header.h file:

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

#define STRBUF 256                             /* Default string buffer size */
#define SEPARATOR(a) (a == ' ' || a == ',') ? 1 : 0
#define SUCCESS(a) if(a == NULL) { printf("\nUnsuccessful Allocation");\
#define HASHTBLSIZE 101 

typedef struct tupleclass{
        long ClassValue;                            /* Class of the instance */
        long ClassCount;                       /* Frequency within the class */
        struct tupleclass *Next;               /* Ptr to the next TUPLECLASS */

typedef struct instance{
        long tuple;             /* Contains index of the instance in DataSet */
	long ClassCount;             /* Number of distinct class of instance */
        struct instance *Down;               /* Pointer to the next instance */
        TUPLECLASS *Right;                     /* Pointer to the tuple class */

typedef struct hashtable{
        INSTANCE *Down;                     /* Pointer to the first instance */
	long Count;                           /* Number of distinct instance */

lib.c file:

                      FILE AND GENERATING RANDOM NUMBERS                     */

#include "header.h"

#define IB1 1                            /* Definitions for GetChangedSeed() */
#define IB2 2
#define IB5 16
#define IB18 131072

#define MBIG 1000000000                           /* Definitions for rand3() */
#define MSEED 161803398
#define MZ 0
#define FAC (1.0/MBIG)

/*----------------------------- Global variables ----------------------------*/
char **DataSet;                                           /* dataset buffer */
long ROW, COL;                      /* Number of row and column in a dataset */
unsigned long Seed;                      /* Seed for random value generation */

/*-------------------------Function references-------------------------------*/
long GetNumberofAttributes(char *);
long GetNumberofTuples(char *);
void AllocateDataSpace( long, long );
void GetDataIntoBuffer(char *);
void DisplayDataBuffer();
void InitRandomize(){

  Seed = time(NULL);
int GetChangedSeed(unsigned long *seed)
  unsigned long newbit;

  newbit = (*seed & IB18) >> 17                                /* Get bit 18 */
    ^ (*seed & IB5) >> 4                                   /* XOR with bit 5 */
    ^ (*seed & IB2) >> 1                                   /* XOR with bit 2 */
    ^ (*seed & IB1);                                       /* XOR with bit 1 */
  *seed = (*seed << 1) | newbit;     /* Leftshit the seed and put the result */
  return (int) newbit;                          /* of the XOR's in its bit 1 */
/*---------------------Generates Random feature set--------------------------*/
void GenerateRandomFeatures(char *mask)
  long i;

  for ( i = 0; i < COL - 1; i++ ) {
    if( GetChangedSeed( &Seed ) )
      mask[ i ] = 1;
      mask[ i ] = 0;
float ran3 (idum)
     long *idum;
  static int inext, inextp;
  static long ma[56];
  static int iff=0;
  long mj,mk;
  int i,ii,k;
  if (*idum < 0 || iff == 0) { /* initialization */
    mj=MSEED-(*idum < 0 ? -*idum : *idum);
    mj %= MBIG;
    for (i=1;i<=54;i++) {
      ii=(21*i) % 55;
      if (mk < MZ) mk += MBIG;
    for (k=1;k<=4;k++)
      for (i=1;i<=55;i++) {
        ma[i] -= ma[1+(i+30) % 55];
        if (ma[i] < MZ) ma[i] += MBIG;
  if (++inext == 56) inext=1;
  if (++inextp == 56) inextp=1;
  if (mj < MZ) mj +=MBIG;
  return mj*FAC;

/*-------------------------Random Function Generator-------------------------*/
long GetRandomNumber(long MaxRange){
long value;

  value = (GetChangedSeed(&Seed) + 1) * 786;
  return (long) (ran3(&value) * MaxRange);
/*--------------------Reads data from the file-------------------------------*/
ReadData(char *filename){
FILE *fp;

                                                  /* checking file existance */

  if ((fp = fopen(filename, "r")) == NULL){
  	printf ("\n %s not found in this path", filename);
  fclose( fp );

                       /* get number of tuples and attrib  from the data file*/

  COL = GetNumberofAttributes( filename );
  ROW = GetNumberofTuples( filename );

                   /* allocate memory for the data set in the DataSet buffer */

  AllocateDataSpace( ROW, COL );

                           /* Collect data into DataSet buffer from the file */

  GetDataIntoBuffer( filename );
long GetNumberofTuples(char *filename){
FILE *pfp;
char command[STRBUF];

  sprintf(command, "cat %s | wc -l", filename);    /* use wc system command  */
  pfp = popen(command, "r");	       	           /* open a pipe to read    */
  fgets(command, STRBUF, pfp);		           /* get the number of line */
  pclose (pfp);
  return atol(command);
long GetNumberofAttributes(char *filename){
long i, field;
FILE *fp;
char buffer[STRBUF];

  fp = fopen(filename, "r");
  fgets( buffer, STRBUF, fp);
  fclose (fp);
  field = 0;
  for ( i = strlen(buffer); i; i--){
	if ( SEPARATOR(buffer[i]) )  
		field ++;
  return field + 1;                    /* number of field is = separator + 1 */
void AllocateDataSpace(long row, long col){

 DataSet = malloc(sizeof(char*) * row);
 SUCCESS( DataSet );
        DataSet[ row - 1] = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char) * col * 6);
	SUCCESS( DataSet[ row - 1 ] );
        row --;
void GetDataIntoBuffer(char *database){
FILE *fp;
long tuples, field, i, j;
char *buffer;

  fp = fopen (database, "r");
  buffer = malloc(COL * 6);
  for (tuples = 0; tuples < ROW; tuples ++){
	fgets( buffer, COL * 6, fp);                     /* collect one tuple */
	strcpy(DataSet[tuples], buffer); 
  fclose (fp);
void FreeDataBuffer(){

  free( DataSet );
void DisplayDataBuffer(){
int i = ROW;
int j = COL;

  for(i = 0 ; i < ROW; i ++)
	printf("%s", DataSet[i]);

rand.c file:

#include "header.h"

/***********************External Definitions*******************************/
extern long ROW, COL;
extern char **DataSet;
extern void ReadData(char *);
extern long GetRandomNumber(long);

void CreateFile(char*);
void RandomizeData(long);
void Swap(long, long);

main(int argc, char *argv[]){
long  N;
char file[256];
char target[256];

  N = atol(argv[3]);
  strcpy(target, argv[2]);
  strcpy(file, argv[1]);
void RandomizeData(long N){
long times = N * ROW, i;
long indx1, indx2;
  for(i = 0; i < times; i++){
        indx1 = GetRandomNumber( ROW - 1);
        if( indx1 > ROW - 1 )
                indx1 = ROW - 1;
        if( indx1 < 0 )
                indx1 = 0;
        indx2 = GetRandomNumber( ROW - 1);
        if( indx2 > ROW - 1 )
                indx2 = ROW - 1;
        if( indx2 < 0 )
                indx2 = 0;
        Swap(indx1, indx2);
void Swap(long indx1, long indx2){
long i;
char *buffer;

  buffer = (char*)malloc(COL * 6);
  strcpy(buffer, DataSet[indx1]);
  strcpy(DataSet[indx1], DataSet[indx2]);
  strcpy(DataSet[indx2], buffer);
void CreateFile(char *filename){
FILE *fp;
long i;

  fp = fopen(filename, "w");

  for ( i = 0; i < ROW; i++)
	fputs(DataSet[i], fp);


exe: rand.o lib.o
	gcc -o shuffle rand.o lib.o
	rm -f *.o shuffle

You're going to have to ask a real question, and telling us how you've attempted to answer the question (before running to us) would help greatly.

Run it in the debugger, and let it catch the segfault.
Then look around for the cause.

You're going to have to ask a real question, and telling us how you've attempted to answer the question (before running to us) would help greatly.

I compile that code using make command so at that time it will create shuffle command and then when I try to execute that command like ./shuffle dataset it prompt me the "Segmenatation fault" msg then I try to debug it using gdb but it prompt me "no debugging symbol found" msg. I also try to execute the same code on Kububtu also but I got the same error as in Fedora.

Run it in the debugger, and let it catch the segfault.
Then look around for the cause.

I compile that code using make command so at that time it will create shuffle command and then when I try to execute that command like ./shuffle dataset it prompt me the "Segmenatation fault" msg then I try to debug it using gdb but it prompt me "no debugging symbol found" msg. I also try to execute the same code on Kububtu also but I got the same error as in Fedora.

Well since you provided the same non-answer to both responders, try this

gcc -g prog.c
gdb a.out

Or whatever you called the damn thing.

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