15,551 Topics

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Member Avatar for sotiris25s

i have exams tomorrow and i really really need someones help on my problem. here how it goes: "we have 100 students info such as surname,name,id and grades for 6 lessons for those students. the program must: - can take grades from 1 to 10 - can calculate and find …

Member Avatar for ajay.krish123
Member Avatar for c_Newbie

hi all, i used the search function, but the threads i found didnt really help me much since i am quite a newbie and didnt understand how it worked. so what i am trying to do seems simple but it doesnt work. i have a textfile with a single line …

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Member Avatar for Lilal

Dear Sir/Madam, I'm currently trying to compare a value from an array vs (In the first instance) A set character, and (in the second instance) against a set integer. None of the comparisons are ever returning true even when they appear to be the same on a printf statement, although …

Member Avatar for Lilal
Member Avatar for bhavya_talluri

i just want to know whether we can allocate a 2d array dynamically . Dynamically in the sense can we add both rows n columns when ever we want.

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for karthisargunan

[B]Hello, I am developing the project of "[COLOR="Green"]Employee Information System" using C language[/COLOR], In this project i want to add the mobile number for the each employee {[COLOR="green"]Each Mobile number having 7 characters, Bcoz if we using the integer means, Any of one employee has no mobile number it’s not …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for Logi.

I'm trying to write a pair of classes (a client and a server) that can communicate with each other. I am relativly new to C so any pointers would be great! My simple server code (server.c) so far is: [CODE=C]#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <sys/socket.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <netinet/in.h> #include …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for Emma1

Hello, Out of fgets() and gets() which function is safe to use and why? Thanks

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for prashanth s j

Hi all, I am getting a compiler error for the following: [U]The following is the declaration in the header:[/U] void init(INBUFF ** , OUTBUFF ** ); ---->line no 21 [U]The following is the function init:[/U] void init(INBUFF ** inbuffptr, OUTBUFF ** outbuffptr) { ------------------->line no 81 *inbuffptr = (INBUFF *) …

Member Avatar for me_ansh
Member Avatar for bh7322

Hi All. I'm new to the forum. I'm having some issues with my program. I seem to be accessing memory that I shouldn't be (surprise, surprise!), but I can't see the problem. Keen eyes are welcome! Any help appreciated. Sample input: [icode] Enter word for retrieval: the[/icode] Sample output: [icode]You …

Member Avatar for bh7322
Member Avatar for daniellamae

[COLOR="Green"][B][COLOR="Green"]uhm... i really need your help about this... below is the problem but i have my own turbo C code. and the problem in my code is that i cannot total and average the scores that i restore in my arrays...[/COLOR][/B][/COLOR] write a program that will process the exam scores …

Member Avatar for ajay.krish123
Member Avatar for riahc3

Lets say people say 1,3,4,6,9,10,44 And the correct answer is 5. How do I calculate the closest number to 5? Thanks.

Member Avatar for ajay.krish123
Member Avatar for RenFromPenn

Hi, I am working on a program that opens a file, reads the text, converts the text to uppercase, and then displays it on the screen. If I write the program to just type in a string and convert it, it works fine. If, however, I write it to open …

Member Avatar for ajay.krish123
Member Avatar for arunprabhu.1

Hi all i've a file sysdef.dat which looks similar to this : temp = 43; data = 23; temp2 = 34; ... and it goes on up to some values... how do I read only the values of temp and temp2(i.e 43 & 34) from this file... I've also tried …

Member Avatar for me_ansh
Member Avatar for kishendra

C PROGRAMMING ASSIGNMENT 1. Express, using pseudo code, the algorithm to compute the nth root of a whole number (for example, the square root of the whole number for is 2). 2. Prepare a flow chart for the above algorithm. 3. The following has to do with the design of …

Member Avatar for me_ansh
Member Avatar for ashishchoure

hi i want to know how to delete lines from text file using command prompt .is there any specific MSDos command for doing this. or any tool available which read,write text file by running command prompt.

Member Avatar for Murtan
Member Avatar for rciprogrammer

I am writing some code to talk to a device via a serial port. I am testing my program by using a loopback, so I can see that what I send is correct. I am sending an unsigned hex array, and when I display the values (before they are sent), …

Member Avatar for death_oclock
Member Avatar for Logi.

Hi there, I'm trying to get my Eclipse up and running on CentOS. If I create a project File > New C Project > Empty Project then add a hello.c file with the standard hello world code and then run it i get a Launch Failed: Binary not found error. …

Member Avatar for riahc3

Hey Why does the following code comply in Dev-C++ and it DOESNT in MS VS 6.0? [code=C] #include <ctype.h> #include <errno.h> #include <limits.h> #include <float.h> #include <locale.h> #include <math.h> #include <setjmp.h> #include <signal.h> #include <stdarg.h> #include <stddef.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <time.h> void main() { int num; …

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Member Avatar for taichou

help me to find out how to make a program about tictactoe game...its really hard..[B].im hoping for an immediate answer[/B]..thanks>>by the way this is only one of my problems to be finished...

Member Avatar for ajay.krish123
Member Avatar for nishidh

[CODE]header.h file: #include <stdlib.h> #include <math.h> #include <malloc.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #define STRBUF 256 /* Default string buffer size */ #define SEPARATOR(a) (a == ' ' || a == ',') ? 1 : 0 #define SUCCESS(a) if(a == NULL) { printf("\nUnsuccessful Allocation");\ exit(0);} #define HASHTBLSIZE 101 typedef struct tupleclass{ …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for ashishchoure
Member Avatar for anu123d

Hello all! I am trying to write a program in C , which works as an efficient Login function. It is expected to have following properties: 1.Should accept the username( valid usernames are : '11user1', '12user2' & '13user3' ). The usernames are hardcoded in the program and not stored in …

Member Avatar for anu123d
Member Avatar for raghavendra83

Hi All, I want to write a generic function which takes in a void pointer and length as input and writes the data referenced by the pointer to a file. Another generic function which takes in a void pointer, length and offset and reads back the data to the memory …

Member Avatar for Murtan
Member Avatar for slimjimmer

I'm having a bit of trouble with this random number generation function. It's going to be part of a much larger program which requires lots of random numbers so I decided to use time as a seed. However I can't seem to get this to work. This code is virtually …

Member Avatar for slimjimmer
Member Avatar for serkan sendur

to make the programs more efficient, do i need to free variables which are declared locally in the functions? Are they not disposed when the function ends?

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for kenji

Hi, I have a question regarding fscanf. In my program I call [icode]fscanf(fp, "%15[^,],%d,%315[^;];", anum, &bal, cust)[/icode]. Everything works fine and there is no problem with the syntax, the only trouble I am having is that I need to copy the ';' as well into cust and use it as …

Member Avatar for death_oclock
Member Avatar for karthisargunan

[B]I am developing one project in C language,In it several records are there... By maintaing those kind of records,I easily store the record name {For eg. filename 1 filename2 means i know how to store it by using 2 Dim. array but i dont know how to print it or …

Member Avatar for karthisargunan
Member Avatar for Somali Rathore
Member Avatar for bhavya_talluri

hi i just visited n joined this community. Actually i had no idea about these languages n i wan to learn them starting from c will u tell me a good site or any suggestion how to learn

Member Avatar for ajay.krish123
Member Avatar for taichou

how can i arranged the input words alphabetically, like in the dictionary..[B][B][B]please help me....please!!!![/B][/B][/B]

Member Avatar for ajay.krish123

The End.