I'd like to implement a sorting algorithm(quicksort or bubblesort or mergesort... it doesn't matter. anything that sorts is ok) into my insert function, so that everytime i create a new element it'll be inserted into right position. The variable listptr is the pointer pointing to the address of the first element of the list, val is value according to which the sorting should be done and next is pointer pointing to position of next element of the list.

Could someone help me with this???

liste_t* Insert (liste_t *listptr, int val) {

    liste_t *lp = listptr;

    if (listptr != 0) {
		while (listptr->next != 0){
			listptr = listptr->next;
		listptr->next = (struct liste_t *) malloc (sizeof(liste_t));
		listptr = listptr->next;
		listptr->next = 0;
		listptr->Zahl = val;
		return lp;
    else {
		listptr = (struct liste_t *) malloc (sizeof(liste_t));
		listptr->next = 0;
		listptr->Zahl = val;
		return listptr;

That doesn't make sense. Maintain a sorted linked list by making sure that every time you do an insert, it is inserted in sorted order. No need for a sorting algorithm.

As mentioned before, it makes more sense to make sure that the list is in order while inserting than to apply a sorting algorithm later.

You can try this:

liste_t* Insert (liste_t *listptr, int val) 

    liste_t *lp = listptr;
    liste_t *prev = NULL;
    liste_t *info = (struct liste_t *) malloc (sizeof(liste_t));
    info->Zahl = val;
    info->next = NULL;

    if (listptr != 0) 
		while (listptr != 0 && listptr->Zahl < val)
		    prev = listptr;
		    listptr = listptr->next;
		prev->next = info;
		info->next = listptr;

In both the code above head of the list is changed, which is wrong!

Check this out:

liste_t* Insert (liste_t *listptr, int val)  {
	liste_t *tempHead =  listptr;
	liste_t *pre;
	liste_t *newNode =  (struct liste_t *) malloc (sizeof(liste_t));
	newNode->val = val;
	newNode->next = NULL;
	//if list is empty then make newNode as head
	if(tempHead == NULL) {
		listptr = newNode;
		return listptr;
	} else {
		pre = NULL;
		// if list is not empty loop through all the nodes
		while(tempHead != NULL && tempHead->val < val) {
			pre = tempHead;
			tempHead = tempHead->next;
		// if only one node is there
		if(pre == NULL) {
			// insert new nofde on top making newNode as head
			newNode->next = tempNode;
			listptr = newNode; // now head points to newNode at top
		} else {
			// insert newNode between pre and tempHead (current)
			pre->next = newNode;
			newNode->next = tempHead;
		return listptr;
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