15,554 Topics
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Hi all, consider the following xyxy9=ABC:ADC:uio xyoy10=DEF:DCF:uip ........................... .............................. 100 lines I want to compare the strings ABC and ADC........similarly DEF and DCF..... if they are equal then no operation is done else they are written in a single array thanks in advance. | |
Hi I want to list all files and directories under a given directory in C. Thanks in advance.:S | |
[COLOR=red][B]good day everyone [/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=red][B]i have a smart question and it is my homework i did not know how to start and what the ideas [/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=red][B]Can you help ????[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=red][/COLOR] [COLOR=red][/COLOR] [COLOR=red][B]Write a linear-time algorithm that sorts [/B][/COLOR][COLOR=red][B]n distinct integers, each of which is between 1 and [/B][/COLOR][COLOR=red][B]500[/B][/COLOR][COLOR=red][B]. Hint: … | |
So I'm designing a Dictionary for one of my classes and I'm having quite a bit of trouble when I try to return a Position, which is just a pointer to a pair<string, Element>. I can't quite figure it out -- I suspect its something I did with my actual … | |
Hello, I keep getting segmentation faults when running this program. Could anyone help me with this? [code=c] #include<stdio.h> #define SIZE 5 void clearTicket(int ticket[SIZE]); void printTicket(int ticket[SIZE]); int main() { int ticket[SIZE]; int number; int sentinel; int i; /* Simple instruction prompts for the user's benefit */ printf("\nWelcome to the … | |
Dear colleagues, I have a BIG headache when I wish to toggle window mode from fullscreen to windowed and vice-versa with DOS applications. I need first to know in which window mode is beeing exhibited in one session. Imeans in WINDOWED mode or FULLSCREEN mode. And I do not know … | |
For those who want to learn about windows, I leave the code I was looking for... "Programatically filling a ComboBox and setting it visible or invisible" [code] HWND hWndComboBox[10]; char numChar[20]; // String that contains a number converted to string int yPos = 160, xPos = 60; int counter1, counter2; … | |
hey ppl.. i`m searching for a nice software community. Can you provide a list wit other community like this? I want to make a comparation :) thank yoy, adrian | |
Hello. I made an command-line application. Now I want tomake an gui version but I don't know which GUI I should choose. I want the executable to have requirements for libaries while running (so I don't think about using GTK). I tried QT but I don't know if I can … | |
we have 2 face a problem in desiging a cell palcement techniqe using [U]force directed algorithm[/U] in VLSI. We have a matrix and want code of that relevant matrix to print that in c language.the matrix is as follow:- mod 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Sum … | |
how do i compare two strings or char.. otherthan using strcmp?? | |
I have this simple program that counts characters in a line as well as a specific character z and Z. I am trying to figure out the simplest way to output my results to a file "outfile.txt". any ideas? #include<stdio.h> #include<string.h> #include<stdlib.h> int main(void) { char string[80]; char *s; int … | |
ok...i'm new to this c language and i was wondering what am i supposed to do if the user enters a string that is longer than my array size. for our assignment, we're supposed to ask for the user's name and our array size is supposed to be 20 characters. … | |
Hi to all... In a MFC application, I need to change the background color of a drop down list - combo box control. IDC_MYCOMBO is the resource id and m_myCombo is the name of the control. I need to change the backcolor programmatically. Is there a way to achieve that? … | |
In the thread programming environment on the C language, we have to create a "struct" data structure if more than one arguments are needed. I need a two dimensional array on that struct. I got a syntax error when I declare it! The following is the code: [code=c] #include<stdio.h> #include … | |
hi, how to find out a point in a linked list there is a circular linked list i need to point out when the circular linked list has started in a linked list | |
I was trying to write the falling letters program in C but could not figure out a way to locate a letter on the screen and make its y axis decrese every lets say 1 second? If I use either printf or cout it print the letter in one line … | |
there appears an icon that has to move at a certain speed, everytime it appears you click on it and it increases speed after few clicks meaning the level is changing | |
Hello, I have a problem to print the whole string in argv[4]. here's my code #include<stdio.h> #include<string.h> #include<stdlib.h> #define XMAX 65 #define YMAX 32 char screen[XMAX][YMAX]; void printScreen(void); void fill(int, int, char[]); int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { FILE *in; int x, y,z; char a; if (argc!= 5) { fprintf(stderr,"Usage:\n\t%s … | |
Hi All, I am trying to convert an inputted user string into an array of ints, that will be used as hexadecimals. The user will only enter hex in the string. Does anyone know why the below code produces the following output. The first entry is incorrect, all the rest … | |
I have this dialog box: [code] IDD_GRUPO_NOMBRAR DIALOGEX 447, 19, 226, 263 STYLE DS_SETFONT | DS_SETFOREGROUND | WS_POPUP | WS_CAPTION EXSTYLE WS_EX_CONTEXTHELP | WS_EX_CONTROLPARENT CAPTION "Nombrar grupos" FONT 8, "Tahoma", 400, 0, 0x0 BEGIN CTEXT "Por favor numere los grupos",IDC_STATIC,65,8,92,8 GROUPBOX "Los grupos iguales deben tener el mismo nombre",IDC_STATIC,16,24,189,212,BS_CENTER | … | |
[code=c] char SerialGetc(HANDLE *hCom) { char rxchar; BOOL bReadRC; static DWORD iBytesRead; bReadRC = ReadFile(*hCom, &rxchar, 1, &iBytesRead, NULL); if (iBytesRead) return rxchar; else return 0; // return 0 if no character read }[/code] this is my code to receive data iam having doubt that in what format it can … | |
please help. i am a student and my teacher needs it till 2nd of September. please help my pass the class convert from decimal in binary or in the base of 8 numerical system, (it can be used the same interelation with the suitable parameters. Also, for the storage of … ![]() | |
How to check in windows Vista if DirectX 10 is installed? Sorry for wrong topic, you can MOVE it if you want. | |
iam having doubt on receiving data in serial port .from chipcon board iam receiving link quality packet to pc through serial port. i want to look the link quality value which i received from serial port in decimal (integer) value .i dont know how to see the received and sending … | |
plz help me with my program i want to create a program "LED Message Board Simulator" but i don't know how to start and to create them. can anyone give me example source code of that program? | |
hi. can you please tell me how to count digit which has genatreted by random number program? i.e= each time occurance of every digit means1,2,3,4........in a genareted random number? if you want to saw my effrot in this stuff,i can saw you it. thanks in advance to any one who … | |
hi,this is sandy patel. i need simeone's help as soon as possible. i discribe my problem as under: [B]Problem Statement: [/B]This problem requires you to generate a series of random numbers. There are many algorithms that have been developed for this purpose. One scheme generates pseudorandom numbers by performing a … | |
Hi.. I'm trying to write a simple program to include a c file in another one.. TEST1.c #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #include<test.c> void main() { printf("%c" str); getch(); } test.c #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> extern char str; void main() { str='A'; } Is somethin like this is possible??? Code didn't run successfully |
The End.