header.h file:

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

#define STRBUF 256                             /* Default string buffer size */
#define SEPARATOR(a) (a == ' ' || a == ',') ? 1 : 0
#define SUCCESS(a) if(a == NULL) { printf("\nUnsuccessful Allocation");\
#define HASHTBLSIZE 101 

typedef struct tupleclass{
        long ClassValue;                            /* Class of the instance */
        long ClassCount;                       /* Frequency within the class */
        struct tupleclass *Next;               /* Ptr to the next TUPLECLASS */

typedef struct instance{
        long tuple;             /* Contains index of the instance in DataSet */
	long ClassCount;             /* Number of distinct class of instance */
        struct instance *Down;               /* Pointer to the next instance */
        TUPLECLASS *Right;                     /* Pointer to the tuple class */

typedef struct hashtable{
        INSTANCE *Down;                     /* Pointer to the first instance */
	long Count;                           /* Number of distinct instance */

lib.c file:

                      FILE AND GENERATING RANDOM NUMBERS                     */

#include "header.h"

#define IB1 1                            /* Definitions for GetChangedSeed() */
#define IB2 2
#define IB5 16
#define IB18 131072

#define MBIG 1000000000                           /* Definitions for rand3() */
#define MSEED 161803398
#define MZ 0
#define FAC (1.0/MBIG)

/*----------------------------- Global variables ----------------------------*/
char **DataSet;                                           /* dataset buffer */
long ROW, COL;                      /* Number of row and column in a dataset */
unsigned long Seed;                      /* Seed for random value generation */

/*-------------------------Function references-------------------------------*/
long GetNumberofAttributes(char *);
long GetNumberofTuples(char *);
void AllocateDataSpace( long, long );
void GetDataIntoBuffer(char *);
void DisplayDataBuffer();
void InitRandomize(){

  Seed = time(NULL);
int GetChangedSeed(unsigned long *seed)
  unsigned long newbit;

  newbit = (*seed & IB18) >> 17                                /* Get bit 18 */
    ^ (*seed & IB5) >> 4                                   /* XOR with bit 5 */
    ^ (*seed & IB2) >> 1                                   /* XOR with bit 2 */
    ^ (*seed & IB1);                                       /* XOR with bit 1 */
  *seed = (*seed << 1) | newbit;     /* Leftshit the seed and put the result */
  return (int) newbit;                          /* of the XOR's in its bit 1 */
/*---------------------Generates Random feature set--------------------------*/
void GenerateRandomFeatures(char *mask)
  long i;

  for ( i = 0; i < COL - 1; i++ ) {
    if( GetChangedSeed( &Seed ) )
      mask[ i ] = 1;
      mask[ i ] = 0;
float ran3 (idum)
     long *idum;
  static int inext, inextp;
  static long ma[56];
  static int iff=0;
  long mj,mk;
  int i,ii,k;
  if (*idum < 0 || iff == 0) { /* initialization */
    mj=MSEED-(*idum < 0 ? -*idum : *idum);
    mj %= MBIG;
    for (i=1;i<=54;i++) {
      ii=(21*i) % 55;
      if (mk < MZ) mk += MBIG;
    for (k=1;k<=4;k++)
      for (i=1;i<=55;i++) {
        ma[i] -= ma[1+(i+30) % 55];
        if (ma[i] < MZ) ma[i] += MBIG;
  if (++inext == 56) inext=1;
  if (++inextp == 56) inextp=1;
  if (mj < MZ) mj +=MBIG;
  return mj*FAC;

/*-------------------------Random Function Generator-------------------------*/
long GetRandomNumber(long MaxRange){
long value;

  value = (GetChangedSeed(&Seed) + 1) * 786;
  return (long) (ran3(&value) * MaxRange);
/*--------------------Reads data from the file-------------------------------*/
ReadData(char *filename){
FILE *fp;

                                                  /* checking file existance */

  if ((fp = fopen(filename, "r")) == NULL){
  	printf ("\n %s not found in this path", filename);
  fclose( fp );

                       /* get number of tuples and attrib  from the data file*/

  COL = GetNumberofAttributes( filename );
  ROW = GetNumberofTuples( filename );

                   /* allocate memory for the data set in the DataSet buffer */

  AllocateDataSpace( ROW, COL );

                           /* Collect data into DataSet buffer from the file */

  GetDataIntoBuffer( filename );
long GetNumberofTuples(char *filename){
FILE *pfp;
char command[STRBUF];

  sprintf(command, "cat %s | wc -l", filename);    /* use wc system command  */
  pfp = popen(command, "r");	       	           /* open a pipe to read    */
  fgets(command, STRBUF, pfp);		           /* get the number of line */
  pclose (pfp);
  return atol(command);
long GetNumberofAttributes(char *filename){
long i, field;
FILE *fp;
char buffer[STRBUF];

  fp = fopen(filename, "r");
  fgets( buffer, STRBUF, fp);
  fclose (fp);
  field = 0;
  for ( i = strlen(buffer); i; i--){
	if ( SEPARATOR(buffer[i]) )  
		field ++;
  return field + 1;                    /* number of field is = separator + 1 */
void AllocateDataSpace(long row, long col){

 DataSet = malloc(sizeof(char*) * row);
 SUCCESS( DataSet );
        DataSet[ row - 1] = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char) * col * 6);
	SUCCESS( DataSet[ row - 1 ] );
        row --;
void GetDataIntoBuffer(char *database){
FILE *fp;
long tuples, field, i, j;
char *buffer;

  fp = fopen (database, "r");
  buffer = malloc(COL * 6);
  for (tuples = 0; tuples < ROW; tuples ++){
	fgets( buffer, COL * 6, fp);                     /* collect one tuple */
	strcpy(DataSet[tuples], buffer); 
  fclose (fp);
void FreeDataBuffer(){

  free( DataSet );
void DisplayDataBuffer(){
int i = ROW;
int j = COL;

  for(i = 0 ; i < ROW; i ++)
	printf("%s", DataSet[i]);

rand.c file:

#include "header.h"

/***********************External Definitions*******************************/
extern long ROW, COL;
extern char **DataSet;
extern void ReadData(char *);
extern long GetRandomNumber(long);

void CreateFile(char*);
void RandomizeData(long);
void Swap(long, long);

main(int argc, char *argv[]){
long  N;
char file[256];
char target[256];

  N = atol(argv[3]);
  strcpy(target, argv[2]);
  strcpy(file, argv[1]);
void RandomizeData(long N){
long times = N * ROW, i;
long indx1, indx2;
  for(i = 0; i < times; i++){
        indx1 = GetRandomNumber( ROW - 1);
        if( indx1 > ROW - 1 )
                indx1 = ROW - 1;
        if( indx1 < 0 )
                indx1 = 0;
        indx2 = GetRandomNumber( ROW - 1);
        if( indx2 > ROW - 1 )
                indx2 = ROW - 1;
        if( indx2 < 0 )
                indx2 = 0;
        Swap(indx1, indx2);
void Swap(long indx1, long indx2){
long i;
char *buffer;

  buffer = (char*)malloc(COL * 6);
  strcpy(buffer, DataSet[indx1]);
  strcpy(DataSet[indx1], DataSet[indx2]);
  strcpy(DataSet[indx2], buffer);
void CreateFile(char *filename){
FILE *fp;
long i;

  fp = fopen(filename, "w");

  for ( i = 0; i < ROW; i++)
	fputs(DataSet[i], fp);


exe: rand.o lib.o
	gcc -o shuffle rand.o lib.o
	rm -f *.o shuffle

You're going to have to ask a real question, and telling us how you've attempted to answer the question (before running to us) would help greatly.

You're going to have to ask a real question, and telling us how you've attempted to answer the question (before running to us) would help greatly.

I compile that code using make command so at that time it will create shuffle command and then when I try to execute that command like ./shuffle dataset it prompt me the "Segmenatation fault" msg then I try to debug it using gdb but it prompt me "no debugging symbol found" msg. I also try to execute the same code on Kububtu also but I got the same error as in Fedora.

Run it in the debugger, and let it catch the segfault.
Then look around for the cause.

I compile that code using make command so at that time it will create shuffle command and then when I try to execute that command like ./shuffle dataset it prompt me the "Segmenatation fault" msg then I try to debug it using gdb but it prompt me "no debugging symbol found" msg. I also try to execute the same code on Kububtu also but I got the same error as in Fedora.

Well since you provided the same non-answer to both responders, try this

gcc -g prog.c
gdb a.out

Or whatever you called the damn thing.

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