int num = 0; for(int num1 = 0; num1 < 5; num1++) { for(int num2 = 0; num2 < 4; num2++) { for(int num3 = 0; num3 < 3; num3++) { fscanf(infile, "%f", &num ); targetCoords[num1][num2][num3] = num; } } } [/code] I'm …

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The End.